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A blog about whatever pops into my head.

Entries in this blog

A friend's doomed future.

Well shit... As predicted, my best friend from my childhood is growing up to be a disrespectful little shit.   I feel I should have tried harder to stop him from doing this...   My uncle told me he has been acting a lot like his abusive father who curses and threatens his mother.   I haven't talked to him in about 4 or five months. Last time we talked, I told him to NOT grow up like this. To rather change his life now while hes still young. He told me he was going to be a good person but b



Thiving high school teacher person.

So, since last year I was taking a type of home schooling, in which I would complete a number of packets of various subjects at home and return them to the high school. It was some type if confusing place where the high school was just part of the building.   I should have known something was going on when they main guy in charge of the high school section forced me to buy and OPTIONAL graduation ceremony thing. I just wanted my diploma and be done with it. But no.   So it turns out I spent



Why so cereal?

Just some random thoughts but why so people find it unusual to laugh a someones own misfortune?   I find jokes about one's self positive in a way. When life gives you lemons make lemon-aid. Make the best of a bad situation.   I make fun of myself and others all the time but nothing too over the top. Well, at least not when joking about others.   Either something is wrong with me or right.



A look back.

Looking back at when I first joined the forum. I was so much happier back then...   Quite depressing really. To see a happier me having fun and enjoying life as it is. Then seeing myself now. Bitter, lonely, and unable to make good friends or any friends at all.   Who knew so much shit would happen in such little time to change my view on life so much?   I wish I had a second chance...



A high school story

Have you ever had one of those WTF moments in school?   For me, it was during high school in spanish class. Our regular teacher was out sick, so a substitute teacher was teaching the class that day. The sub didn't really care about what we did in class so I decided to get some sleep. Probably a bad idea but there was nothing else to do. So I slept through the class a little longer then intended. When I awoken, I looked around the class thinking to myself, "Who the fuck are you people?!". It tu



Just shut up about it!

Ok. We understand that some people are upset about the Twilight thing, but don't go on saying this is a bad thing to happen. Just go with it. Have faith.   And for the other people who are rubbing it in other people's faces: Fucking stop it. Ok, it happened. You don't have to go off and be a dick about it.   "If you don't like it gtfo the fandom!"   This is another reason why I lose faith in the brony fandom. Because of the stupid people who argue about stupid stuff and the winner acting l



Cutters and such.

So, I just had a thought. You know the story about emo kids and cutting themselves.   I want to know: Why just cut yourself?   I heard they do it to relieve pain or some shit like that. If that's the case, why not just do something more radical? Like beat the hell out of a tree until your fist bleed. Head-butt the closest wall you see, repeatedly until something breaks. Jump off a cliff?   I don't know. Just something I thought of. If you're going to hurt yourself, might as well do it righ



The dark side.

So I've been noticing that when people hear about bronies, they think of "fags" "trolls" "pedophiles" and other such terms.   I hardly hear anything nice about the fandom from non-bronies.   And I can see where they're coming from. Sometimes I look at the brony fandom and think, "Wow. These people are stupid."   Now, why is it that the bad side of the fandom always shines brighter then anything else?



Derpy fans.

So I was all for the "bring back Derpy" thing that people are getting all rattled up about, but then I looked at some of the people who supported the return of Derpy.   They were comparing Derpy to a lot of other stupid cartoon characters and just bringing them down to shit. Like characters from shows from CartoonNetwork and such.   To me, CartoonNetwork is more for teens then little kids. If you want to see a children's show, go to the Hub, Nick jr, or PBS kids.   And they admit to Derpy



Why Saint Nicholas is important to Christmas.

Okay. This is what I got from researching the Christmas origins. Basically, this tells of how he became Santa Claus and how he brought back Christianity to Christmas and without Nicholas, Christmas would be just an ordinary day. No Christmas lights, trees, stockings, or presents.         Saint Nicholas' parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas use



Opinion on religion freaks.

I just had a conversation with a few of my friends and a super religious guy. He was saying that "God" will make your life happier and more peaceful. He was also saying the world would be in ruins without religion and the bible. And he said people hate because of the fear of "God". No, I hate because you're an idiot.   I'm ok with people having their own beliefs but when you start preaching about it to people who don't give a fuck, I'm going to tell you to take your religion and shove it so f



Number 12

Some people believed the world to end on June 6, 2006. 6/6/06. The number of the Devil. But it didn't.   So I think I found out why! 6 months, 6 days, and 6 years later, the devil will try his hand again to unleash his master plan on the world of the living!   12/12/2012 at 12:12 (am or pm I am not sure but one of the two!)   He will come back twice as evil!   EVERYBODY, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!! HELL ON EARTH IS COMING!!!   (Totally real btw)



Messed up situations that are funny.... kinda.

Sooo a friend of mine was going to get Halo 4 at the midnight release at a mall, but a guy at the mall parking lot was threatening to kill other people and himself, with some sort of sniper rifle, if he didn't get some drugs from the cops.   So they cancelled the midnight release along with shutting the whole mall down.   My friend was pissed and said he would go and kill the guy himself or get him to kill himself faster just to get Halo 4 at the midnight release.   Now why does shit like




Just some thinking, but would the world be better off without labels to go by? (I don't know what else to call it.)   Like religions, culture, and even fan-bases.   Why do we have to separate ourselves from one another? Why can't we all get along?   Why must we continue to fight each others when we could work together and advance so much further into making the world a better place?   Things like this make me lose faith in the human race as a whole. Almost makes me wish the world would e



Tumblr and stuff

Most people see tumblr as a shit place to post stupid pictures about emo shit like being loved or alone and shit. Well, at least to me. If they wanted that, they should just get an instagram or whatever.   I like Tumblr because it gives me a place to post some random stories I come up with. And I hate people who only blog pictures and nothing else. Whats the point in just posting useless pictures that 100 other people posted already? Why not put meaning in your blogs like stuff with words?  



How far is too far?

So, I have heard of people doing some crazy things just to prove their point. If you believe in something strongly, of course your going to debate about it. But how far would you go to prove a point? Is that point worth losing friends and respect? And how far would you push it to get it understood?   I just recently lost a friend because of his retarded ways. He say a troll page and said it was very offensive to a lot of people. I said that I don't give a shit and I don't want any part in it.



The guy in Slender

I know I'm late on this but, I finally got around to playing Slender, and I have a few things to say about it.   Who the fuck thought of the great idea to go out at night, in the woods and look for pages with stupid drawings on them?   Really?   Fucking genius for him to go all alone looking for stupid pages while Slender man is out to kill you. Yup. What could go wrong?   He actually deserves to be taken away or what ever it is that Slendy does to him victims. I would love to record a v



I may not be a brony.

So today, I realized something. I don't like any brony music, I am a hateful person, and I don't communicate well with other "hardcore" bronies. I just don't feel like I am that much of a brony. Yes, I love the show My little pony, but just not the stuff the fans do. And shit, bronies originated from 4chan.   I don't know, I love the show and all, but I just don't seem to fit into the brony community. I don't RP, I don't like their music, and bronies are supposed to believe in "love and tolera



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