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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Reviews "S05:E18 - Crusaders of the Lost Mark"

Good afternoon, everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews"! Sorry I'm a bit later than usual, but I was just starving and had to get some lunch after the new episode. Well now... that seriously just happened. And, I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda perfect. This was something else, really, even by this show's standards. A day we've all been waiting for for a long, long, LONG time has finally come, and quite frankly, in true DHX fashion, they did it better than really I th



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E17 - Brotherhooves Social"

Good morning everypony, and welcome back to yet another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Well, I must say this week we had a very... unique episode. This is definitely one of those episodes that's in a category of its own, and in all the right ways, I must say. I don't have a whole lot to say about it since most of it was schtick and comedic gags, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. Without further ado, this is "Brotherhooves Social."     So let's start with the, surprisingly enoug



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E16 - Made in Manehattan"

OK, good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Quite a lovely episode this morning if I do say so myself, though not a terribly mind blowing one, but hey, that's just fine. Aside from it's somewhat fast pace, this felt like a somewhat more contained episode, if only because it was limited to a particular neighborhood in Manehattan. I don't have a whole lot to say about this one, but let's dive in, shall we?     Oh come on, it can't possibly b



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E15 - Rarity Investigates"

Good morning everypony, welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." My my, looky here, we've got ourselves another Rarity episode this morning (and another one after that! Dear Lord, this is simply the season of Rarity, isn't it?! ). And what an episode it was. I have made it no secret in the past that "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" is my all time LEAST FAVORITE episode of MLP; it's incredibly stupid, boring, convoluted, and relies on many main characters acting incredibly stup



Batbrony Reviews "S05:E14 - Canterlot Boutique"

Alrighty, welcome, welcome, welcome back everypony to another edition of Batbrony Reviews! After a 2 month hiatus Season 5 is back in business! And my, my, is it back in business indeed. It's never a bad thing to start things off with a Rarity episode; I don't believe she's ever had a truly weak episode unlike other main characters like Pinkie Pie or the CMC. Not that most of the characters ever have weak episodes, but Rarity's are especially of a consistent high quality, and in my opinion "Ca



"Batmare Begins": Second of Two New Chapters Uploaded!

Afternoon everypony! As promised yesterday, the second of two new chapters for Batmare Begins has been uploaded to Fimfiction. If you're a first time reader and end up enjoying it, likes, favorites, follows, and comments/feedback are always appreciated (as of this point, I'm only 1 like away from 100, let's do this ya'll!!! ). Whether you're a first-time reader or a longtime one of mine, I'd love for any of you to take a look at my fic; I'll take any and all the support I can get, after all, t



Batmare Begins: New Chapter and HOLY BUCK I FINALLY GOT FEATURED!

Good afternoon, citizens of MLP Forums! Do you know what it's time for? It's time... for some shameless self-promotion!!!     That's right Kermit, yay indeed. But first, I've got some exciting, super-duper, awesome, stupendous, fabulous, muffinlicious news (for me ). I... finally got featured on Fimfiction!!!     Yup, there it is, second to last on the feature page! And let me tell you, it was the most anti-climactic thing ever! No, really, I have no idea how it happ



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E13 - Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?"

OK, so... wow, way to end the first half of Season 5 on a high note, am I right?! Welcome back everypony to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews," and holy cow, was that quite the episode! I literally have nothing bad to say about this one, at all, so very much like the "Slice of Life" episode review, this review's going to be more of a big ol' text of fangasming more than anything else. Without further ado, let's jump right into "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?"   So before we get to the



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E12 - Amending Fences"

OK, welcome back everypony to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Gonna try to keep this one on the short side of things since I got some 4th of July activities to get to, so let's get started. Overall, this was a delightful episode! It had good characterization of both new and old characters, some really cool additions to show canon, hearkened back to A LOT of Season 1 bits from the very first episode even, and addressed a good issue very soundly. First of all, I thought Twilight and Spi



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E11 - Party Pooped"

OK, welcome back everypony to another addition of "Batbrony Reviews." Today's episode is a... perplexing one. Not so much because of the shenanigans, that's to be expected with almost any Pinkie Pie-centered episode, but largely because of the pacing and the execution of the "moral," if you want to call it that. That's not to say it was a bad episode, just kind of puzzling. Without further ado, let's take a look at "Party Pooped."     Beaver-yak is best yak.   So to



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E10 - Princess Spike"

OK, welcome back everypony to another addition of "Batbrony Reviews." So after last week's bit of amazing that was the 100th episode, unsurprisingly I don't have quite as much to say about this new episode as I did last week. That's not to say I didn't enjoy, there were quite a few elements that I liked about it, it just didn't come anywhere close to the levels of awesome that "Slice of Life" did. Without further ado, let's take a look at "Princess Spike."   So first of all, let's talk abou



Batbrony Reviews MLP's 100th Episode - "Slice of Life"

*takes a deep breath* Well now... that was certainly an experience, wasn't it? :comeatus: This... all of this... where do I even begin? Welcome back, everypony, to the 100th episode edition of "Batbrony Reviews." If we're going to start somewhere, I suppose it's best to start by saying just what this was, at least in my own opinion. This was everything I expected, everything I did not expect, and so very much more. It was basically a fanfiction made into an episode, if you want to be blunt, but



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E08 - The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone"

OK, welcome back everypony to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews". This week, we're looking at "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone". My apologies for the late review, the weekend's just been a bit wonky is all. So to start, I really liked this episode. It was our second "Cutie Mark Map" episode of the season (and the first to feature simply a pair of the Mane 6 rather than the whole bunch, a pattern that I imagine we will see repeated this season a few more times), and just like the first t



