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WARNING: Blog may contain harsh language, unusual thoughts, real and pseudo science, and general weirdness. Evilshy is not responsible for any injuries, physical, mental, or emotional, that may or may not occur as a result of reading this blog.

Entries in this blog

Evilshy Also Reviews: Kyoshi

Kyoshi Platform: video games are the best thing ever Genre: dumbass brony neckbeard Publisher/Developer: lol you think this guy is worth publishing? ESRB: BAN for Bitch-Ass Nerd Price: so desperate he'll pay you   Accurate description of Kyoshi   Oh my god look at this fucker. He literally thinks its cool to be a "weird" brony gamer. This ain't middle school, bro. Have some goddamn self respect. All he does is play video games and then bi



Moon Actually a Result of Werewolf Activity

Astronomers and physicists alike were shocked when it was discovered that the moon is caused by werewolf transformations and not the other way around, as was often thought. This was discovered after the moon disappeared for approximately 6 hours after a large clan of dissident werewolves was wiped out by the CIA Supernatural Division. During this time, tides were altered worldwide, leading to thousands of wrecked boats of all sizes. The tidal bulge (the water held by the gravity of the moon, res



A few reasons to like Evilshy

Most of these should be obvious, but Evilshy is just so great that I can't help but talk about him.   1. Evilshy is best mod Scientists have recently added "acknowledging Evilshy as the best mod" to the list of requirements to be considered intelligent life. In layman's terms, if you don't agree that Evilshy is best mod, you are technically no longer an intelligent being. It sounds harsh, but that's the way it is; I'm not just making this up. I won't bother to post any of the articles becaus



I like answering questions. How about 99 of them?

I think this is the kind of thing preppy highschool girls do on their blogs, but fuck it, I like to answer questions.       1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? A: closed   2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? A: sometimes   3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? A: Out. In is a pain.   4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before? A: Yes. A parking sign out of one of my college parking lots.   5:Do you like to use post-it note



Why Frozen is quite possibly the best Disney movie in over 15 years (UNTAGGED SPOILERS ABOUND)

(Seriously, I'm spoiling more than a broken meat freezer. If you haven't seen it yet, stop reading and go fucking see it. You will not regret it.)         Oh my God.   This movie.   It's not often that I fanboy so hard over Disney movies not named Lion King, but seriously, this movie is fantastic, and I'm not even exaggerating. It might even be my favorite Disney movie (I'll have to wait for the DVD so I can watch it even more before deciding this). Why all the praise? Well, let's do th



From: Science Time! --- The Sun, Moon, and Planet this all happens on

Source: Science Time! --- The Sun, Moon, and Planet this all happens on   So... yeah. I made another one. ~CD~ is a pretty cool guy for suggesting I make it a thread instead of a blog post and then just blogging it anyway because the site design encourages spamming shit like this being able to post the same thing multiple times without the mods deleting it.



EQUESTRIAN SCIENCE TIME! --- Why Pegasi have to make the weather.

So it's bugged some people (me included, briefly), as to why Pegasi have to make the weather. This was magnified when Hurricane Fluttershy came out and we saw that not only do Pegasi have to make the weather, they have to manually get their own water. Ideas that water doesn't evaporate in Equestria like it does in ours. This was further confused by the fact that steam can be seen several times in the show. Evaporation is the same as steam rising off a hot tub, right?   Well, kind of.   So,



My friend really needs help

A friend of mine finds himself in desperate need of airfare to see his wife (not sure of details, but I think his wife moved to South America while he stayed here for school or something), so you should all buy his book. And if you like it, you should buy others in the series.   http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=astral+cafe   I must confess I don't know much about it, having never read it, but as best I can tell, it's fantasy/sci-fi abo



A bunch of site-related statistics I figured out because I was bored and couldn't sleep

MLPF has about 13,000 members according to the thing at the bottom, yet the member list shows only about 12,660. This is because the front page counter counts banned members, while the member list does not.   Of these ~12,660 members, about 7,100 have 5 or less posts, and about 3,860 of those have 0 posts. Of the 0 post members, about 1,140 have avatars, meaning that they cared a little about their account, at least at the beginning.   There have been about 4280 reports. I think. I haven't b



MLPF vs Space (A brief screenshot LP - FTL)

This one comes so soon because it was short and horrible. And I blame @Jokuc.   Anyway, I started my epic space journey with @~Chaotic Discord~ and @Lady Rarity Pony as my faithful crew members. To add more random funniness, and to simulate some sort of voting among the crew, I rolled dice to make certain decisions. As such, I rolled a 7 and began the game by upgrading my sensors, which is actually not a bad idea. Advanced sensors are pretty useful.     ~CD~ was tasked with maintain the s



MLPF vs Zombies (a brief screenshot LP - Organ Trail)

I was starting up a game of Organ Trail (it's 8-bit Oregon Trail, except in modern times, in a zombie apocalypse), and I decided to name myself Evilshy and use some of you as my party members. Twiliscael was the first I thought of, because he had just mentioned me in a post. Then Chigens, because Chigens is awesome. And I couldn't include Chigens without including Kay, so I was up to 4. needed a fifth, and Zoop was the first person I thought of.   Yeah, if this game could accurately portray us



Some problems on both sides of the EqG controversy.

