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About this blog

Come and see the thoughts of me, Radiance, on various pony-related things! May also contain non-pony related things. And potatoes.

Entries in this blog

A Personal Announcement

Hello MLP Forums community! You may or may not have noticed a thing or two is different when it comes to me, and I didn't want to make a big thing of it really(plus I can't make a Canterlot Castle topic about it anymore), but I thought that I should at least make a smaller announcement in blog form here.   I have resigned from being an MLP Forums Moderator.   As for why, in case you were afraid to ask or just wondering, don't worry, I didn't do anything wrong, wasn't angry with anything or



Top 5 Season 4 Songs!(so far)

Hay everypony! Hope you're doin' super.   Anyway, according to Miss Meghan we won't be getting another song in season 4 for a while: So since we've already heard most of them so far, I wanted to do a top 5 for this season's amazing songs so far! These are purely my thoughts of course, so here we go!   5. Cheese Confesses Of all the songs featuring Weird Al in Pinkie Pride, this one was by far the best in my opinion. While the other ones were fun and silly no doubt, this song got across



Three's a Crowd Hype(spoilers perhaps)

Hey, it's another Episode Hype Blog! Whoo! So, this coming episode is called And will feature Getting a visit from Also, this guy gets sick And will surely cause some mayhem as our loving sisters in-law have to take care of him. The rest will be there as well So who knows what moments each will bring(especially Rarity). Also, Discord will totally be dressed like Hunter S. Thompson for a moment http://i2.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article1148201.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Hunter%2



Rainbow Falls Hype(spoilers maybe)

Decided I want to make hype blogs for new episodes because why not, not using it for much else lol(I have a few ideas though). Anyway, let's get hype! So this episode is called And will feature this one In the Equestria Games or something. Also, this guy will have a speaking role So yay! Speaking of yay, she'll be here too for some reason So go nuts Flutter fans. Last but not least, she's back So get ready for more tough love. Plus, there'll be other stuff like Applejack



Batpony Rarity is adorable!

Dunno why, it may not be canonically possible but she just is. Or is it? Who knows, maybe the thing with the vampire fruitbats and Twilight's spell would work on anypony staring at them... Then again, she doesn't have wings to begin with, so maybe they'd need to make her an alicorn first... Yeah okay, I wouldn't really want that to happen, we still need at least one unicorn! Still, maybe a pony could still have vampire fruit tendencies without the bat-wing part? Who knows. Hm a



My One-Word Thoughts on Every Single MLP:FiM Episode

Hey hey. Since I'm bored, and have been wanting to do it, I'm gonna go ahead and lay out my basic impression of every single episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, with 1 of 5 ratings for each: Amazing, Great, Good, Average, or Mediocre. If I feel an episode teeters in between two of those, I'll just put both, and will elaborate a bit at the end of each season and will link to my extended thoughts on an episode when possible. Without further ado, here we go:   Season 1: Friendship i



50 Reasons Why Rarity is Best Pony

1. She's fabulous 2. She's such an individual 3. Her voice 4. Her singing 5. Her mane 6. Her mane is purple 7. Her eyes are best eye model 8. She's creative 9. Generous 10. She's got diamonds on her butt 11. Glasses Rarity is kawaii 12. Her sister is best filly 13. Art of the Dress is an amazing song 14. So is Becoming Popular 15. Heck, any song she's in is enhanced by her voice being in it 16. She knows Karate 17. She's clever 18. Personality is complex as hell 19. Best quotes



Not Another Equestria Girls Blog Post!

Oh wait, it totally is(I'm sorry). Anyway, with all the approval I've shown of it I too have a few concerns, but like, very few since most of my main concerns were debunked by the trailer. I agree it's kind of weird it's set in a highschool, but only because it doesn't seem to make much sense since the characters as ponies are supposedly young adults who live alone- I suppose that means in pony age they are equal to high school level in pony age? It is somewhat baffling. But honestly, that



'Princess Twilight Sparkle' DVD Review

(All I ever see these DVDs get reviewed by are parenting/mother sites, it's time for a real brony to get in there and review this $#!%)   Princess Twilight Sparkle is the 5th 5-episode DVD released for Friendship is Magic, following The Friendship Express, Royal Pony Wedding, Adventures in the Crystal Empire, and Pinkie Pie Party. It may not be the most interesting offer for bronies, but hey, supporting official releases is a good thing I think, so I buy them. So how does this one fare? Putt



