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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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The Batbrony Family Rises - Marriage and Puppy and Career Change and Self Discovery and Baby, Oh My!!

Good evening, everypony!      Wait, that's not right...     Ehhhhhhhhh, that's a bit more serious of an entrance than I'm going for here. Let's see... ah, here we go!     Perfect! Reserved, classic, and sophisticated, that's how we do it up in here!    Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, me! Yes, it's me! I'm here, uh, in this moment where life isn't pulling me in four different directions, none of which unfortunately lead to MLP

Batbrony Returns

Fillies and gentlecolts... Yes, I'm back! Well, never really left actually, but I can understand if anypony believed that I'd become but one of the thousands of bronies who've abandoned the fandom and fanfic authors who've abandoned their stories and left them to rot in an unfinished purgatory for the rest of time. I mean, my last chapter was added, let's see *counts his fingers* holy crap, 2017?! I haven't uploaded a chapter since 2017??? Man, I'm sorry guys, truly. In my defense, I h



Batbrony's Girlfriend Wants to Start a Business - Wedding Business Survey

We have questions for you, darlings!  Lots and lots of questions.  Good morning, everypony, how's everyone doing?  I apologize I haven't been as active on the forums as I have been in the past, but let me assure you all that I'm still around and love this place as much as ever.  If it's not too much trouble, however, I have a quick question for you all that relates to some of my own real life affairs.  You see, my girlfriend has recently decided that she'd like to look into starting her own



Batbrony Reviews "My Little Pony: The Movie"

Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Well, I have some catching up to do on a few very important reviews, and what better place to start than with the momentous "My Little Pony: The Movie" (2017).  The first feature length film featuring the canon ponies of Generation 4 (not counting the previous first Equestria Girls film that had a limited theatrical run, though it is worth pointing out that those were not considered canon when first released, bu



Meet Topaz Blossom: In Which Batbrony Introduces His Girlfriend's OC

Good evening, everypony, and once again a very Merry Christmas to you all!  I hope everypony has had a splendid holiday today and a wonderful time celebrating with anyone they can, be it family or friends!  I've been meaning to do this for some time now, but I figured now's as good of a time as any considering the holiday season is all about spending time with those we love, and in turn getting to share that love with as many people as we can.  While my beloved girlfriend and I have not gotten t



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E24 - Uncommon Bond"

Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  It's the penultimate episode of Season 7 folks (considering the upcoming season finale is, as we would expect, a two-parter), and given how those have gone throughout the show's tenure, I think it's safe to say that most of us were very much anticipating this one.  Let's rundown how penultimate episodes in previous seasons have gone as a quick recap: in Season 1 we were graced with "Party of One," easily Pinki



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E23 - Secrets and Pies"

Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  This week, we've got a flawed but still solid addition to Season 7, starring Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in a fun little romp where the insanity and hilarity that unfolds (and the entertainment we derive from it) is probably more important than the lesson itself.  It's a curious episode, not because what it does is particularly unique, because it isn't; in fact, this episode seems to quite deliberately lift fr



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E22 - Once Upon a Zeppelin"

Good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Well at this point it shouldn't be any surprise that this season we were delivered yet another very exceptional episode, but here we are again, and boy oh boy was this one a long time coming for a very big reason.  We all know by now that family and legacy have been the two major themes of Season 7, and this week the show hit on that theme yet again with a major appearance (for the first time ever in the show)



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E21 - Marks and Recreation"

Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  This week's episode, while not quite as surprisingly excellent as last week's, was still, nonetheless, quite exceptional for what it was.  Our last Cutie Mark Crusader episode of the season, "Marks and Recreation" features the CMC starting a Cutie Mark day camp for blank flanks, mostly so that they can help more than one at a time.  However, trouble arises when Rumble decides he'd rather remain a blank flank tha



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E20 - A Health of Information"

Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Goodness me, at this point the amount of exceptional episodes this season has become so commonplace that it's almost starting to lose its effect.  But just almost.  This past week we had yet another delight of an episode in "A Health of Information," and easily Fluttershy's best episode of the season.  It was well-paced, well-written, had great appearances from new and old characters, and a side of its main char



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E19 - It Isn't the Mane Thing About You"

As should be VERY evident in this thread, the fandom artist community pretty much exploded after this episode  Good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  First of all, apologies for getting this review out so late.  Just been having trouble making time for it over the last few days on account of a whole lot of exciting real life stuff that's been happening.  But that will be saved for another day, for now, onto the episode itself!  Without further ado



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E18 - Daring Done?"

Good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm posting my review of this latest episode so early.  Well, while I normally always wait to write a review until after an episode has officially aired on Saturdays, I felt I had to make an exception this week since my girlfriend is briefly visiting me today and Saturday.  If I waited, that'd leave me only Saturday evening and Sunday to catch up on this new episode and write m



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E17 - To Change a Changeling"

Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  The hits just keep on coming in Season 7 with, yet again, another episode that was more than exceptional.  In fact, I'd go so far as to say that "To Change a Changeling" was downright inspired in certain moments, especially in its writing.  Let's not waste any more time dawdling on introductions and just get to it, without further ado, this is "To Change a Changeling"! Starlight Glimmer and Trixie - Imperfe



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E16 - Campfire Tales"

"And then... the brash, hotheaded, boastful pegasus Prism Sprint painted ALL of the Peach family's peaches as a prank along with the earth pony who eats too much sugar, Blue Brownie, costing the Peach family an incalculable amount of loss in time, labor, and product!  OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"  "Why does this story sound familiar when I've never heard it before?"  "Just think about it, sugar cube, I'm sure it'll come to ya eventually."  Good afternoon everypony, and welcome back to another



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E15 - Triple Threat"

Good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Wooh, goodness gracious me was this episode a breath of fresh air!  Now, do not get me wrong, this whole season has been incredibly exceptional, but sometimes you need a break from the incredible.  What exactly do I mean?  Well... to be blunt, the last five episodes have ranged from very exceptional (in "Not Asking for Trouble" and "Discordant Harmony") to divisive for very good reason (in "Fame and Misfortune")



"Batmare Begins" - Flint Meets Steel is Now Up!!!

