I've had enough of my parents they came over and yelled at me again and blamed my friends once again. And this was this morning and I asked nicely two days ago if they can take me to the airport so I can go on my holiday but they refused to take me to the airport and so they found out were I'm going for my holiday the just yelled at me and saying their the ones that made choose this way and I just told them to leave and they did and I sent them a message saying "do not call me or come over" and
Well the reason i have a female pony as my OC cause i just found out yesterday that I'm not gay but I'm transgender MTF
after talking with a few professionals about feelings and thoughts i have been having for awhile.
A very special surprise to my love Shimmer Sparkle
Today is very a special day for me and a very special somepony and we have been together for 4 months as of today and I have been so happy to have him in my life.
To: Shimmer Sparkle
Love between both of us is very very strong
From: Frost Diamond
Right now I don't know what to do cause my parents have gone to far this time
Reason : "I rang my friend to take me to the bank and my mum called them up and said not to pick me up" *starts to cry*
I have been on the forums nearly a year and cause of what's been happening in my life I consider the MLPForums like a second family to me cause they care for me and always there when I need to be cheered up and also my boyfriend when I met him on here it was a special moment and we have been together for nearly 4 months and I'm happy to find him and he makes my day even better.
I was riding my bike last night and it started to rain and i went to find shelter and rang up my dad to see if he can pick me up and drop me off home but he wanted me to ride in the rain and darkness of the night and I said can you please and he came and pick me up and said to me if you have a bad attitude to me again i will never answer the phone to you if you are asking for help.
Two days ago I went to jury duty and I asked my dad to drop me off there and then he refused to take me home after the jury duty was done and he said you can walk home and I had no water and the temperature was 31C/87F
Thank you so much for the support and being there when I'm feeling down and i really appreciate it and you are awesome friends to have and I think this community is awesome.
When I joined the community I didn't know what to expect and when I did I was really surprised
especially my boyfriend
My parents went behind my back and told the rest of the family of me being gay and my brother in-law gave me the speech but not as bad as my dad did and my brother wanted to drive down to were i live and punch me for being gay and i feel like my rights as a person has been taken away by my parents.
My dad came over to my place but this time he called saying he was coming over and then he started talking about me being gay and then said that he has spoken to my sisters and brother and they will not support it and not talk to me.
since my last appointment with my counselor my parents still haven't budged and my dad gave me the bible speech again and now has the whole family wanting to know what's happening
my parents came over to my place this morning and my dad told me to mow the lawn when he told me over the phone before they came over to my place and yelled at me
My parents found my LGBT bracelet and had a go at me and fully yelled at me and did the full bible speech and will not accept for who iam and this morning they had a go at me again and they tried to take my bracelet off me
And now I don't feel safe around them
I am so happy Right now and I feel like the weight has lifted off my shoulders and my parents have given up on making me get rid of my collection of MLP items
I'm so happy today cause its been 2 months as of today since I came out on the forums that I was gay and I can't believe it's gone so fast And I'm fully comfortable of who i'am