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Metaphysical Word Soup (Serving #3)

Once upon a pawn, there were three people named 'Tiny', but only two of them didn't matter to this story, so that's the last you'll hear of them. At any rate, Tiny had a little mansion in the headwinds of the foothills, and he spent his days there pretending to be a rich foreign oil baron, but not a RED one, 'cause then they send Snoopy in to kill you.  Still, Tiny made a living skimming women in linen into cinnamon incense within 'em - and let me tell you, it wasn't easy; he had to live up



Unfortunately, The Time Has Come

Allow me to begin by saying that I am weird; remember that. I've been on this site for many a moon, and I have experienced a number of joyous moments, a small hoofull of sad or trying ones, a great amount of fun ones and even one or two angry ones.  All those moments, do understand, will live on in my mind for as long as I can remember to hold down the [RESET] button before I turn my mind off each time I manage to sleep.  There are a surprisingly large number of individuals who have become



A Shadow Of A Shadow

*sigh*  Sometimes, nostalgia hits when you least expect it... and makes you wonder 'what if?'  The first MAJOR roleplay I ever got into on this site was so bright... but now, it sits in the archives, lost and faded.  I happened across a post that reminded me of it, and I had to look it up.  But let's start at the beginning... When I first started on this site, I was all sorts of gung-ho about trying to join a roleplay.  I kept checking out other RPs, asking folks on OOC threads, and gene




Forward.   I am expected to move forward. Regardless of whether or not I can handle it. Regardless of even if I'm going to make it through. Still, the forward momentum is expected.   Alone and weary of my Life's lot, I'm apparently to blame for everything that's wrong. Statistically speaking, it can't all be me, right? Still, the forward momentum is expected.   People I know are dying faster now. It feels like everything is winding



Random Facts About Me (No, Nothing Nasty - Stop It)

As a kid, I designed a vehicle, driver and power for the M.A.S.K. line of toys (concept on paper, in pencil AND crayon, because I was a creative kiddo), and sent it in to the Kenner Corporation.  I received a letter back from them, stating that they would keep it on file, and they appreciated my interest - a stock 'thanks' letter, in other words.  Several months later, they released a new toy in the line that was, essentially, my design - right down to the mask's power.  The vehicle was named th



Broad Horizons

My wife threw me out back in November of 2018. The reasons why were irrelevant - I was no longer welcome in the embrace of the woman I'd known since middle school, and my kids were now living somewhere I was not.  Something like that can sandblast the will to live out of someone with the force of a balefire bomb, and at the time, I might not have been suicidal (I've experienced it from the side of losing a dear friend; I won't do that to anyone if I can help it), but I was at the bottom of



BronyCon 2019... and me.

Today.  Is.  The.  DAY. The Bro.  The Ny.  THE CON. Today, I depart for Baltimore on a Greyhound bus, a trip that will last from 2:30 PM 'til 7 AM the next day... I couldn't BE more stoked, right now. Since 2016, I've been coming to this site.  I've spent time interacting with the folks here, sharing stories or memes or even just goofing around & being chaotic and whatnot... and those things mean a LOT to me.  As someone who's always felt alone in crowds, I have to admit



Randi's Politikul Voose

Abortion: Death Penalty/Prison: Freedom Of Speech: Guns: Economy: Gay Marriage: Immigration: Religious Liberty: Transgenderism:   ... y'know those little packets of silica gel that come in shoeboxes?  The ones that say 'Do Not Eat' all over them?  WHY does it always feel like it's a personal challenge? I mean, with the current vibe I've gotten from this generation, it almost feels as if I'm kindly being MOCKED for my own stupidity - like the



Pain Management For Dummies

... ... ... I HATE this feeling. As many times as I've seen others here wallow in sadness & misery, I think it might be okay to vent here for a bit; not like I'm saying or doing anything original with this, after all. And, before I begin, this is NOT a cry for attention, a self-harm warning OR any kind of declaration of 'leaving' these wonderful forums... so no worries, fellow Ponyites - I just need me some good ol' fashioned whine-time.   *ahem*   USE



Discord's Wish List

A glass of water, if you please An Applejack, for me to tease A metric ton of orange snow Another season of my show A song to start a fire by Dilithium crystals (don't ask why) A house-sized chunk of cheddar cheese A mangy dog, complete with fleas A big ol' mug of apple cider A Purple Smart, with Spike beside her A tambourine that's made of taffy A small black duck who goes by 'Daffy' Another round of hedge-maze games A stuffy Prin



Metaphysical Word Soup (Serving #2)

By and far, as well as sell and close, there is a momentous moment of fortuitous foresight for sights unknowable... unshowable... UNGROWABLE... to the rest of the thrice-blessed mess, I confess.  And yes, my success in besting the chest and picking the noselock free of its booger of confinement is one to be trifled - I mean, it wasn't a very good one, was it?  Don't you remember? Regardless of the vested interest, I still managed to find myself in the phone book - and let me tell you, it's



Love & Tolerance... Ya Morons

If EVERYONE has their own opinion, then why do we make such a big deal of having a BETTER one? Granted, nobody's perfect - there are faiths that have outrageous rules, societies who exclude all but a few, and clubs who focus on specific groups of people... but still, it seems to have become a national pasttime to tell others how wrong they are, then to parade one's ego up & down the block for all to see.  It's a game to the current generation, to destroy someone's beliefs and then laugh



The Curator

There is a place, within the center of any given mind where we keep our innermost hopes and dreams like a museum of wishes, within the city of the soul.   I once roamed these halls as if I lived here, wondering at the bright and shiny could-bes while taking in little of the curator's lessons.   Then I grew to question some of the lessons and to outright reject and rebel against others as I graffiti'd the walls with my angst and pride.  




