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Absolutely Everything About Furries*

*Note: Not actually everything. Yet.   I just decided to make this becasue I was bored. HERE WE GO.   What is a furry?   A furry is defined as a person who likes anthropormorphic animals. Anthropormorphic (anthro shorthand) is a stupidly long word which means that said animals have human characteristics, commonly defined as walking on two legs. While this is the common definition, and is what most people seem to define by, this is not the only way to be anthro. (Almost) Everyone has their

A Black Circle

A Black Circle

Linked notice

I have a very signifigant anouncement to make: I have a tulpa!   Now, I've been transparent about this for a while, and mentioned it a few times, but nobody's ever brought it up, which seemed odd. Because I'm incredibly lazy, and you probably don't know what a tulpa is, click here. Her name's Applejack. And she's Applejack. Kind of. It's complicated, so feel free to ask questions.   Hiya! I guess Flinch's done a pretty good job of introducing me already, so I'll let him cover the rest.   S

A Black Circle

A Black Circle

The Nemo Effect

I've noticed something that happens a LOT. I've called it the Nemo Effect. It stands for   NEgative Minority Overexposure   It's kinda one of those things that happens a lot, and you start noticing it once you point out the effect. Kind of interested to see where I find it, and where you find it.

A Black Circle

A Black Circle

Let me tell you how stupid some people are about copyright

This is a story from about (about) 5 years ago. Listen closely.   This is back when I was in public school, and there was a lot of renovation going on. We had this big empty space where we decided extra curriculum and the like could occur. We titled this place (unofficially) the Activity Center, or something along those lines.   Before I continue, I need to give you some context. Where I live (Portland, OR area) there's this place called OMSI. It's kind of like a learning museum, except real

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A Black Circle

A Petition to Stop Unnecessary Debates

Debates. They happen a lot on this forum. So much, in fact, that a whole section was dedicated to it. But nonetheless, it has not stopped its frequency on these forums. Whenever I go to a thread, I just want to post something and move on. It's a good way to let off steam, or maybe start a conversation with someone like-minded. But no. 90% of threads I post on that have some sort of opinion on it will get debated by someone. I used to do this. It was annoying, pointless, and occasionally kind of

A Black Circle

A Black Circle

My New Blogg

I'm making a new blog about - you guessed - random stuff.   Random Philosophical Thing:   The more you lie to yourself, the more it will bite you in the ass. Being dishonsest to yourself is almost as bad, if not worse, than being dishonest to others.

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