Afternoon everypony! After a far too long of a hiatus, I am happy to announce that the latest chapter of Batmare Begins, "Flint Meets Steel," is now officially up! If you're a first time reader of it, you can click here to get to the fic itself. A huge thank you to my long time followers for your patience and understanding, and I hope you very much enjoy the chapter! To any new readers, likes, favorites, and follows are always appreciated, and to all of you, as always feel free to leave comments



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E14 - Fame and Misfortune"

Well then... that was... odd.  Certainly not bad, and I don't even find myself disagreeing with the lesson of this episode, but it was quite odd to watch to say the least.  I honestly don't think we've ever had an episode as blatantly meta as "Fame and Misfortune," and it leaves me in a strange place when it comes to reviewing it.  But I'm gonna try my best, since it's still an episode of MLP, and like I said, not a bad one, even if I don't know completely how I feel about it.  Without further a



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E13 - The Perfect Pear"

This very special edition of "Batbrony Reviews" is dedicated to Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco (episode writers), Kaylea Chard and Jae Harm (episode storyboard artists), "Big" Jim Miller (episode director), Daniel Ingram (episode music), Felicia Day (Pear Butter), William Shatner (Grand Pear), Bill Newton (Bright McIntosh), Ashleigh Ball (Applejack), Michelle Creber (Apple Bloom), Peter New (Big McIntosh and Goldie Delicious), Tabitha St. Germain (Granny Smith and Mrs. Cake/Chiffon Swirl), Bil



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E12 - Discordant Harmony"

Good morning, everypony, and welcome back from the U.S. mid-season hiatus of MLP Season 7 to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Well, we had a double heaping of some truly exceptional MLP goodness yesterday (well, rather I should say we had a heaping of great goodness followed by a mountain of "HOLY BUCK THAT WAS THE MOST AMAZING INCREDIBLE SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN!!!" but, eh, details, details), so let's not waste anymore time and dive right into the first new episode of the day (and first new



Batbrony Reviews "Equestria Girls: 'Dance Magic,' 'Movie Magic,' and 'Mirror Magic'

Good evening everypony, and welcome back to yet another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Tonight I'll be looking at the three recent EQG "shorts" (only in the sense that rather than feature length films they were simply episode-length affairs) "Dance Magic," "Movie Magic," and "Mirror Magic."  These will all be included in one review since, unlike my normal fare, the reviews for all three of these should be considerably shorter.  Without further ado, let's dive in, this is "Equestria Girls: 'Danc



Batbrony's Bat-tastic Time With His Out-Of-This-Bat-World Girlfriend!!!

Good afternoon, everypony!  Well, I have no reviews for you at this time, but what I do have is 110% Grade A adorableness.  I'm so sorry, I just can't help but gush over the simply wonderful girlfriend that God has so richly blessed me with that I just had to introduce you all to her (rest assured she knows about this and said she's more than happy to have me introduce her to my pony fam ).  So then, everypony, meet Julianna (or just Juli for short as she usually goes by, but isn't Julianna just



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E11 - Not Asking for Trouble"

Good evening, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!!!  Well, the midseason finale has arrived, and while I can't say that our final episode before the Season 7 mid-season hiatus was amazing, it was still a very, very decent episode that was very enjoyable to watch.  Not flawless, but not in a maddening way whatsoever.  This should prove to be a fairly short episode review since there's not too much to cover, so without further ado, let's begin, this is "Not Asking



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E10 - A Royal Problem"

Ya know, switching their coffee instead of their cutie marks might have honestly been a more dangerous move on Starlight's part Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!!!  Well, after the horror that was "Hard to Say Anything," and the mixed results of "Honest Apple," we needed something extra special to wipe the bade taste of those two episodes out of our mouths.  After today's episode, I am very happy to say that we got just that and so much mo



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E9 - Honest Apple"

Ahhhhhhhh, good evening everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"!  Well, this week's episode review should be shorter and considerably less angry than last week's for a few reasons: (1) this episode was far less infuriating, (2) I'm in a splendid mood after seeing "Wonder Woman" this weekend, and (3) I need to write a shorter episode review in general.  So without further ado, let's begin and dive into "Honest Apple." Now, while this episode is far superior to th



Batbrony Reviews "S07:E8 - Hard to Say Anything"

Hey kids, it's your friendly, neighborhood Batbrony!  Gee whiz, another Saturday, another new episode of MLP, boy oh boy I sure am excited!  Well, let's embark on what shall surely be an enlightening and fulfilling experience for all of us and watch another new episode of our favorite show, MLP!!! *one episode of I don't know what the buck I just watched later* ... No really, what in the hell did I just watch?  Because it sure as hay wasn't MLP!  Uh-uh, I refuse to call



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