You guys! I am so honored to know those of you who have proven to be strong friends during the harshest of times. Ough, even today with dealing with my silly loneliness.. @Windy Breeze@Starset Twinkle and gosh.. too many others to list, but you're gonna make me cry, so let's just stop while we're ahead...
When @Sophie H.was not feeling at her best, @Pandora immediately chimed in to gather everyone up to get her a gift! I am honored to be the plushie in this gift art as it symbolizes that I
This one would be mine..
Gosh, it's so energetic and alive with so much going on ...and yet so soft. At one point becoming slightly somber before picking up in spirit again. I love this song so much....
Wow! The month of July has been intense!
Birthdays, weddings, planning social events! And did I mention all the birthdays?! So many people to remember while managing many other things. I’ve been feeling happy like Pinkie Pie! Even though I was informed of something rather disheartening and I guess I kinda want to vent about it here…
I’d like to write about more positive things when they happen since they certainly outweigh the negative, but when good happens I get too lost in the momen
*takes a deep breath* Okies!
So, hanging out with friends has been lovely. It's truly soothed some of my social anxiety after this weird pandemic thingy. Actually, one of my friends introduced me to someone new, we'll call him Jared, it turns out I thought he didn't like me due to his stern demeanor but he's simply just very reserved (like me!) and it seems misunderstood. After a while, we got to know each other and it seems an actual friendship is formed.
I've also been speaking to a
The first time I saw this game, I fell in love with the visuals of it. It's just one of those things where you know you're going to love something before you know you are.
It is such a somber but sweet game. I've been playing it when I am at home and alone. I love the music and the art is so breathtaking. Actually, the art has inspired me to do more background art -- which is one of my weaknesses. I have to say, the WIP above turned out better than I thought -- considering I'm a complete ne
Yesterday was very interesting. I hung out with friends and even met new people. I think I shall do one thing every day to take Mark's advice in hanging out more often nwn
Also, this song video is so sweet, it makes me sentimental.
I'm a little nervous about later today. I was invited over to some friends and after the lockdown and becoming adjusted to isolation and "steering clear" from passing/receiving the virus, my social skills have plummeted. I used to be a social butterfly who mingled and hung around so many people! In fact, I love people....
But I've also come to realize that I've been such a poor friend to those who were there for me/pursuing me during this time. I think I may have developed a lockdown depres
I'm sentimental, so I'm posting this here to save the memory.
My friend Raindrop dedicated this song to me when I was feeling sad. It's called Wave Music and it's upbeat and sweet. He says it reminds him of me.
Ok ok ok so the movie is for today! I'm super excited but I have to hold off because I'm waiting for my friends to watch it with! @Ocean Wavedream pls hurry ;~;
I'm SO CURIOUS and have SO MANY questions! Like, how is there no magic? What happened? Was it cause of technology? What about the Windigos? Where are the mane 6?! Gosh, I won't be on the forums today because I don't want any spoilers but guysss. I'm just sooo excite ;~: