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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Reviews "S04:E09 - Pinkie Apple Pie"

Wow, wow, wow, has Season 4 hit its stride or what?! We've had two phenomenal episodes back-to-back the last two weeks, and I can only imagine things are going to get better from here. "Pinkie Apple Pie" hit all the right notes and, well, for the first time this season I'm facing a conundrum that I love to face but don't get to that often: I don't know what my favorite episode this season is anymore. Seriously, between "Rarity Takes Manehatten's" fabulosity and the goofy and heartwarming episode



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E08 - Rarity Takes Manehattan"

Well, well, well, "Rarity Takes Manehattan", our first episode starring Rarity since "Sweet and Elite" way back in Season 2. Before I get into the review proper, I suppose I should start things off by just coming out and saying that this was, by far, my favorite single shot episode of the season thus far, namely because more than any other Season 4 episode we've seen so far, "Rarity Takes Manehattan" especially captured the slice-of-life feel that embodied the majority of episodes in the first



Merry Belated Christmas: "Batmare Begins" Chapter Entries and Fic News

Hello one and all! Just posting this blog post to celebrate the publishing of the last of four recently completed chapters for "Batmare Begins" and give ya'll some news about what comes next. As it now stands, the fic is 6 chapters and +55,000 words long. This'll be the last chapter released for a little while. I'm busy getting underway writing Chapter 7, and even though I'm also getting started with a new part time job, with the holidays coming to a close things should be a little less craz



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E07 - Bats!"

OK, just got done watching it. Sorry I wasn't here once again for the premiere everypony; my grandparents were leaving town this morning and we were having breakfast with them at their hotel. Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas this past week! Anyways, let's get this review going.   So "Bats!"... this was not my favorite episode of Season 4 so far, nor would I say it was one of my favorite. I will say that I'm glad that this week's episode addressed a lesson that directly affected the girls



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E06 - Power Ponies"

*sigh* Let's see now, what do we have this week from the ponies?     A superhero episode? DHX made another superhero episode? And it's not just one superhero, it's pretty much parodying every single thing you could possibly parody about comic books and superheroes???   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swbnsL7ANiQ   Oh my goodness, dis gon' be good!!! :comeatus: If you'll excuse me everypony...   *one epic viewing later*   http



Cheesehead Whackiness in the Wonderful, Whimsical Land of Wisconsin!

Behold... God's Country   Good evening everypony (at least evening to those of us in the Western Hemisphere)! Not much of a blog for ya'll tonight, but I just wanted to give you all a quick explanation as to why I will be absent for the next couple of days. Shocking as it may sound, I, the Batbrony, one of the biggest superhero-obsessed members of the forums, will be missing the premiere of "Power Ponies" tomorrow *cue the inevitable forum-wide gasp*. Now, in most instances I would co



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E05 - Flight to the Finish"

"Flight to the Finish", our first Cutie Mark Crusaders-centric episode of Season 4, actually surprised me in many ways and was, believe it or not, better than I expected it to be. Maybe that was largely because until today, I kind of expected this episode to end with Scootaloo flying; now, that would've been pretty heartwarming I'm sure, but maybe just a little too heartwarming, a little too Mary Sue-ish, shall we say. Such an ending, in hindsight, might've been too upbeat, especially given th



Batbrony Reviews " S04:E04 - Daring Don't"

OK, "Daring Don't", the fourth episode of Season 4. Honestly, I'm kind of a bit split on this episode. Overall I think it's a solid one, but some very big plot points within it especially bothered me, so I'll cover those first in my review.   First of all, the twist that A. K. Yearling (and can I just reiterate again that that play on J.K. Rowling's name is fantastic! ) is in fact the real Daring Do, while epic on quite a few levels, also bothered me a bit, as did parts of her characterization



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia"