Yeah, there has been a lot of hate surrounding it, and a lot of arguing between haters, lovers, and everybody in between. There are problems with both sides, though, and you all know I like to examine things from multiple angels.   Before we begin, I'd like to reiterate that I'm going to see it in theaters simply because it's an MLP movie and I have a little extra money I can throw at it. I am optimistically hesitant about it; meaning that I think it could be good, but I'm not sure, and am hol



My (late) Thoughts on Double Rainbom

Would've done this sooner, but it came out the night before my family and I went on vacation, so I barely had time to watch it. Now that we're here and I have time to relax, I watched it again so I could watch the details. As I've said in the past, this is not a review blog, but since Double Rainboom is pretty major in the fandom, I decided to break the rule again (last time I broke it was for the Season 3 finale). I'll probably continue to do so in the future, but only for highly polarizing ep



Overview of the Staff Ego Protection Initiative (SEPI)

Introduction: We here at MLP Forums work tirelessly to make this the best site we possibly can. It is often a thankless job; we bust our asses dealing with abusive comments, NSFW posts, and countless heaps of character minimum violations. In return, we get donor perks and a few pats on the back every now and then. We also get abused, insulted, and torn down by people who disagree with us. I especially know about this, because I myself used to be quite the anti-mod, and wasn't afraid to let



My sort-of new story - Piece of Mind

If anybody was around for that art/writing contest a long time ago, this was my entry. I decided to continue, and am pretty close to having chapter 2 done. I originally posted it here, but Fimfiction is a bit more catered towards fanfiction. It can be found here:   http://www.fimfiction.net/story/89800/piece-of-mind



My Thoughts on the Season 3 Finale

I know I don't usually review episodes in blog posts, but I am doing so this time because this episode has been very polarizing for the fandom, and is a pretty big deal. And also, because I have a fairly large amount to say.   I don't want to scare people off with this post; I thought this was one of the worst episodes yet, but I'm not going to be spewing mindless hate. There were many aspects to this episode that I know other people like, and I like that some people liked this episode. It jus



Click here to read about how bad Evilshy's day was.

I'm sure you've all heard the term "perfect storm"? As in, when circumstances are such that an event or action or something becomes magnified far beyond what it normally be? It sometimes literally refers to a storm, one much more powerful than normal, due to weather conditions lining up perfectly to create a massive storm.   Well today, I experienced a near perfect shitstorm. I'm not saying it was the worst day ever, merely that almost everything that happened today was bad, and almost everyt



Violin + Electronic = Most Amazing Music I've Heard in a While.

I am quite frankly surprised by this. If you had told me a few years ago that someone could take violin and mix it with dubstep, house, and other genres and I'd love it, I'd laugh at you. If you had told me this a few months ago, I'd be skeptical, but willing to give it a try. But now, one of my friends started playing some while we were deep in a game of Call of Cthulhu: Arkham Horror, and now it's all I've been listening to since.     Lindsey Stirling just induces eargasms in me She m



Of Roommates, Poorly Planned College Pranks, and the Assholes in the Apartment Above Us.

So we've been putting up with a bunch of assholes above us who have like 8-man wrestling matches at night, making tons of noise and just generally annoying the hell out of us. We've asked them if they could tone it down a few times, but they never did.   Tonight (a week before the quarter ends), my roommates decided to pull a harmless prank on them. They got a a bucket, filled halfway up with water, leaned it against their door, and threw random junk at the door until they opened it and the wa



Check out my new, humorous, student website!

This is my website I made (and might continue to make) for a Web Development class. While a glance at the source code my make some of you facepalm, remember that I was on a very tight schedule to get this finished, so I had to use simpler/stupider/crappy methods to do a few things where I'd have rather done something much different, but didn't have time to learn how to do it right. There were also a few minor yet stubborn bugs that I eventually just said "fuck it" to and left there. Unintentiona



How to be a cool person when eating at Panda Express

I got the idea from this blog post. I've worked pretty much every position at Panda Express except for management (so I've cooked, cleaned, chopped vegetables, served customers, opened, closed, done financial stuff, balanced the safe, etc.)   Here is a guide that IN NO WAY REPRESENTS THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF PANDA EXPRESS, but all us hourly store workers would really appreciate it if people read and applied this to their visits.     1. The garbage cans do not contain extra-dimensional Bags



My Opinions on People Posting Their Opinions of the Forum

Woah woah woah. Slow the fuck down, everybody. Shit just got meta.     Anyway, it seems that all dis shiz started out as Sugar Plum poppin' some funny-ass jokez off da chain (shit was so cash).   Then mah brotha Vicke busted out some totally legit opinionz 'n shit about how it goes down in Feld0's territory. Seriously, don't fuck with MLPF. Mods 'n shit will be on yo' sorry ass so fast you won't have time to finish whatever lame-ass shit you were doing to piss 'em off in the first place.



Atheism and Moral Nihilism

Before anyone asks, yes, this is basically a response to Hollowshield's latest blog post. I felt compelled to respond, but found it locked. I hate the mods Of course I don't. As much as I love a good argument, things do need to be locked before they get out of hand. Since I'm making it a full fledged blog post, I have lengthened it and added more stuff.     Anyway, to business. Atheism is a simple disbelief in God or other higher powers, nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't automatically



Signs is one of the worst Sci-fi movies ever.

DISCLAIMER: I last watched Signs about 4 years ago, and haven't rewatched it for this post because its not on Netflix.       ALSO: spoilers.       So, way back when, some friends told me Signs was an awesome and scary scifi movie, and I thought "cool, I like awesome, I like scary, and I like scifi, I should watch this". I promptly forgot all about it for about a year until I noticed it at blockbuster and rented it.   It sucked.   Don't get me wrong, the beginning was okay. I was liki



On Stephen Hawking and his Chair

I've been thinking for awhile about conundrums regarding Stephen Hawking and his chair, and I have come to 6 possible conclusions, all startling, and some even a bit disturbing. I'm not sure which is correct, having never actually met the man.   1) Stephen Hawking is an all-powerful, supernatural being who runs the universe, but has been bound in human form. This would explain how he always seems to know whats really happening in the universe. On January 8th, 1942, Dr. Frank Hawking and his w



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