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Not much of a blogger, but I like to use this for those very specific works of writing that just don't fit anywhere else and news updates that would not fit in a status update. 

Entries in this blog

Recently Got Targeted by Scammers

I wish I was making this up, but YES, this is real. Soon after almost having an exorbitant amount of money stolen from my bank account, I got proof that there really is no rest for the wicked as fraud attempted to strike me again. Two scammers on DeviantArt attempted to steal money from me with e-check overpayment scams. For those who don't know, that's when you get sent more money than what a scammer initially promises you before asking you to transfer money back to them as compensation. The wa

The Stolen Money From My Bank Account is Being Refunded

I just checked my bank account and noticed that the fraudulently transferred $15,000 is in the process of being refunded. I was in a long call with my bank on the phone this morning about the fraud claim and transferring my money to my new account that's still in the confirmation process, a call in which I was promised a return of the stolen money that had thankfully not had its unauthorized transfer fully processed yet. Very relieved that it's now set in stone that I'm going to be reimbursed. 

I Had Money Stolen From My Bank Account Today

Just two hours ago, I was looking at my bank statement and noticed that a fraudulent transfer of $15,000 had been made today. I contacted my bank immediately and learned that this was likely the result of someone finding out my account number. I immediately requested for my bank account to be frozen and started a new one that will hopefully be available soon. Because I made a report right away while the transfer had just happened and was still being processed, I could get my money back by disput

My Personal 2023 Retrospect

Doing this a little earlier than usual, totally not because of inspiration from Props. Anyway, to recount what 2023 was like for me personally, it was another pretty mid-tier year of ups and downs.  Work this year, unlike last year, was not a slog at all early on. Unfortunately, that furlough I've talked about in the past hit me like a truck in June, lasting two months longer than I would've wanted. The middle of the year was definitely not good in regards to progress with work, especially

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Personal Life

My Personal 2020 Retrospect

Although 2020 has been one of the worst years for the world in recent history, and I have to give my condolences to you if you had a terrible year, I do want to write a short overview of all the significant things that happened to me.  Not too long after the year began, I got my first full-time promotion at work. I never missed a single week of work the entire year and by the middle of the year, I was slated to get a raise. I didn't get it this year because of what I already explained in an

Misty Shadow

Misty Shadow in Personal Life

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