We're back for Season 2 baby!!
Season 2 is my personal favourite, so I was very excited to cover my favourite episodes. There are so many incredible ones here, so it did take a while for me to settle on my top 5. I am pretty happy with my final list though.
Let's begin!
5. A Friend in Deed
Fittingly enough, this episode always brings a smile to my face.
I honestly don't have much to say about this one. The episode itself is really adorable. Pinkie is su
Bet you didn't expect this.
So, what exactly is this all about?
I'm glad you asked! It's really quite simple. I'm going to go through each season of Friendship is Magic and rank my favourite episodes. I originally planned for this to be just one blog, where I'd pick my definite favourite from each season. Upon review, there are a lot of episodes that I really like and I feel that I wouldn't be content with picking one to represent an entire season. So, this format will have to suffic
Hi, how are you? Please, pull a chair, sit down with me and let's have a chat.
So this was originally going to be posted back in March, but I scrapped the whole thing because I didn't jive with it. I tried having a structure, but that didn't work, so I'm going with I'm good at. That's just typing whatever comes to my head. I know like two people will read this, but if you do, I appreciate it.
We have finally returned to form. We are back in business at last. I figured I may as well fin
It's no secret that My Little Pony is a big franchise and naturally something that large in scope would spurt out all sorts of media. Whenever I hear about things that fans have wanted with FiM, I always hear of a full blown video game on actual consoles. I have no idea what fans are talking about because one already exists and nobody talks about it for some reason.
This is My Little Pony Chronicles - The Dark Keyhood, 3/3 Days.
Yeah, there was a Gen 4 video game! I don't know ho
It's no secret that My Little Pony is a big franchise and naturally something that large in scope would spurt out all sorts of media. Whenever I hear about things that fans have wanted with FiM, I always hear of a full blown video game on actual consoles. When you think of a video game based off MLP, you'll probably immediately think of that Gameloft app on mobile. But believe it or not the older generations of MLP actually had their own video games.
My Little Pony - Crystal Princess: The
Check, check, check. Is this thing on?
*pulls out scroll*
Attention ponies of MLP Forums. It is my duty to inform you that I, Discord, spirit of chaos and devilishly good looking Draconequus, will be taking over Cash In's account. If you have any issues with this, please speak to my secretary, the Smooze. He will be happy to oblige (provided that you don't wear anything shiny).
*tosses scroll away* Now that the unnecessary formalities are over with, it is my pleasure to ann
For those who don't know me, I play a ton of video games. I have since a very young age.
When I go out, I usually take my DS with me and what not. Although, I feel as soon as I start to get into a game, something happens and it completely breaks my focus and I stop playing. It's freaking annoying as all hell.
I don't mean to transform this into a rant by any means.
I suppose I shouldn't be too mad. Besides, it would probably be smart to switch priorities. I have a Networking ass
Okay, so I know that I literally posted an entry not too long ago. I just need a bit of a vent.
So I was planning to go to sleep early for once, 10:30pm to be precise. I don't know what happened, but it is now 4:45 am. Wanna know how much sleep I got?
20 minutes.
At this point I just decided to get up for the day (Not like I was ever really asleep in the first place). Now I'm in the living room, listening to my computer fan, with the blinds open. At least this way I can see the su
I couldn't think of a creative title.
I woke up pretty late this morning (11ish) and I was in a pretty good mood. I do my usual routine, (shave, get dressed, eat breakfast) and I turn on my laptop so I can have some sweet sweet gaming time. I have the entire day to myself, so I want to make the most of it. So I turn my laptop on, it shows the splash screen and then it throws an error. At this point I'm pretty confused, so I turn it off and on about three times until I realise, the hard driv