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Build your Japanese vocabulary one word at a time! がんばるよ!

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Japanese Word of the Day 9/13/15

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is... *drum roll*   笑顔、(えがお)、egao         いみ(meaning): Smiling face, smile   れいぶん(example sentence): あなたの笑顔が大好きだ。Anata no egao ga daisuki da   ほんやく(translation): I love your smile.   I thought this was a really nice word. I learned it while studying a Japanese love song that I like and I noticed that it comes up often in other love songs as well. So, it's quite common. ^-^   Any and all questions about the language are welcome in the co

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/11/15

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   自撮り、(じどり)、Jidori いみ(meaning):Selfie   れいぶん(example sentence):自撮りはとてもうるさいよ!   ほんやく(translation):Selfies are so annoying!   Here's another fun word for you all, haha. 自撮り is a colloquial expression; in other words, it should be used in only casual situations. ^-^ So, I wouldn't advise telling your Japanese boss that you like to take selfies -- well, unless you are friendly with each other and all that wonderful jazz.   Any

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanesee Word of the Day 9/10/15

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   荒らし、(あらし)、Arashi いみ(meaning): (Internet) troll Dun dun DUN!   れいぶん(example sentence):荒らしに話すより無視する方がいいです。arashi ni hanasu yori mushi suru hou ga ii desu.   ほんやく(translation):It's better to ignore trolls than to talk to them. (Da troof! lol)   Ahh -- the good 'ole internet troll. As much as the internet would be a better place without them -- they are, unfortunately, here to stay. Thus, not only is this a cool word -- it'

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/9/15

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   おろおろ、orooro   いみ(meaning):Nervous, flustered, in a dither (lol), all shook up (adverb, verb)   れいぶん(example sentence):私は演説をする前に、とてもおろおろしていた。watashi wa enzetsu wo suru mae ni, totemo ororo shite ita.   ほんやく(translation):Before I made my speech, I was very nervous.   I am so sorry for missing a day -- and almost two (p.s.t., haha)! Life has been super busy as of late. Anyway ^-^ I feel like this is an important word to know,

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/7/15 (ノ≧∀≦)ノ♪

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   最先端、(さいせんたん)、saisentan   いみ(meaning):Cutting edge, leading edge, forefront   れいぶん(example sentence):アップルの電話は最先端のテクノロジーですよ。 appuru no denwa wa saisentan no tekunorojii desu yo.   ほんやく(translation): Apple phones are the cutting edge of technology, you know.     Japan is one of the world leaders of technology in our day and age. Many of the inventions that came out of the country are ingeniously innovative and sometimes ju

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/6/15 (ノ^.^)ノ♪

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   世界観、(せかいかん)、Sekaikan   いみ(meaning):World view, outlook on the world   れいぶん(example sentence):私の世界観はあなたのと違います。watashi no sekaikan wa anata no to chigaimasu.   ほんやく(translation):My world view is different than yours.   Everyone on the planet have (or will have) a world view -- even if we don't articulate it out loud. We are all born with (and at some point, choose) a paradigm by which we see the world that we live in. Sharin

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/4/15 o(^o^)o♪

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   笑いのツボ、(わらいのツボ)、warai no tsubo       いみ(meaning):Sense of humor れいぶん(example sentence):私は彼女の笑いのツボが好きです。watashi wa kanojo no warai no tsubo ga suki desu.   ほんやく(translation):I like her sense of humor.   I thought this word was really neat. You can describe people's sense of humor with a plethora of adjectives; odd, dark, sarcastic, hilarious, kooky etc.   Any and all questions about the language are welcomed in the

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/3/15 ~(˘▾˘)~♪

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   大好物、(だいこうぶつ)、Daikoubutsu いみ(meaning):(one's) favorite food   れいぶん(example sentence):何があなたの大好物ですか?nani ga anata no daikoubutsu desu ka?   ほんやく(translation): What's your favorite food?   This is a fun word, haha. ^-^ Food can be a great conversation starter; it opens up the door to sharing stories, memories, and culture with one another. This is why I think it's an important word to know; and maybe even the example sentenc

