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My personal review blog, where I review games, consoles, and other sources of digital entertainment. Expect a new review every Saturday afternoon.

Entries in this blog

A Friend's Review

I want to help my friend, Sam, grow his YouTube channel. He's great with Sony Vegas, and I think his videos are about as good as mine. So, here's his newest review on the season 2 premier episode: Return of Harmony (Part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9JBX0s04B8 Please check out his other videos, and subscribe if you like his content. His channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB6LT-ksvSMtye93m5zJm6Q



Two Reviews in One Blog Post :O

The larger majority of you probably don't care about this one, but if you wanna watch me review the 3DS version of Sonic Lost World, click here!   Now, for the video you actually care about! If you wanna see me review season 4, click here!



More videos for ya!

Boring updates! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33e8t4Gc20Q&feature=youtu.be   Much more entertaining EQG Review (part 2!)



The Ponyville Critic Reviews - Equestria Girls (With Me!)

So, after plenty of Skype chats with Critic and a boatload of effort and line retakes, we finally got our first cross review out there; Equestria Girls. Granted, we might be a bit late to the punch with this movie, considering it's already been looked at by so many people. But, today is Critic's first bronyversary, and I wanted to make it special for him. So, I decided to review the movie with him!   This review will be split up into three parts, with each one being a maximum of 15 minutes a p



Steven Reviews: Rayman Origins (Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3)

(Warning: Intro is loud) Technically, I posted this last night, but due to some video screwups, I had to take it back and fix them. So, now, I'm releasing it for reals If you have any comments, express them. Did I do something wrong? If so, please tell me so I can improve upon it!



Boring Explanations!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxni1ijqMdM I know, I sound like a complete moron in this video XD But I'm proud of how it turned out.



Steven Reviews: Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

After Pikmin 2 made a splash in 2004 on the Gamecube, the franchise just… kind of stopped for awhile. Years passed, and even after the turn of the new decade, a new Pikmin game was nowhere to be seen. Sure, both Pikmin 1 and 2 would get rereleases on the Wii, but other than that, the franchise wasn’t really going forward in terms of series progression.   That is, until 2012, when Pikmin 3 was finally announced, and when it was finally released in 2013. The game wasn’t what most people expected



Steven Reviews: Pikmin 2 (Gamecube and Wii)

After the release of Pikmin in 2001, the game, to many peoples' surprise, was a smash hit on the Gamecube, both financially and critically. Over one million copies were sold worldwide and it's still considered one of the greater Gamecube titles. With how well the first game did, the head of Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto, would announce a sequel being in development in December of 2002.   Nearly two years later, in August 2004, Pikmin 2 was released on the shelves in North America. Just like the f



Listen as Steven tries to Entertain you with his (Questionable) Voice! (Announcement as well)

I had a small technical hiccup where I forgot to cut the music. I'd fix it, but honestly, I'm tired of editing right now. I just wanna play a game XD Soooo, yeah! Here's my voice! Give it a listen, tell me what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lF7cdCLAHU&feature=youtu.be But, before I do any video reviews, I'm going to finish up the Pikmin trilogy, which will be typed. You probably wanna know the music, too, don't you? Well, here it is Sonic Lost World Windy Hill 1:



Steven Reviews: Pikmin (Gamecube & Wii)

You guys were probably expecting a review of a Wii U game as the first review of 2014, correct? Well, you would be wrong on that. The game I plan to review is a sequel to a series that already has two installments before it. So, I figured I might as well knock both of those games out before I get to the latest one.   So... Pikmin. Yeah, if you don't know about it, that's understandable. As you can see from the box art. Pikmin was released for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2001. It was also re-relea



Thank you all... for Helping Me Realize what's Important

My resolution for this year was to earn a thousand brohoofs. For a moment, I became so overwhelmed by the numbers. It's really all I thought about. I've been seeing all of these people that were ranking in brohoofs by the thousands. It made me want to be like them. I looked up to the members like Dsanders, Skylar, and ChampionRD92. They made me want to be like them; having the amount of popularity they had...   That was until I actually talked to them through PM's. I treated them like gods. Bu



5 Reasons why you should Buy the Wii U

For those who have read my Sonic Lost World Review, you know that I got a Wii U over the holidays. Don't believe me? Well, here's a picture. When I got this thing, I was expecting a completely different way of gaming. Sure enough, Nintendo provided that, as well as some other aspects of console gaming that I'm familiar with. Personally, I think the Wii U topples the PS4 and Xbox One. But, I'm going to explain my reasoning behind this. So, join me as I give you five reasons why you should buy



What I did During the Outage (Because I'm Bandwagonin')

You guys didn't think you could have a proper bandwagon without me, could you XD   Well, let's see. What did I do with my life...   1. Bought and beat Mega Man 3 on the Wii U Virtual Console. 2. Set up a Twitter account. 3. Threw it away after only a few hours in. 4. Bought parts for my new PC. 5. Wrote a few lores about Sonic and MLP (Separate, not crossover.) 6. Chatted on Skype with Princess Shy, Dsanders, Sterling Crimson, and a few others 7. After everything else was finished, I p



Forums Outage (And Another Freaking Update!)

Well, that was all... sudden. Well, that forum crash almost erased a whole draft of a certain entry I was going to put up yesterday. However, since the forums were down at the time, I couldn't do that. Regardless, I'm just glad that the forums are back up (The technical team just rocks.)   Anyways, i'm posting yet another update. I said in my very first post that I'd be posting a new review every week. Turns out, I set my standards way too high. I only have a week to complete a certain game, w



Happy Holidays from me to you (And a Boring-Ass Update)

(That title is probably going to be the only time I'm ever gonna curse on this blog. I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas day, but before I shut down, I have a few things to talk about regarding how the blog is going to be ran over the course of 2014.   After Sonic Lost World, I won't be doing any more Sonic games for a LONG time. At that point, I'll already have reviewed four different titles. I gotta move on to other games. I'll probably start 2014 off with a review of Rayman Lege



Steven Reviews: Sonic Colors (Sonic Colours) (Wii)

Happy Holidays, everybody. I hope you all have big plans this year, for whatever you celebrate. I sure do. But, I'm looking forward to reviewing Sonic Lost World on the final Saturday of 2013. The game is said to be a sequel to today's game, Sonic Colors. So, I thought "Hey, what better way to get ready for that review than to do the game it's based off of?" So, without further delay, here is my review for Sonic Colors on the Nintendo Wii.   I'll be completely honest, last weekend was the firs



Steven Reviews: Shadow the Hedgehog (Gamecube, Playstation 2, and Xbox)

Last week, I reviewed Sonic the Hedgehog's 2011 outing, Sonic Generations. When I finished the review, I gave the game a grade A. I get the feeling that, after I do this kind of stuff for awhile, I think people will get the idea that I'll like pretty much anything that has Sonic's name on it. Allow me to put those thoughts to rest early by reviewing a Sonic game that I DON'T like. Specifically, Shadow the Hedgehog. (Before you read any further, I'm just going to warn you; this review is going to



Steven Reviews: Sonic Generations

Even though I'm a HUGE Sonic the Hedgehog fan, my opinions of certain games in the series change all the time. For example, Sonic Generations. Back when this game came out in late 2011, I was in the middle with it when it came to my overall opinion. But, after playing it again after two years, my opinion on the game has changed drastically. I couldn't believe how much this game harps on the nostalgia of previous titles. But, on top of that, I couldn't believe how well they did it.   But, befor



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