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My thoughts on the "Applejack is a background pony" joke.

So there's a joke about Applejack being a background pony that's been going around the fandom for some time now. Believe it or not, I understand why people feel this way. I don't agree with it, mind you, but I understand it. Applejack just doesn't scream "look at me" as loud as the rest of the Mane 6 do. Rainbow Dash has her boasting, Pinkie Pie does the most random things you ever saw, Rarity has a certain flair for dramatics, Fluttershy squees and talks to animals, and Twilight Sparkle is fre

The JLmle

The JLmle

Binder Find; Crate o' Comics

So my wife and I will go dumpster diving from time to time. We live in an area where the houses are separated by alleys and everypony throws there trash into huge dumpsters (or as we call them; binders.) It's amazing the things that people can find and I may post more exciting finds down the line, but I found something unbelievable today!   I was taking out our trash and my Binder Sense (yes, that's a thing at least it is now) started tingling... I walked to the binder nearest ours and sure en

The JLmle

The JLmle

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