After the home run that was the Season 4 premiere, "Castle Mane-ia" was the perfect episode to get the season proper underway. After watching it twice I can honestly say that, in my opinion, this is one of the funniest episodes of MLP to date, and a very clever one too, even if it does utilize the "group of friends unknowingly all in the same creepy location" trope (which I actually thought was a sweet homage to shows such as the original "Scooby Doo" that frequently utilized that same trope, d



Batbrony Reviews "S04:E01+02 - Princess Twilight Sparkle"

All righty, Season 4 is underway, and you know what that means! That's right, it's time for another season of reviews, starting with today's first and second episodes of Season 4, "Princess Twilight Sparkle: Part 1 and Part 2".   Let's start by getting a big elephant in the room out of the way: retconning Twilight's flying abilities. We've known for quite some time that the writers were pretty much entirely retconning her being able to fly perfectly fine at the end of the Season 3 finale for t



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E12 - Games Ponies Play"

Oh me oh my, "Games Ponies Play" very pleasantly surprised me, and considering it employed the "misunderstanding" cliche, that's saying something! Let's get this review going!   Holy crap, RAINBOW DAD IS CANON!!!!!!!!!!   Well first of all, having an ensemble episode involving all of the Mane 6 once again (basically the first one we'd had since "Spike At Your Service") was really great! Being a shorter season, we didn't have too many of those in Season 3, and that's a shame,



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E11 - Just for Sidekicks"

Gosh dang, this episode tried to fit A LOT in, and boy howdy did it ever! Quite a bit to cover in this one, so let's get going.   First of all, "Just for Sidekicks" might be the funniest Spike episode yet! Much as we all love the little guy, I think it's safe to say that his best role is as a comedic character, and that's certainly what we got in today's episode. The gem eating (or losing) was too rich, his "WHYYYYYYY" at the beginning and end of the episode was a nice extension of and homage



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure"

Wow, just... just wow. "Magical Mystery Cure" was one heck of a season finale, and it did not disappoint in the slightest! Not gonna lie, I'm feeling the liquid pride big time right now! Well, now that I've seen it, it's time to collect my thoughts about the whole of Season 3 in general. So, here it is everypony, my full review of Season 3 of MLP: FiM, including my thoughts on "Magical Mystery Cure". Enjoy!   The Story   Although the shortest season thus far, Season 3 proved to quite possibl



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E10 - Keep Calm and Flutter On"

The return of Discord was about as epic as I could've hoped it would be, so let's get down to this review and look at just what was so great about "Keep Calm and Flutter On".   Well, first of all, this was a great Fluttershy episode, perhaps the best yet, because, unlike most of her other episodes, which have usually dwelt on her own insecurity or hidden strengths, this episode was possibly the first Fluttershy episode to ever really focus on her greatest strength, that being, her kindness. No



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E09 - Spike at Your Service"

Well, this episode was far better than it had any right to be; I mean, c'mon, we've seen this premise a thousand and one times before. Somepony saves somepony else's life, and the other pony feels the need to repay them, and inevitably conflict ensues, whether because they aren't good at helping, their help gets abused, or the one who saved them doesn't feel comfortable getting their help. But my gosh, was the execution good or what?!?! DHX went and did it again, crafting yet another excellen



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E08 - Apple Family Reunion"

Sweet applesauce, "Apple Family Reunion" was undoubtedly the best Applejack episode ever!!! Lot of things to cover for this one, so let's begin, shall we?   First of all, this episode was wonderfully executed and paced, and that is no small feat considering this episode was covering a family reunion of all things!!! But did this episode just have the family reunion? Heck no, we had back story on the reunion, preparation for the reunion, and the reunion itself of all things, and yet at no point



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E07 - Wonderbolts Academy"

Oh my goodness, "Wonderbolts Academy" is a wonderful episode!!! Probably up to that point in time my least favorite of Season 3, but that's not saying much, it was still an absolutely fantastic episode!!!!! It's probably just because most of it was a little more standard for their episodes, and they're getting into the middle of the season stride where episodes don't always blow ya out of the water at every turn. But there was still a whole lot that I loved about this episode!!!! So let's begin!



