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This is my blog. :P

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AveryGamerDude's fast food tier list!

Hey all you people! As a fast food connoisseur... I figured I'd make my OWN fast food tier list! I'm gonna show you the tier list I made, and break each restaurant down. Just letting you know, this is just my opinion, and if your favorite fast food restaurant isn't on here, that doesn't mean it's not great, I just probably never ate there, or I didn't eat there enough times to formulate an opinion. With that said, let's do it!! I'll go through each restaurant, from worst to best.



10 things that I don't hate but I feel like I probably should

Hey, I've got another blog post. This time, I managed to think of 10 things that a lot of people hate, but I don't. (This list in alphabetical order, not by how much it's hated or something else.)   CGI I know that it isn't necessarily CGI that people have a problem with, they just think that CGI is overused. CGI never bothered me, personally. CGI nowadays is typically pretty impressive IMO. Seeing CGI in movies like Rogue One, Avengers: Infinity War, and Jurassic World... I



My thoughts on the show ending...

Heya guys. It's been a while since I made a blog post, and I figured that now is a good time to make another one... and it's about the show ending. Frankly, I'm not as devastated as I was whenever I first found out about it, but I'm still pretty bummed out. I know that the story of the show is gonna continue in the comics, and that's great, but people are just making their goodbyes now that the show is over, and it's bumming me out. In all honesty, I wish people would quit saying: "Don't be sad



AveryGamerDude rants: "Let's just NUKE the middle east!"

(DISCLAIMER: IF YOU DO NOT FIT ANY OF THE PEOPLE DESCRIBED IN THIS POST, THEN PLEASE DO NOT GET UPSET. THIS POST ISN'T ABOUT YOU. OKAY, GOOD? LET'S BEGIN!!)   Hey guys. This is the first post I'm gonna do in a series of posts ranting about popular political rhetoric I've seen on the internet. This is an opinion I see espoused by almost EVERYONE on the web, and is also very prominent in regions such as the American south, New York, New Jersey, and in areas of Europe. And the opinion is



My bad experience with an anime club

I'm a little bit sad right now, so I thought I'd cheer myself up by sharing a story from my high school days. It was about autumn during my senior year of high school, and me and my best friend were talking about stuff we could do after school. My friend suggested: "Hey! Our school has an anime club! We should go!" and then I said: "Okay, cool! I love anime!" the next day right after school, we went to the room that they were hosting the club in, (which if you must know was the art room) an



My thoughts on the show ending

*Sigh* It just never ends for me, does it? As you all probably know, Hasbro announced that MLP: FiM is ending after it's 9th season. I'm honestly very bummed out by this, as I'm sure a lot of you are. At first, I actually wasn't too sad about it, but then, everyone started making tearjerking posts about the show ending and started making me feel worse.  Anyway, I wouldn't be so sad about the show ending if it wasn't for 2 things. 1. It's ending too early IMO and 2. I didn't experience the show t



My fanfiction

Hoo, boy, do I have a lot to say. If you didn't know, I'm working on a fanfiction for MLP: FiM. It's gonna be a human in Equestria fanfic. Right now, chapter 2 is about halfway done. I'm gonna write up to Chapter 10, and then I'll need some people to read it. So please can a few of you guys read it? I'll pay you if I have to! Anyway, I'm really hyped for this fanfic. After I've fixed up the first 10 chapters, I'm gonna publish them to fanfiction.net or fimfiction.net or something. I'm also gonna



How I became a brony

Something I've been thinking about a lot is the past of the brony fanbase. I've been lamenting how I never got to experience those moments because I thought MLP: FiM was trash. (Because I never watched it.) So I figured why not tell the story of how I became a brony? I guess I'll begin with the launch of the Hub. At the time, I was a wee 13 year old. I saw ads for the Hub all over television. I thought nothing of it, because I thought it was just some stupid kids channel. One of things they




It's a new day. Every waking moment for me is one with despair, and I'm constantly starved for help for my crippling sadness. Frankly, I'd say I have a long road ahead of more depression. Around every corner, there's more things for me to be depressed about. I'm feeling numb, because I feel like I have no time left until I do something horrible... All that remains of my not as worrisome past are some posts I made on the web. As if that wasn't bad enough, I live in a house divided by religio



Avery's Political Views

Since I saw another user do this, I figure I'll do it as well. Abortion: I am 100% pro choice. Mainly because I'm my life philosophy, and scientifically, at least in my opinion, a fertilized egg cell isn't a person. Not to mention I support the right to choose in general. Death Penalty: I'm not against it, but I'm not for it, either. Although I do consider it cruel and unusual punishment for crimes that aren't murder, I can sympathize with people who support in cases of murder, becaus



Hey guys...

Sorry that I haven't been on in a little while. My mom took away my computer for stupid and private reasons. -__- Just letting you guys know that I'm alive and well. (For the most part.)



First day of school was today...

Today was my first day of school, and my final year of High School. The first day was alright, I guess. My favorite part about today was that there was this freshman girl who sounded a lot like Sweetie Belle!



I am very sad right now...

Why does everyone have to insult me? I mean they're aren't exactly insulting me, but if you insult my favorite next-gen console (Xbox One), then you're basically insulting me. It just makes me really sad that everyone hates me. It seems that everyone hating me is a running theme in my life. My life sucks.



Playing Pokemon

I'm replaying Pokemon SoulSilver version. This time I'm not gonna use Action Replay in order to get 4x XP in order to make the game a cakewalk. I'm just gonna do everything legit. So far, I've just beaten Bugsy, and I'm now gonna head into the Ilex Forest so I can catch a Heracross.



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