So rewind to about a year ago and try to think of the horror genre of video games. Now tell me what were some of the popular "horror" games.
You could say things like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dead Island, F.E.A.R., etc.
These were the most popular mainstream horror games of the past few years.
Then comes along a daring indie title you may know as Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Amnesia was known to be one of the scariest video games ever made, so scary that it became popular j
So one of the dumbest ideas for a TV Show ever is in fact Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh no don't get me wrong, its among my favorite cartoons of all time, but just breakdown that title. Teenage, Mutant, Ninja, Turtles... If anything came out like that in these days we'd just label it as trying way too hard to be random. Yet its is so perfectly stupid that it has launched one of the best TV Show franchises of all time. It worked so well that it made a full cartoon, a series of live action movi
I don't truly count myself as an expert on game design, but I sure like acting like one.
But one thing I've noticed as of late that in most modern 3D games there tend to be design trends. For the most part most 3D games have layouts that can be classified under 3 basic groups which I call "Sandbox", "Theme Park", and "Tour".
One of my personal favorites are the "Sandbox" layout games. Sandbox layout is classified as a game that drops you into a big open area, gives you a few toys to start o
So today I did something that seems pretty common place for most people, but only happens once in a blue moon for me, and that is Pre-Ordering a game.
Usually I wait for a week or so to see a few reiviews from trusted critics or play a friend's copy. Actually I hardly even buy big $60 games. I think the last time I bought a $60 full price new release game was... Duke Nukem Forever? Wow did I make mistake there. The one time waiting a few weeks would've saved me a ton and I decide to forgo that
This weekend I've been putting a lot of thought into if I were to award a Best Console with an unbiased opinion what would it be. The smart ass answer is the PC, but I'd eliminate that from the Video Game Console race.
Truly it comes down to a select few consoles; Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Playstation 2. It seems pretty fair to judge all these as finalist in my mental award show. All of these have some rather impressive libraries with some all time g
So the WiiU seems to be coming out soon and man time flies. I remember when I was still calling it next gen, it feels like just yesterday.
Anyway the WiiU seems to have an interesting library of upcoming games, though no big hitters for me outside of Pikmin 3.
Though Pikmin being one of the big early titles really has me thinking, thinking back to the Nintendo GameCube. Now if you don't know I love that adorable little indigo box (yes I did not buy black because I was a little hipster shit
So what happens when Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, and Randy Couture walk into a bar? Now what happens when it explodes?!
You could say the world loses some of its badass men, but I think they just shake it off and make a movie!
And then comes The Expendables!
Its pretty much as badass as an action film can get! We have the great old timers and then some! My guess is someone looking for ideas for a good movie thought, "Hey let's just take all these
So lately I've felt like becoming a bit of a critic again. Being a critic has been a bit of a hobby in mind that I wanted to try since I am good at complaining making a critical analysis on certain forms of media such as movies, tv shows, and video games.
Actually, the whole reason I became a Brony was because I wanted to do MLPFIM as my first review in hindsight of the rising Brony fandom. Though I took that seriously to the point that I wasn't just going to watch the show, I'd take a deep