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About this blog

This is a blog where I just post my thoughts and opinions in general, where those thoughts would be too long for a status update.

Entries in this blog

An update of my life lately

I've been pretty inactive here lately. I've got a lot going on. It's been good and it's been bad. Right now, I'm not having the best of days.   First of all, I graduated college about a 3 weeks ago. I now have a BBA in accounting. Since getting my degree, I've been looking for work at many accounting firms. They either weren't hiring or they interviewed me only to never give me a call back. As it is, I am still jobless, looking for work.   I talked to my mom today, and she said it probably



Nerf Wars

>Nerf wars   This got me to thinking...what if we took all the real guns in the world and replaced them with nerf guns?   Like, war wouldn't be a bad thing. War would, quite possibly, be the most awesome thing ever. You couldn't hate going to war.   This is the world I want to live in.   Source: GIVE THE PERSON ABOVE YOU 5 REASONS HE/SHE SHOULD LIKE YOUR FAV PONY



Cars and heat: The two just don't mix

By now, it should be common knowledge that you're not supposed to leave kids in the car when you go somewhere. But the sad truth is that some of us forget that. In fact, in 2013, at least 44 children died because they were left in a hot car, and there have been 2 child deaths in hot cars in 2014 (source)   I got a little curious. So now with summer coming up on us, I decided that I wanted to know exactly how hot it gets in a car in the summer.   I live in western Oklahoma. Here, it gets rea



Woohoo! LAN Party! :D

I'm not a console gamer, but I do have a PS3. Only reason I do is because I gave up trying to convert my brother and my roommate to PC and I had nobody else to play Borderlands 2 with...One day, they'll figure it out. Anyway, I do have a PS3. Wired it up to my PC monitor and we had my brother over. We just used our spare tv and let him hook up to that one and we had a small LAN party of our own! :D     The awesomeness that was my living room for the last four hours...ah...love it   If o



I just watched 12 Years a Slave

As the title says, I just watched the movie. There are a few things I can take from the movie.   1. It just strengthens my belief that Mark Twain was on to something with "The Lowest Animal." 2. The fact that anyone could treat anyone that way and sleep at night is appalling 3. I found out that, as a man at 21 years old, I still retain the ability to cry 4. Unless you can stand intense violence and some gore, this movie isn't for you. 5. I now hate white people. And I'm white.   As a fri



My little brother just got busted by me

I have four siblings, three of which don't live in the same town as me. We'll call them John, Jane, and Jacob for the purpose of anonymity. John is 14, Jane is 12, and Jacob is 9.   A few weeks ago, I had John over at my apartment and we hung out and I took him home that Sunday.   This weekend, my next brother down (he's 20) and I had Jane and Jacob over for the weekend. Jane and Jacob are at my place and Jane goes through my games to find something to play on the Wii. She grabs the case for



I got my first plushie today! :D

She thinks she's cool... :okiedokielokie:     So yeah, you'd think that after being a brony for nearly 2 years, I'd have more plushies, buuuuuut I don't. So when I saw Fluttershy (among others) at the store today, I couldn't resist it!   Granted she isn't of superb quality, but do keep in mind that I'm jobless and money is tight at the moment. When I do get a job, first thing I'm getting is a quality hand made Luna or Fluttershy. Either way, she'll have to suffice for now. I'm just happy



MLPF March Madness: What I hope for in the next couple days

All in all I can say this year has been a good one for me as far as March Madness is concerned. And while my favorite pony lost earlier than I would have liked, I still love Luna most. I'm also not mad about her losing to Fluttershy because I love Fluttershy only marginally less. Like, it's the same difference between sugar cookies and chocolate chip. I pretty much love them the same.   Now we're at the Final Four and the championship is right around the corner. The fans have spoken and I'm qu



I revisited a little of my childhood today.

I'm a gamer. It's something I've been pretty proud of my whole life. I don't entirely fit in with the community of people who call themselves "gamers." I'm talking about the people who only play Call of Duty, who only buy Xbox or PlayStation because Nintendo consoles are generally underpowered these days in comparison to its competitors and they don't have the graphical capabilities of Nintendo's competitors. And I have to agree that this is true starting with the GameCube. Nintendo probably has



Coffee creamer that tastes like Girl Scouts cookies?! WHAAAAT?!?!

I'm at a loss for words.     For the record, I LOVE Girl Scouts cookies. Especially thin mints. I don't buy them often. I bought some tonight and this was the first time I bought Girl Scout cookies in a couple years because when I buy Girl Scout cookies, I make them disappear. Anyway, I just saw a commercial for it on TV so it HAS to be real.   You guys, if I see this stuff at the store, I'm buying all of it. Then I will go home and drink coffee by the gallon.



