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About this blog

Where I rant, be sad, make jokes, and generally post everything else.

Entries in this blog

Delernil talks about some stuff

Its really cold in my room or some reason. Maybe its because im not wearing pants. Eh. I forgot my cat existed until i started writing this blog. I hope she has food. Probably. Eh. Im really excited for Star Citizen. Also, how is Citizen spelled like that? Odd language... Im running out of things to say. Eh INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDS <Me trying to hit an ant Its still really cold, send help. Or pants   ^The reason only two or three people talk to me^ rip in pepperoni: this blog



Anyone remember I had a blog?

Pepperidge Farm remembers...     So now that I have that out of the way, I have some ANNOUNCEMENTS! *yay*! *this only matters if you know who I am.   I'm wiring a fanfic. Hurray. This is the first MLP fanfic I've done, so it should be done. This is also a blog made out of pure boredom and the fact I'm not tired. Yay for EST amirite.   So my question is this: will anyone actually attempt to red my pile of [pony]shit, or any other writings I produce? Because I feel like dumping them onto



Leave Of Absence

Hey everyone , I'll be taking a short leave after tonight. If it's important PM me and I'll get right to it. I'm really sorry and I know this screws up ALOT of things, but I've just been really depressed and my life has been rough. I'll probably take three days off. I'll just be gaming and shit, hoping to restore some semblance of the person who first came to the forums. Anyway, yeah. Sorry for it all, I'll still be active on Skype just not as much. See ya in a few days.   -James/Delernil



Legacy Of Best OTP Evee

>Del X Dumpster TARDIS OTP! >Yes >This will be the best OTP ever created. >Del X DUMPTARD? >YES. DEAR FUCK YES ITS BEAUTIFUL. >Dumptard >DelDumpTARD >DumpTARD is your waifu.     Damn it KingPrisman.



Why Applejack Is Best Waifu

Today's selection is why Applejack is the best, sexiest, most amazing pony an waifu that has ever been pony-waifu'd.   Section 1: Honesty   Applejack is honest. We all know this. It's her element! But honesty covers more then telling the truth. Honesty is integrity. She does what she says she'll do. Her character is built around honesty. Twilight being bookish? Not based around Magic. Pinkie being a party animal? Not based around Laughter. Rarity being fabulous? Not based around Generosity.



Get To Know Delernil Better

Hey, I didn't try at making the title different.     Some stuff; -My name is James -I live in South Carolina -I have a light southern accent -I hate/love Makusu. Hey bby <3 -I'm more southern than GhostFaceKiller -I love flying and space. I'm addicted -I love Roosterteeth and Achievement Hunter -WHOO NERDCUBED! -Video games are awesome -meh.   Ask questions or something



My Little Headcanon: Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie,   Pinkie Pie grew up in a rock farm. She literally lived with Geodude. This caused a rift in the time-space continuum and the 8th Doctor had to sort it all out. After things settled down, she began furiously beating Geodude's to death, and this trend would continue to adult hood.   When Pinkie Pie turned 16 she was visited by a terrorist group known as 'Terrorists.' They were a team of highly trained Nigerian princes that fought crime by stealing money from their only surviving



Field Work On The 'Crashtastic'

Hey! Not many of you know this, but I do model airplanes and rockets. I thought I'd share some of my recon adventures, starting with the 'Crashtastic'.   The Crashtastic is a Spitfire model. This was my first 3-axis plane so I crashed. A lot. Here's the recent repair, like a true Brit.   The engine was knocked loose after many crashes. The wing fell apart. This one was fixed soon after the crash but it needs constant maintenance. The chipped tail. This is the most recent and, the



My Love(ly) Rant

With V Day I figured I'd be festive and rant about love.   Love to me is pointless. I don't want love, yet there is an entire holiday just for it. If you need a holiday to express a basic human emotion, you are doing it wrong.   I'm trying not to sound mean. But I will. Love has turned into some kind of 'roses and heroes' affair. NONONONONO. Love should be, well, love. Don't love someone because everyone else is loving. Don't love someone because you have to. Love someone because you do. L



My Little Headcanon: Twerlit Spackle

[sUBJECT NAME HERE]   [sUBJECT NAME HERE] was born in [sUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]. She often enjoyed [sUBJECT HOBBY(S) HERE] and was pretty [sUBJECT TRAIT HERE]   Thanks to science, she was actually a robot constructed by the neo-nazis of Cloudsdale. She ravaged the land of Equestria, destroying all that stood in her way. She was outfitted with triple MA5B assault rifles that fired science bullets.   She had friends. The end.



My Little Headcanon: Fluttershy

Fluttershy.     Fluttershy was born in Cloudsdale. Her father was a neo-nazi that died in a rally to turn Cloudsdale into the Fourth Reich. This left her with her mother, a ground loving hippy.   She grew up in the sketchier parts of Cloudsdale and her mother was often shot at but used the powers of the trees to block the bullets. Her mother is actually Celestia and she has two brothers. One of them is evil and broke the seconds horn. Also they can go to Toontown randomly because why not.



Apology and rant

First off, I'd like to apologize. I haven't been myself lately, and its probably going to be that way for a while. I'm either mean or sad. I know many find this funny but it just makes me feel worse. So, old Delernil is back, just not his old self.   People have made me feel like shit. My 'friends' do too. Everybody including my parents make me feel like shit. I make myself feel like shit.   Sorry for everything. Sometime in February is when I'll be normal, friendly, stupid Delernil again.



This is a thing? 99 Questions.

1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? A: open   2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? A: why would I?   3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? A: whichever way they are   4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before? A: I should now.   5:Do you like to use post-it notes? A: No. Note to self: use more notes   6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? A: I don't use coupons.   7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bea



Sonic Screwdriver. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine.

So like my usual self sleep means thinking of ideas to do because I'm bored. I had a small red flashlight that always sits on the floor, and a large box of Legos. Put two and two together. Bam. Sonic.   I had a smaller end at first but this one was better. I topped it with a small translucent come to give it it's color. I'm glad that it's Lego, since I can change them.   Pics! http://imgur.com/ND7FGCB http://imgur.com/NF9Iy71     To Do List:   -put folding things on the end. (You kn



Some more ranting because the human race sucks.

Time to rant.   Humanity sucks. I. Hate. Humans. I hate humanity in general.   Romance: no thanks. Listen, you can try to date me but please go away. I. Hate. You. I'm the GLADOS of real life. The first game though. Just keep your hands and other appendages to yourself. That sounded stupid but witty.   Friends: yeah. I have some friends. I dislike them, not hate them.   Other stuff: fuck you. I'm tired. Ranting makes me feel good. Potato.



The Late Night Ramblings of a Crazy Man

Hi. I'm a guy who is going to ramble and rant for the next however long. I can do what I want.   First thing, bronies. If you watch the show you're a brony, simple as that. Saying 'I'm a fan, not a brony.' is stupid. A brony means 'fan if My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. Nothing more, nothing less. Ok? You, and the haters, and some of the fandom itself make it more or less. It's like religious views. A Christian is 'a belief in Yaweh.' but can be seen as bigots. Does that mean you say 'I



Misadventures of Delernil: Story 1

I'm doing this. Be warned, this was a weird time.   Warning: will get extremely awkward and sound stupid.   Anyway, me and my friends were eating lunch at my house while my parents were out. It was the four of us and we got really bored. So I hit Jake with my empty soda can. Hell broke loose. Everyone immoderately throws everything at me and I trip on my dog, now freaked the fuck out. I fall onto the ground with about 6 empty cans by my feet and a box of Cheezits. See where this is going?



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