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/2/15 ┌(・。・)┘♪

♪ Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto -- Domo, Domo...domo domo! ♪   こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is... *drum roll*   社交的(な)、(しゃこうてき)、Shakouteki (na)     いみ(meaning ):Sociable, friendly (Noun, Na-adjective)   れいぶん(example sentence):私の先生はとても社交的な人です。Watashi no sensei wa totemo shakouteki na hito desu.   ほんやく(translate): My teacher is a very sociable person.   Sorry for posting this so late, it's been a long day, but I got it up! This word is a little bit different, because it's

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 9/1/15 ~(˘▾˘~)

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word of the day is... *drum roll*   同情、(どうじょう)、Doujou   いみ(meaning):Compassion, sympathy, sympathize, to feel for (Noun and Verb)   れいぶん(example sentence):私はあなたの事態を同情します。 Watashi ha anata no jitai wo doujyou shimasu.   ほんやく(translation):I feel for your situation.   In our society, it's easy to get caught up in the fast pace of our world and lose our sensitivity to one another. But compassion is one of the most beautiful and selfless emotions we possess. It t

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 8/31/15 。(⌒∇⌒。)♪

こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day...*drum roll*   勇気、(ゆうき)、Yuuki   いみ(meaning):Courage, bravery, valor, nerve, and boldness     れいぶん(example sentence):私はあなたの勇気をちょっと嫉妬します。Watashi wa anata no yuuki wo chotto shitto shimasu. (I'm not cursing, lol)   ほんやく(translation):I am a little envious of your courage.   Living this life to our fullest requires some degree of courage. Whether it's stepping out and making new friends; learning a language; or facing difficult circumstances

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 8/30/15 (´「^o^)「♪

(´「^o^)「♪ Thriller! Thriller night! ♪   こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   友好、(ゆうこう)、Yuukou   いみ(meaning):Friendship...     れいぶん(example sentence):ときどき、友好が難しいけど、私はまだ大好きです。tokidoki, yuukou ga muzukashii kedo, watashi ha mada daisuki desu.   ほんやく(translation): Friendship is difficult sometimes, but I still love it.   I'm sure we all love friendship. It can have it's ups and downs, but the reward of having camaraderie and making lasting bonds is well

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day 8/28/15 ₍₍ ◝(^ω^)◟ ⁾⁾♪

The power within...The power within...THE POWERWI-- Ohai! こんにちは、皆さん!^-^ The Japanese word for the day is...*drum roll*   葛藤、(かっとう)、Kattou   いみ(meaning): Conflict, complication, troubles, and...     れいぶん(example sentence):私は学校でこどもと一緒に葛藤があります。 Watashi wa gakkou de kodomo to isshoni kattou ga arimasu.   ほんやく(translation): I have a conflict with a kid at school.   Conflict is a part of life -- thus why this is an important word to know...unfortunately, haha. But we all love Discord

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day ( ノ^ω^)ノ♪ 8/27/15

こんにちは、皆さん!^~^ The Japanese word of the day is... *Drum roll...*   食品店、(しょくひんてん)、Shokuhinten   いみ(meaning):Grocery store   れいぶん(example sentence):私は食品店に行きたくない。Watashi wa shokuhinten ni ikitakunai.   ほんやく(translation):I don't want to go to the grocery store.   I know -- it's kind of a "boring" word. But it's an important and relevant word to know; especially if you plan to go to Japan for longer than a tourist stay.   Any and all questions about the language are welcome in the co

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Japanese Word of the Day (JWD) ♪ ヘ(^o^ヘ)(ノ^o^)ノ ♪

Hello everyone! ^-^ As some of you may know, I have been studying Japanese for several years now. I haven't, however, been studying much this year; which has resulted in loss of vocabulary. For this reason, I created this blog to learn and keep track of new (and relevant) words on a daily basis; as well as to share them with you all! It's a win win! If you're studying Japanese as well -- or have a remote interest in the language -- I hope this helps in your language journey or ignites your inte

Jaxsie (Inactive)

Jaxsie (Inactive)

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