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Bloggy blogging blog of bloggyness

Entries in this blog

Long time no see!

Howdy hey everypony! Its been too long! I thought Id give a few updates to the bands going ons. We are currently working on at least 15 individual projects at once, on top of jobs careers and schooling. As a result, the cover we promised to release weeks ago has been and will continue to be delayed. We hope to have it sometime before season 3, along with at least two new compilations. I personally am writing some new music for the band, but I am wrapped up in any number of other things as well.



A logo Idea

So here was a concept for our band logo, leave some comments below on what you think! And as promised, we will be releasing some musical clips soon. Be prepared to see some of those some time this weekend (That includes Monday for all you Yankees ).




Will be uploading sneak peeks to our first release soon! it is our version of This day Aria. It should be pretty legit, especially considering all the hard work the band put in. We got some awesome beats by letter, some amazing guitar work by Sam, my sexy piano work, and We have heard some beautiful vocals from sky that are almost done . Check in some time today or tomorrow to get the 30 second clip!   Pic related!



LAG has a YouTube!

We, Lady and Gentlecolts (LAG), have a YouTube channel now! Hooray!!!   http://www.youtube.com/user/LadyAndGentlecolts   Stuff!



I hate mondays...

I hate mondays, they're so... weird...   Anyways, Just shredding to muse while WR is at school ( Good thing I start the 4th )   Rock on my fellow bronies...   Rock on...



Prima Donna

Since everyone else has a little tidbit of information on themselves, I guess I should add my own!   I'm Sky, and I do vocals for this little shindig here. Currently working on perfecting This Day Aria and also working on Pinkie's Smile song just because C:   Have some works in progress:   Smile Song (very short) This Day Aria (very crappy)



I can play this game too

I do music writing. I send basic stuff to letter and he makes it epic. I also contribute ideas and hurt myself for fun. Water bottles beware!   I would love to post some stuff up here soon... maybe a 30 second music piece or something of what im working on   Pic totally related:



letter does the electronical stuffs.

Seeing how Samrules350 added an entry on himself, I figured I would too! I, letterONE, am the electronic part of the band that appears to be called Lady and Gentlecolts. Very, very clever name, BTW.   So what I do in the band is all the fancy electronic things, namely drums, beeps, boops, etc.



I am the guitar player...

The title says it all   Sam, Sam the guitar man Shredding all the riffs is the plan Makin' all the solos is my game Don't need a thought, Don't need a brain Sam, Sam the guitar man     This is what happens when you drink too much caffeine and are thinking about poetry...   I'm bored...




Can we get separate blog profile pics and backgrounds if it is for a group?




Started a new Brony band! We shall be posting randomness here related to our music, wether it be commentary, music updates or announcements, or downloads! Stop by regularly!



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