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AKA not mine~

Entries in this blog

The curious case of the disappearing member

Once upon a time, a user joined the forums. Around the end of May, it was, and she posted an intro thread as do many new users. It wasn't a super special intro post, but I responded to it and we hit off a little bit.   The post actually got pretty popular, gaining a second page due to the influx of replies. The user went on a posting spree... She was on top of the "Top 20 posters" list for a while. I was excited for a new friend and active user, one who was not only active but made quality pos

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Epic Fan Art 7

I wish I had time to do more posts in this blog.   RegolithX - My Protector Epic art that's close to show style. I likey.   AeronJVL - Rarity's search Ooh, look at that Rarity... Oh and also some mountains or something.   Devinian - Once upon a time in Equestria Make sure you expand the image to see its full glory. :3   WillDrawForFood1 - Daring Do Also cute. (And now... ZECORA TIME)   erosplosion - Forest Magic Da magics!   DaffyDream - Long way to Equestria Wait... Is

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Cute Fan Art 6

SageEarth - Lauren Faust The perfect header for Cute Fan Art <3   DeathPwny - Kallisti III Kite Time I'm in love with Rainbow Dash in this one.   WarmHandsInColdFog - Fluttershy Fluttercute amiright bros?   irishthorns - Shining Armor and Princess Cadence Best couple :3   Alasou - I'm a Wizard ! Twilight is cutest pony. There, I said it.   DeathPwny - Lots of Work That's Pinkie.   The Otterest Mod - (Unnamed) Took me ages to dredge up the source for this one but it was w

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Epic Fan Art 6

Gonna get off my lazy butt and make a post.   Cannibalus - Spike's dream I need to rewatch this episode.   Ankard - Dash Holy dimensions, that's huge!   Devinian - In the Everfree Forest Very dark, but I like.   vest - Another Day, Another Dungeon... Really in to Daring Do fan art recently. :3   Jiayi - Peek-a-boo (in black) Intense Nightmare Moon. Aw yeah.   Citlalicue - Loyalty But the best part is his description on DA. Check it out.

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Cute Fan Art 5

Alasou - Break Cute Fan Art could just turn into Alasou Fan Art at anytime...   johnjoseco - Building A Vessel to the Stars Spike's helmet made my day. <3   jggjqm522 - Cherry Jubilee Not much for the character, but very cute art here.   johnjoseco - Tea Party Dashie Dashie embracing her feminine side... I love it.   GigatronSama - We're on a boat! Crossed paths with a couple cute vectors that I decided to add. :3   Austiniousi - Cozy Spitfire Because believe it or

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Spike & Rarity Fan Art

Here goes... another cross-species ship. You can hate if you want, but you know it's cute. :3   ChiaroA - His Rarity Rarity's mane looks good down. :3   PostScripting - RariSpike cuddles Well, Sparity is obviously a better way to put it, but good art nonetheless.   PrinzeBurnzo - The soft hug Don'tcha just want to *boop* his little nose? :3   Mustang-Blaze - Nurse Rarity Nurse picture. Because reasons.   Incinerater - Moonlight Picnic Moonlight picnic? ... Probably not the onl

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Epic Fan Art 5

Yes, I scheduled my blog to update a few times this week while I'm gone. :3   jggjqm522 - I'm Mare do well Not sure if epic or cute.   AssasinMonkey - Trix Controlled Evil Trixie for the win!   NetTrip - RD Doesn't look quite like Dashie for some reason... Epic though.   72-Hours-Remain - Ferrystone Alicorn Twilight is best Twilight.   ThePleonasticPotato - Oh The Places You Will See Moar Trixie becuase Trixie.   VardasTouch - Field Good ol' Applejack being good ol' Apple

Cute Fan Art 4

Let's get cute up in this blog. :3   jggjqm522 - Commander Hurricane Reminds me of Alasou's stuff. In other words super cute.   jggjqm522 - Muffin! Muffin! Muffin! Hopefully this will satisfy you Derpy enthusiasts. :3   sophiecabra - Square Series - The Cutie Mark Crusaders Cute... It's in their name.   jj-bb - Sleepy Shy [uPDATED] Sleepy Shy is sleepy. And adorable.   otakuap - Just Pinkie There's nothing "just" about Pinkie. >.o   Killryde - Pinkity Sweet Celesti

Epic Fan Art 4

My bad on Fluttershy Fan Art getting bumped somehow... To make up for it here's ten epic pictures. Hope you enjoy! Leave a rating and a comment, I'm open to suggestions for themes!   fedte - Dragon Slayers Epic fight scene... BEGIN.   `vest - Dare The quality of this picture makes me happy. :')   cmaggot - Adventure This has long been in my desktop rotation. Love it.   MoreVespenegas - The World Snake Apparently, this is from a fanfic. If you're interested, I found a link.   Devini

Fluttershy Fan Art

7/4 Sorry this somehow got bumped when I was changing the category for it. New blog post coming this evening.   J151 - Humble Dose eyes... Dose wings... so cute!   Alasou - Pom pom pom Alasou again. One of my favorite artists. ^.^   Alasou - Cherry Blossom Fluttershy Fluttershy in sawks. :3 Also, the second of three by Alasou today.   DerpiliciousPony - So Many Wonders Very bright. Maybe because RD's sonic rainboom is going off.   pridark - Surprise No words here.   Alas

Wallpapers 2

TViral - Flying Rainbow Dash Wallpaper     doubleWbrothers - Movie Night Wallpaper   karl97885 - The Night Lady   romus91 - Intense music   Tzolkine - Octavia   Tzolkine - Twilight's Destiny   WarpOut - RDGhastlyGorge   Zedrin - Armor of Shadow