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E07 - Make New Friends But Keep Discord"

Welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews." This week, oh gosh... so Discord finally had his "Lesson Zero" moment. One would've thought that it might've been in "Keep Calm and Flutter On" before this episode, but nope, this was definitely it. Poor dude went off the deep end from almost the first minute to the last. And ya know what...     I didn't just like it, I LOVED it! This episode... oh my goodness, this episode. My one complaint is that it wasn't longer, just because



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E06 - Appleoosa's Most Wanted"

OK, welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews". This week's review should be pretty darn short, actually, just cause there's not a whole lot to say about this episode. That's not to say that "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" was a disappointing episode or anything, it was just a... an average Slice of Life episode, that's all. That's not a bad thing, no sir, every season's had its average episodes to be sure. I guess I was personally hoping for some more references to Western movies given the



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E05 - Tanks for the Memories"

Welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews". First of all, I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there this morning to watch the episode with everypony else; for those of you who don't know, I was volunteering as a judge for the Michigan state finals for National History Day in Lansing. It was a blast, I got to hang out with some of my fellow WMU grad friends, and also read some great papers and meet some bright young students, so it was well worth the absence, even though I missed you guys t



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E04 - Bloom and Gloom"

Welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews"! OK, well this is definitely a... hard episode to talk about. I've changed my vote once already from 'liked it' to 'loved it', but I'm going to change it back to 'liked it' as soon as I'm done writing this review. There are I things that I really loved about this episode, and things that I... well, just didn't really care for. Let's start with the... I don't want to say bad, but, how about, let's start with the 'meh'.   The episode got very



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E03 - Castle Sweet Castle"

Alrighty, welcome back everypony to another "Batbrony Reviews". Second week of new episodes, third episode of the season, and the first proper Slice of Life episode of Season 5. Let's get this show on the road: this is "Batbrony Reviews: S05: E03 - Castle Sweet Castle".   In my honest opinion, this was a perfect transition into the primarily Slice of Life format that will more than likely make up the bulk of Season 5's episodes, as has been the case with all other past seasons, and that's real



"Batmare Begins": New Chapter Uploaded

As promised last week, a brand spanking new chapter of Batmare Begins has just been uploaded, which you can find here. I want to thank all of my followers for their patience and continued support, and to anyone who hasn't yet checked out my story, I'd really love it if you gave it a chance! If any new readers like it enough, likes, favorites, and follows are always appreciated, as are comments and feedback on what I might do to improve the story. Hope those of you who read the chapter like it, a



Easter with a side of JUSTICE: New "Batmare Begins" Chapter Uploaded

Evening everypony, I hope you've all had a Happy and Blessed Easter Sunday! I just wanted to let you all know that I've just uploaded a new chapter of my first and, to date, only fanfiction, Batmare Begins, which you can find here. I want to thank all of my friends and fic followers for their patience and continued support, and to anyone who hasn't yet checked out my story, I'd really love it if you gave it a chance! The story stars everypony's favorite mailmare, Derpy Hooves, as she embarks on



Batbrony Reviews "MLP S05:E1+2 - The Cutie Map"

Alright, alright, alright everypony, we are back in business. Welcome back, yet again, to another Batbrony Reviews. Did ya'll miss me? Cause I missed you! Season 5 is underway, and quite frankly I couldn't be happier with how things have gone so far. This season's already established for itself a pretty unique feel compared to previous seasons, so let's jump right in and take a look at what I thought worked so very well in these first two episodes. This is Batbrony Reviews "S05:E1+2 - The Cutie



Batbrony's Fanfiction: "Batmare Begins" Update

Hey ya'll, just wanted to give ya an update on my ongoing fanfic, Batmare Begins. It's been awhile since I updated it, but I just wanted to reassure any longtime readers of mine that yes, I am still writing it with every intention of finishing it. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a new chapter posted before the New Year; I'll definitely have a lot more time to write once the semester ends this week.   To anyone who has yet to read Batmare Begins, I am always happy to have new readers, and would



Batbrony Reviews "Rainbow Rocks"

Hey, hey, hey everypony, long time no see! Man, been awhile since I churned out one of these puppies. Well, let's dive right into it, starting with the most basic question of them all. Did I like this movie?   Surprisingly, yes, I did, I enjoyed it quite a lot. This didn't shock me just because, by the time I got around to seeing it, it'd already had quite a bit of good word of mouth going around online, but still, I loathed so many things about Equestria Girls that, to enjoy Rainbow Rocks as




Hey, hey, hey ya'll, guess what? I just released a new chapter of Batmare Begins, that's what! This latest chapter is fairly short, but has a lot of important developments all the same. If you'd like, head on over and give it a look. If you're a first time reader of my fic, any likes, favorites, follows, comments or critiques are always appreciated. Just click on the link below to get redirected to my fic on Fimfiction. Enjoy everypony!   Batmare Begins, Chapter 8: The Potter's B




Hey guys! Just wanted to let ya'll know that I've got a new chapter up of my ongoing first fanfiction, Batmare Begins, a crossover fanfiction in which Derpy (yes, you read that right ) gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that sets her on a path which will eventually result in her donning a certain cape and cowl. If you'd like to check it out, maybe the fic in general for the first time, I'd very much appreciate it along with any feedback you might be able to give. Just click on the link below



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