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About this blog

This is a blog to discuss MLP's religious and spiritual information in one source.

I had hoped to put into the forum but not enough were interested to make it worth while so I'm putting it into this blog.


the first and most obvious thing about MLP is the princesses which equates the power of the feminine or the creative side of existence.


I will put more in at s better time and if there is something you want to hear more of feel free to communicate any questions you may have. 

Entries in this blog

Celestianism Season 1 episode 1&2 review. Review cancelled.

Alrighty, I shall  make a quick review of MLP:FIM season 1 episodes 1&2 Friendship is harmony. For obvious reasons this and ALL further reviews of the episode in question will spoil the plot of the episode so if you have not seen the episode in question it is probably a good idea to come back to the review later on after you have. The episode begins with The reading narration of the history of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, how they watched over the land and ponies as the lea


StarHeart333 in MLP show review

why TV is worse than you may think.

Television or TV as it may be more commonly called these days is not at all your friend and while yes after a hard day of working it's easy to desire to sit down and just relax in front of the TV there are several reasons you really shouldn't.  First of TV kills your brains ability to visualize and imagine as it's all right there  whereas if you were to just hear or see a description it makes your brain have to work and create the image from scratch.  Blue light is yet another issue as

Universal laws explained.

(laws of life category)- The Law of Attraction- You attract whatever it is that your are focused on so if you focus on what you desire you get that if you focus on what you do not desire you get that as well.   The Law of Request- You have free will and as such nothing can come into your life to help or hurt unless you specifically request it.   The Law of Resistance- energy you fight against only serves to strengthen said energy and that is because your subconscious doesn't

Unicorns and the power of belief

(I shall edit this and add more to it later on). The power of the unicorn to perform magic and your mind both share something in common you wouldn't think of... Belief. You might be now wondering what belief and magic have in common right now. The answer is that you have believed that your ideas are just make-believe concepts coming out of thin air: your characters, your stories etc all things come from nothing and exist within nothingness AKA a void within your mind. Bu

The different pony types and possible origins

The pony types of Equestria an attempt to explain possible origins and the different origins of different pony types: Earth, Pegasi, and unicorns. First let's start with the Earth ponies or ponies of the world of nature.  Their origin is a fairly simple one born of a fusion of the elements of the land they are able to use their magic to grow and alter the world of nature as they see fit at least with plant life as shown in G5. Why they didn't use it before could be any number of reasons per


StarHeart333 in Origins

Rainbow chakra system Masculine/feminine gender

One of the most interesting things of MLP is their element rainbow spell.  Which brings me to the subject of this blog the meaning of the rainbow. The colors of the rainbow represent the spiritual and physical chakra system. For example red represents the physical or base physical chakra system. Like wise, in the opposite end of the rainbow the color of indigo represents the God head or connection to one's higher self and the spiritual world. And even beyond that there i

Indepth look at how the elements actually defeat evil and how this is practical for real life.

We've all seen in many MLP episodes Twilight, AJ, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Dash all channel their energy into the elements of harmony creating a rainbow spiral in the series or in the case of rainbow rocks it creates a giant alicorn spirit energy...  First lets look at the mlp version then get to the EG version and yes btw before you ask it is a bit different but technically speaking the elements ARE there in EG.  The elements work by channeling the power of the soul based a six

Elements of harmony a basic guide.

A basic guide for spiritual understanding of what the MLP elements of harmony are and how they can be defined for our every day life.   Note that these are stated in any particular order with the exception of magic being  last. Let's start with the element of loyalty. What exactly is loyalty defined as here because it sounds simple enough by itself it just means you're loyal to your friends right? WRONG, that's not at all what the element is about. The element of loyalty

Origin of the divine and universe does not matter

Alot of people including myself have always wondered what the origin of the universe or if some power created what we think and know to be quote "God" or whatever your religion calls it's divine.  By "God" here I simply mean any divine figure that is considered key to your belief system so if you worship say Celestia or Ra or whoever else it would be the same thing really. I just don't list them all here because it would be a very very long list. The truth is we can never know and prob


StarHeart333 in Origins

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