About 2½ years of unsorted stuff

I should have sorted this stuff sooner. Really. Now I have a 4 inch stack of papers that I'm going to have to sort through. I'm going to say about 75 - 90% of it is trash. But I don't know where the important documents are in this monster stack.     This is why we throw things away when they become unimportant instead of letting them pile up over 2½ years...   Note: the markings on the cardboard are accurate. I would have used my ruler but it's made of stainless steel and it's very ref



A few more things about me that I might not have mentioned in the last one of these :3

In case I didn't mention these things the last time I made an entry like this. Cause what the heck?   I drink milk like it's going out of style. On the subject of milk, I actually drink so much that, when I was hit by a minivan when I was 11 years old, no bones broke. The doctors even commented on how extremely strong my bones are. Milk win! I also drink alcohol. I drink alcohol often. I consume alcohol about 2 to 5 times a week. I just never get drunk. Personal policy. Thus, I think my



Shoplifter caught in the act

HOLY CRAP! I'm not really sure how to feel about this. On one end of the spectrum, I understand what it's like to be poor. Perhaps she has an abusive boyfriend? But on the other end of that, if you're stealing out of necessity, there are plenty of welfare options available to you. You can make a half-decent living off of welfare. There are so many variables in this. At the end of the day, I don't think people should be shoplifting. It's wrong.



I'm terrified right now.

College has been great and all but now I'm coming up on finishing my fourth year and getting that degree and finding work. And I've been looking places where I can find work.   I found a summer internship that is about an hour and a half's drive away from where I live. They're looking for an auditing intern. That would be nice since internships are where you go to get work experience when you go apply for a big boy job. I'm thinking about applying for it. I'll have to find housing over there,



Someone I have to give a brohoof to.

Bridle Gossip, A Dog and Pony Show, The Best Night Ever, The Last Roundup, A Friend in Deed, MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Pinkie Pride, Filli Vanilli...   What do all of these episodes have in common?   They were written, either fully or in part by, Amy Keating Rogers.   And I fully enjoyed every one of these episodes. Some of them are in my BOAT (best of all time) list. In fact, the only episode she wrote that I didn't love was The Cutie Pox, and that was still actually a pretty



MLP Forums Fun Fact!

Maybe it's a fact I'm not sure but I kinda figured it out just through observation.   Did you know that you can go to your profile on here and see which number your account was that signed up, chronologically?   For example, the URL for my page is mlpforums.com/user/6322-space-woona/   The 6322 in the URL tells me that I was the 6,322nd member to sign up for the forums.   Obviously, the number in Feld0's URL will be 1 as he created this place. Naturally, his account would be the first.



Get to know Space Woona a little better (all of the cool kids are doing this)

I’ve seen a lots of other people post something like this so I figured what the heck.   Maybe you’ve had time to talk to me and get to know me. Maybe you haven’t. So here’s a little list of things that I kinda threw together so you can maybe get to know me a little better.   · My real name is Kalin. Pronounced like KAY-lynn. · In my 21 years, I have probably met 6 other people who share my name or a spelling variant of it. None of them were male. · I live in a small college town off Inters



I have a thing for old cars

I think that, when I get older and I'm set in my career, I'm never going to own a car newer than 20 years old. I have a thing for old cars that look good and run well.   I've always had an appreciation for old cars of any kind. Especially cars that used to be respectable cars. For example, the Pontiac Grand Prix. In the 1960s, this car looked pretty awesome. Like a little brother to the GTO     Newer models look like crap. There aren't as many of these as there is the Grand Am.   And



One Year of Twilicorn

One year ago today, one of the biggest changes to ever hit the fandom became canon.   Something that was only parodied on DeviantArt and in Friendship is Witchcraft became reality.   For many, it was the greatest crime against humanity ponamity. A complete bastardization of their favorite character.   For others, it was a gift from God.   Today marks one year since Twilight was crowned a princess. Can you believe it's already been a year since Season 3 ended?   I can't. Time moves t



The Princess of the Space (though I'm totally a dude) answers 99 questions!

Everyone else is doing one so what the heck? Why not?   1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I sleep with the closet door the way I left the closet door. Why do people make a big deal of this anyway?   2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? I don’t even use the stuff, let alone take it.   3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out. I hate the feeling that tucked sheets make me feel gravitated to my bed.   4: Have you ever stolen



Possibly one of the cutest/most touching stories I've ever read

I was browsing Imgur earlier and I ran into this.   Basically, this guy saw a squirrel drowning in a fountain in his town. Afraid to grab a wild critter with his bare hands, he used a mail bin in the trash to give the squirrel a platform to climb on and lifted it out of the fountain.     Cold, exhausted, and terrified, the squirrel climbed on his shoulder and in his jacket. When he took the squirrel home, he dried and warmed the critter up. The squirrel recovered and he visits this squir



I'm about to cry. Faith in humanity somewhat restored.

It melts my heart to know that people like this exist. This is beautiful.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAcFWdQymPQ   I just heard this story on the news. This cop was driving around doing his normal patrolling when he happened upon this young child who was playing football all by himself. Just kinda tossing it up in the air and catching it.   Anybody else would have just driven past. This guy? He stops to play with the kid.   What's even more touching is that he lives with his sing



Why I don't play Pokemon anymore

Alright! Rant time!   I love Pokemon. It's something that I've long been a fan of and it'll always have a place near and dear to my heart. When I was a kid, I played the games, read the comics, and watched the anime as much as I could. But at this point, I think I'm done. I think I've hit a point in my life where I'm just done with Pokemon altogether. One might argue that I've simply outgrown Pokemon. I'm not going to bother ever playing a new generation of Pokemon again. Hell, I haven't even



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