Celestia & Discord Fan Art

Oh boy, here we go. I thought I hated this ship, until I found all this wonderful fan art of it. Sorry if this post is a little off-the-mark, I just couldn't help myself.   Rinikka - Young Dislestia I prefer the term "Celescord" but what can you do? Cute. :3   hikariviny - The royal family Seriously... Their baby would be so cute.   hikariviny - The... pony... prince? Lion King reference FTW.   Anima-dos - Tangled Thanks to CITRUS KING46 for the source. One of my all-time favorite fa

Cute Fan Art 3

This is just your friendly reminder to please rate these entries with the star rating system above to let me know how you like them! And comment below with what you would like to see. Xaztein - "My Plush!" Cute Twilight is best cute pony.   Alasou - Costume Swap party Juicebox Rainbow Dash. <3   Xaztein - Royal Vacation Luna's mane is unique and awesome in this one.   Xaztein - Flutters cheering for RD Well that's just amazing!   Xaztein - "Towards Destiny" Wow, if we get

Epic Fan Art 3

Dsurion - The Evil Trinity This is so good in so many ways. Also, a little break from Sombra, lol.   Mewball - I'll Never Abandon You Here's a couple feels-y pieces of art with Twilight and Spike. :3   C-Puff - Please don't send me away Second one. ;_;   SpaceKitty - Ominous Skies This one makes me really sad. Now go listen to "Lullaby for a Princess"!   Huussii - King of the Forest Talk about worst villain death in the history of ever...   ouyrof - Lost This blog doesn't ha

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

King Sombra Fan Art

I just recently found (and desktopped) a bunch of King Sombra artwork. Enjoy!   Also, if you want more pony check out my DeviantArt favorites. Not everything I favorite makes it into a blog post.   cmaggot - King Sombra This is probably my favorite picture of Sombra ever.   slifertheskydragon - Sombra A wallpaper of epicness.   WillisNinety-Six - Death is the Only Escape Oh my... I just love this scene.   Valkyrie-Girl - King Sombra This is totally Sombra's facebook picture.  

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Epic Fan Art 2

peasantb - True Story Because what would "Epic Fan Art" be without TEH GRATE AND POWURFULL TRIXEH?   johnjoseco - Waiting for that Somepony This guy is extremely talented. Like, really.   pridark - Dont Think You are Better Than Me Wonderful Dashie, don'tcha think? :3   Kaliptro2 - Dawn Luna's mane caught in the sunrise? Brilliant!   peasantb - Sky Marshall Special thanks to DashForever for linking me to this wonderful Dashie.   karl97885 - The Guards Some random OCs, but they lo

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle


Let's start out with a series! Unfortunately, an AJ one does not exist. :/   UtterlyLudicrous - [Pinkie Pie WP]   UtterlyLudicrous - [Rainbow Dash WP]   UtterlyLudicrous - [Rarity WP]   UtterlyLudicrous - [Fluttershy WP]   UtterlyLudicrous - [Twilight WP]   Jamey4 - Alone in the Night   StrangeMoose - Balance   impala99 - Twilight Empire

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Cute Fan Art 2

johnjoseco - Five Second Rule Filly Applejack? K.   johnjoseco - Kallisti Art Live Event Request 1: Derpy Cannon Another by johnjoseco! This needs to happen in the show, amiright?   selinmarsou - Family Picnic SHADENCE. MOST ADORABLE LIVING THING EVER.   Alasou - Coffee time If you're not watching Alasou on DeviantArt... what are you doing with life?   Let's wrap up this entry with a comic! Enjoy~ :3   Source - Ask Young Pinkamena

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Rainbow Dash Fan Art

Here's a new series - Character specific! Let's start with good ole RD.   Saphamia - Pegasi Expressions: Priceless.   fra-92 - Free Sky Wow. Rainbow blending into the tail just makes this all the awesome-er.   Polex-P - Rainbow on cloud I just want to wub her tummy. :3   Sokolas - Innocent Dash Very well drawn. 10/10 Would hug.   Mattings - Wing Snack Totes adorbs.   StrangeMoose - That Other Cutie! Blushing Dashie... Need I say more?

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Epic Fan Art

IamtehPILOT - Escape from the city. Rainbow Dash vs. the changelings with NO REGRETS.   AeronJVL - Hanging by the Edge Dat view!   Tyruas - Rainbow Dash (A Nod To Miyazaki) This is in my signature. It's so epic I can't even.   Huussii - Sleepless in Ponyville This one makes me really really want to step though the internetz and into this wonderful place. <3   Palibyte - Rabewo Deish Good for desktopping >.o   AeronJVL - Path to Canterlot Another one by Aeron, whatta beast

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Cute Fan Art

[source] - Romance Too much d'awww in this one! I love Shining Armor & Cadence.   [source] - Little Princess Sisters I always fall for filly Princesses.   [source] - School Break Here's hoping for more backstory of younger Twili & Shining!   [source] - And Then Daring Do... I love Scoots' wall here. :3   [source] - Age Spell: PIRATES ! Captain! Cuteness overload! Abandon ship!   [source] - Movie Night Wallpaper This is quite a magical scene. Twilight's all "SLUMBER PARTAA

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Welcome to "Good Fan Art"

So here's a new blog.   If you're ever looking for good fan art, stop by and take a gander.   I'll make semi-regular blog posts, each one themed different. Main categories will be "cute," "epic," and "wallpaper".   Each post will have only around 5-10 images for ease of navigating. Sources will always be linked for convenience.   Yay!   [source] - Run While You Still Can...

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

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