All of us have a cage. It's a cage we build for ourselves, over time.  We build it originally as a safeguard to contain our inner beasts, and the bars are forged from the lessons we learn about acceptability and fitting into the world around us.  This is when the cage contains things like stealing, killing, harming and such; they're things we're taught not to do, so we cage them up using the bars forged from the earliest lessons impressed upon us. However, as we grow older, we begin to



Widdershins Meets The Blackwaters

(Warning: LONG - GRAB POPCORN) [PROLOGUE] Widdershins is awesome.  I just wanted to start there. There is always a part of each and every one of us that longs to gain approval; whether it be by hook, by crook or by charm; there are rather surprising lengths that someone will go to in order to receive praise, including place oneself in some form of harm, be it physical, social, mental or spiritual.  Doing so is a risk, yes - but the reward of a word or two of kind



Lord Of The Dragon Council

For those of you here for a Spike fanfic, I am sorry to disappoint. Last night, as I sat at my computer and... uhm, computed... I was distracted by the sight of my childrens' sleeping bag, its shape swollen and wriggling, scooting its' way down the hall, headed right for me.  A small blond head poked out, and a different voice from inside the mound said, "No!  Which wayyyyyy!?", followed by the head looking right at me and the blond saying, "He's over here; c'mon!", and the mass of cloth an



Future Unsure

I'll be moving soon.   The biggest problem with this is the fact that, as of this writing, I have NO idea where we'll be moving to.   You see, my family and I have until December the 31st to find another place to live, secure it, and move our stuff into it - including ourselves. This came on somewhat short notice, and there's no butthurt or anger involved; it's simply one of those kinds of situations where nobody's really at fault.   Frankly, it sucks - I kinda wish I DID have someone to p



Alienation Nation

I can't really help myself sometimes...   I go through the RP section a lot, and there are a number of times I come across some of the niftiest scenarios and characters - the folks who RP here are awesome - and I wonder to myself, "hey... wouldn't it be neat if I could-"...   But that's where I stop. Why? Well, that's a complicated answer...   You see, I've been floating around on this site for over a year now, and I've been a part of a number of RPs here. But many of those RPs have fal



Donning The Black Armband

Hiya, folks.   By now, it's no secret as to what we've been dealing with since this month started, and there have been a lot of hurt feelings, anger, and understandable fear due to a lot of things that happened while we weren't even paying attention.   I don't mean simply staff, either - I mean all of us.   Now, suddenly there are all sorts of folks leaving here - supposedly for good - and many others standing in a state of shock, worried as to what might come next.   Well, as far as it



[RP ADVICE] How To Overhaul A 'Monty Haul'

Part Three of "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Players"   I'm gonna try to make this a thing I do, since some folks out there actually read blogs; hopefully my experience with roleplaying and game-mastering will be able to help others develop themselves and their characters into dramatic powerhouses... or, at the very least, something more fun than it may already be.   In the third installment, we're gonna address a character's possessions... and how to get rid of the tricky stuf



[RP ADVICE] Keeping Your OP-ness In Your Pants

Part Two of "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Players" I'm gonna try to make this a thing I do, since some folks out there actually read blogs; hopefully my experience with roleplaying and game-mastering will be able to help others develop themselves and their characters into dramatic powerhouses... or, at the very least, something more fun than it may already be. In the second installment, I'm gonna address a big one: dealing with Mary Sue characters. A Mary Sue, for those who hav



[RP ADVICE] When They Patch The Wrong Holes

Part One of "How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Players"   I'm gonna try to make this a thing I do, since some folks out there actually read blogs; hopefully my experience with roleplaying and game-mastering will be able to help others develop themselves and their characters into dramatic powerhouses... or, at the very least, something more fun than it may already be.   In the first installment, I think I wanna show the folks out there running these things how to work with one of th



Metaphysical Word Soup (Serving #1)

As the folly of my own existence plays out each and every scene in the theatres of my mind, I realize, the slow roil of my emotions beginning a rolling boil, that the seats in particular that I have been sold tickets to temporarily dwell in are firmly positioned behind a massive column of self-doubt.   Is this MY column to deal with? If so, that will be fine; I tend to column like I see 'em, so there will be no doubt as to the dab of indubitable debt's debate. The call is made, the words are



Lost In The Depths Of The Insomniverse

"Sleep is for the weak." - Croyd Crenson, aka "The Sleeper", "Typhoid Croyd", Wild Cards novels   This was a line said by a character with a very unique set of problems that made him afraid to sleep... and for good reason, as well.   Each time the guy slept, anywhere from a few weeks to a few years of his life would vanish as he 'hibernated'. When he awoke, along with being fully healed of any previous damage he'd taken, he would have a different set of powers and a different (sometimes han



Testing, 1 - 2 - 3... 4 - 5?

Okay, this would mark the first time I've ever done a blog - though the idea of such has crossed my mind before. Honestly, I had considered such in the past, but I had never quite felt... well, safe. I mean, c'mon - people can be cruel, and I have a long history with cruel people in my life - but that's a story for another time.   I am not truly certain what a blog is FOR, but I assume it's kind of like an online diary. I mean, I've heard that a large number of folks do it; why can't I, r



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