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E06 - Sleepless in Ponyville"

All righty then, time for an in-depth analysis of "Sleepless in Ponyville". Let's see, what was awesome about it? Well, what wasn't!!!   First of all, Scootaloo finally got an episode; after 57 episodes, it was long overdue, and it certainly didn't disappoint. Scoots got plenty of screen time, and really started to flesh out as a character in this episode; we know now without a doubt that she more than anything wants to be like RD, but at the same time, she's still a filly, and her nightmares



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E05 - Magic Duel"

Once again, another home run from DHX!!!! Let's run through what I love, love, LOVED about "Magic Duel"!   (1) Trixie's return certainly did not disappoint, and it was very cool to see another ancient magical object introduced in the Alicorn Amulet (i.e. earlier we had the Mirror Pool), not to mention the fact that Alicorn is officially now a canon term within the show.   *in best Ben Stein voice* For dry, red eyes, Clear Eyes is awesome. Wow.   (2) Fluttershy was absolutel



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E04 - One Bad Apple"

Ah, "One Bad Apple": there was a lot, I mean, A LOT, that I loved about this episode!!!!! So let's begin.   1) First, it was a joy to see the CMC once again. All three of their VA's have shown that they've further honed and sharpened their skills between seasons, as all three of them stood out tremendously and uniquely in their own ways. Honestly, this might be the best CMC episode yet, largely because it focused both on the CMC organization itself (that'd be awesome if it actually starts expa



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E03 - Too Many Pinkie Pies"

Note: a few of my early Season 3 reviews are a bit shortened compared to later ones since when I started reviewing episodes back in Season 3, I hadn't really developed a reviewing system at that point. I apologize if some of these early reviews are a bit simplistic compared to my later reviews.   Oh my, this was a wonderfully hilarious and creative episode! The Mirror Pool itself was an extraordinarily creative idea, one of the more interesting additions to MLP canon in Season 3, and the Pink



Batbrony Reviews "S03:E01+02 - The Crystal Empire"

"The Crystal Empire: Part 1 and Part 2" was an absolutely fantastic start to Season 3!!!! The songs were great, the message of self-sacrifice for the greater good was solid and well executed in its delivery, the Mane 6 and Spike were a joy to see again, along with Cadance and Shining Armor! The laughs were solid, the action and suspense were sick, and as usual, the magic of friendship was great!   I guess the only thing I was disappointed by was King Sombra. Don't get me wrong, he was a scary



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E25+E26 - A Canterlot Wedding"

So after the dud that was "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", one would hope Studio B would at least manage to end Season 2 adequately to say the least. Let's take a look and see how they did...   *one epic viewing later*   Oh... my... gosh...   IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Wow... I mean, just... wow! That... that was amazing!!! OK, so they more than made up for "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" to say the least. "A Canterlot Wedding: Part 1 and Part 2"...



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E24 - MMMystery on the Friendship Express"

Well... buck. *sigh* I suppose it had to happen sometime, right? I mean, no show is perfect; even the best have their duds. But gosh bucking dang it, why did it have to come in Season 2, a season so exceptional and picture perfect in almost every way? Why did it have to come so close to the end?! Why oh why is "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" such a sweet-Celestia-what-were-the-writers-even-thinking-this-is-so-bucking-atrocious bad episode?!?! *sigh* Well, no sense in fighting it, might as



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E23 - Ponyville Confidential"

The final CMC episode of Season 2, "Ponyville Confidential" is a very fun episode with a high quality message. While certainly not their best episode to date, there's plenty of positive to find here, so without further ado let's get cracking.     Girls, do you think I might get in trouble if we publish Rarity's diary? Girls?   So for their latest attempt to get their cutie marks, the CMC decide to join the school newspaper, the Foal Free Press, in the hopes that maybe th



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