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I need a good title for a fanfic

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"Kids Shows" VS "Mature Shows" And The Double Standards In Quality

I have noticed for a long time that the quality of entertainment has really gone downhill and with that standards in general seem to be going right down the crapper, especially with shows geared toward children. But despite the fact that the general public has even lower expectations because of the notion that is "just a kids show" "mature" shows have gone downhill even further as fast than shows geared toward children yet nobody makes the argument that this is okay because "it is just an adults



Of Pony Tournaments And Needless Drama

So the other night a couple of people took things a bit far in the March Madness favorite pony tournament by disparaging the ponies they didn't vote for with statements like "*insert ponies name here* sucks" and apparently some people thought Nazi comparisons were a good idea for Celestia knows what reason and people taking this whole thing in general more seriously than they should. A little fanboying is fun and is pretty much expected, but this isn't a matter of life and death and nobody shoul



Why I Like Granny Smith More Than Ever (Leap Of Faith Spoilers)

I just saw the new episode after quite an emotionally difficult week for me and this is one of those episodes that seemed to speak to me, one of those episodes that came at just the right time. For those of you who haven't kept up with all of my blogs may not know is that I have had knee problems for over 4 years due to a reoccurring work related knee injury, the first 3 in the same year and the 4th one being last November which took me out of work for 6 weeks.   When I returned to work I was



2 Years Since My Dad's Passing And How That Has Affected My Views On Applejack

I have always loved Applejack and it is something I have said many times but with today being the 2nd anniversary of my fathers death I am reminded of one of the reasons that I believe really sealed the deal for me and made me have a strong bond with Applejack in particular and there is a hint in the picture below.     The death of Applejacks parents, orphans have been a long time trope in literature, TV, comics, cartoons, video games and just every media that has ever existed and ever will



Mr Slash And Burn Pulls One Over On Me Again

I swear my butt is killing me, joking aside though he has found a new way to put one over on me. Because of this training I went to the other week it screwed everything up and caused my whole department to go straight to shit so it was Friday and I was still dealing with what was left of the other days load along with those accursed Minute Maid punches which take up the whole fucking cooler every time they go on add because the ware house sends enough for us to invite the whole town to a party.



I Got Hit By A TRAINing

It is time for another workplace rant, all the employees above General Merchandise Clerk (except for meat cutters) all had to go to this training about alcohal policy due to a local ordinace requiring it every two years. Even the receiver (back room manager) and night crew manager (as in graveyard night) had to go. The training itself wasn't that bad it was the timing that pissed me off. On Wednseday I was the opening dairy clerk and on Wednesday my wall load (everything in dairy section except



A Tie Break And A Change In My Favorite Pony Rankings

Sometimes around season 3 Twilight Sparkle tied with Applejack for my favorite pony although you wouldn't have known that with how much more I tended to fanboy over Applejack than her unless you were here during the height of the twilicorn controversy where I made my case that I didn't like the change but liked Twilight. And sometimes before season 3 Luna became tied so it was a threeway (giggity giggity) which is a tad more obvious since I am the one who started the Luna fanclub thread on here



My Coworker Is On Coke

A coworker of mine has a serious coke problem, I told him it was a bad idea but he didn't listen. Nope, I tried to tell him that he should have...       Applied to Pepsi instead     I could not resist making that joke, but seriously my friend and now former coworker Martin just got his class A license and got a job as a trucker for Coca Cola. To get his trucking license he had to take several classes which in total cost him a few thousand smackers, had to take 2 tests (3 if you count ha



There Is No Such Thing As Normal

A quick youtube video on something that has been bugging me for a long time and it is how people are pressured into being "normal", think of this video as my personal screw you to that notion.  



I Want Whatever My Manager Is Smoking

It has been a while so time for another work related rant again about my favorite person my manager, Mr Slash and Burn. I have made several rants about how he cuts hours so far back that it is becoming almost impossible to get anything done at all but he really went full retard this time. I go into work yesterday, my first day being the opening dairy clerk since coming back from my injury and I get the rather lovely surprise of finding out that there was no opening checker that day. The lady tha



Adorable Ponies Got My Attention, The Article Itself Kept It

An article using ponies to describe some of the shenanigans of Google and Facebook and on another note I want to know where he got those figurines. I want the AJ and Pinkie Pie one.   http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2014/01/google_is_trying_harder_than_ever_to_be_facebook_gmail_and_youtube_users.html



So Glad I Don't Need Surgery

Last Friday I got an MRI on my right knee because my injury was taking way longer to heal even though a previous injury had pain far worse yet didn't take as long to heal. It sure wasn't a pleasant experience and I wouldn't reccomend it unless you absolutely had to do it, because I am so tall and the table was so small my back and left shoulder were hurting pretty bad once all was said and done. And since my leg had to have sandbags put on it to keep it in place and I had to remain perfectly sti



What I Did During The Big Outage

1. Went to get an MRI on my right knee: It was a very uncomfortable experience that was even more uncomfortable because I am so tall and the table I laid down on was so short. I have been out of work due to a work related knee injury for a month now and because it is taking so long I want to find out what the hell is going on. After it was all said and done they gave me a packet and told me to give it to the doctor at my next doctors appointment which is tomorrow. I just hope to God I don't need



Title For A Fanfic Where The Apple Family Goes Into The Guano Business

After the recent MLP episode Bats I came up with yet another idea for fanfic but can't seem to come up with a good title for it. In this fanfic the vampire fruit bats although they have multiplied have as Fluttershy predicted benfitted the farm by spreading the seeds of the apples they have eaten. Their poop/guano has also made excellent fertilizer but the bats have produced more guano than the Apple Family could possibly use which has prompted them to start to start selling their excess guano.



Not A Bad Christmas Day

I gave quite the wall o text about Christmas Eve now it is time for Christmas Day. Christmas Day is usually spent either at my place or at my Aunt Judy's place and this year is Aunt Judy's place. Unlike Christmas Eve I never had a problem making it to Christmas Day because of work as Christmas Day is the one holiday the store I work at is closed on. After spending a late night at my Aunt Lina's house for Christmas Eve I was pretty tired the next morning, my Mom was up early to make the finishing



Not A Bad Christmas Eve

This got to be quite the wall o text so I decided to divide it up into two parts with part 2 being Christmas Day which you can see here   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-8948-not-a-bad-christmas-day/     So Christmas isn't really the same for me when I was a kid, a lot of family has passed away or gotten divorced or what have you and things have gotten a bit more complicated so I often get a bit depressed around this time of year. Last Christmas was the first one since my father passed



A Few Words About "Positivity"

Edit: my comment on the blogpost this was a response to was removed, the author felt it was off topic and was concerned it would de rail things and create more conflict. I respect and understand this decision these are still the same words I said there though.   It all starts with each of us as individuals, no place is perfect no matter how tightly knit of welcoming it is but it is up to us to do what we can to do the little things that make this place feel more like a community. Report trolls



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