Changes in my placement of the Mane 6(ie, I like Rainbow Dash more now)

Hello out there, SBB64 needs to blog moar. Anyway, as some of you may or may not have noticed(most likely not, but some people seem to have before haha), I have changed my list of my favoring of the mane 6 on my profile page. Before it was: 1. Rarity 2. Fluttershy 3. Applejack 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Rainbow Dash Since then however, I have rethought my opinion of the characters, particularly based on their portrayals in season 3. I believe this warrants some explaining/reaso



pony merch I got

About time I updated my blog. Anyway, just got this: I wanted my own little Rarity and this was the easiest way. The Photo Finish and Hoity Toity figures are also great and a nice bonus. Not bad for 9 bucks.



Season 3 Final Four Reviews 4- Magical Mystery Cure

Never doubt pony. I swear, pretty much every time I doubt an episode I end up loving it, well at least that held true for Magic Duel. But this is Magiccal Mystery Cure, the season finale, and because they revealed what was going to happen already I thought there was no way it could go out with a bang. Boy was I wrong. Magical Mystery Cure was, for the most part, a musical. From a season that has been experimenting a bit with the episode formulas we're used to(no friendship letter in most epis



Season 3 Final Four Reviews 3: Games Ponies Play

Here, have some Twilight and Cadance, I think it's relevant here...   Anyway, my Games Ponies Play review:   This episode was rather experimental, being the first to run parralel to another, rather than going for a straight-up two parter. And it certainly worked, with only the beginning and the end being similar to the last ep. What happened in this episode though, was very interesting. We got a glimpse of Rainbow Dash's father in a flashback, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, Twilight actually



Season 3 Final Four Reviews 2- Just for Sidekicks

Yeah, I may have stolen the header image from EQD, sue me.   Anyway, here's what I thought of Just for Sidekicks, in blog form:   An interesting episode Just for Sidekicks was. I think this episode showcased just how young Spike really is, as he's still learning to control his greed and hasn't quite learned responsibility yet, for both his own possesions(the gems) and other ponies' stuff(the pets). I think he still has a ways to go seeing the ending though, because he actually got away with



Season 3 Final Four Reviews 1- Keep Calm and Flutter On

Hey everypony! So, with there only being 4(now 3!) episodes left in season 3, why not start writing full reviews again? I was kind of lazy with the last few, just didn't feel like it, but I think I can manage for the last four. Here is my review of the first of the four, Keep Calm and Flutter On! Also in the discussion thread of course, link below:   So, Keep Calm and Flutter On, not too bad. Discord finally returned, which we all knew was coming, and he was just as funny and chaotic as he's a



Sleepless in Ponyville Review

Hey everyone! Here is my Sleepless in Ponyville review, taken from the discussion thread. I'd prefer you share your own opinions there, but you can share them here if you really want to. Here it is:   Man, this episode... it was okay. I remember fearing that last week's episode, Magic Duel, was going to be laden with fan service... thank goodness it really wasn't. But this episode... it was all over the place. First off, I'm not really a Scootalove shipper, but I'm not against it. I think thi



Purple <3

(seems like a lovely trend <3) I love purple, it's the best color. :3 Purple manes Purple ponies Purple devices Songs about the color Purple Yeah, purple.



Magic Duel review

Hello everypony! I wrote a Magic Duel review in the discussion thread, but since I really like doing this, I decided I should start blogging these for reference. Be free to give your own thoughts on the episode here below if you want though.   Wow, what an episode! I'm not kidding when I say Magic Duel could be one of my favorites in the whole series, surpassing even Lesson Zero when it comes to single episodes. Trixie's return was handled extremely well, making her a real threat instead of t



Mane 6 Oponyions: Rarity

Hello everypony, and welcome to Super Brony Blog 64! Although I've had a few entries before, only my second one had any success. After feeling some inspiration from various other blogs both here and across the internet, I now feel confident that I can keep a pretty good one going too. Anyway, expect mostly various MLP-related content, with of course my own twist throwing in a few of my favorite things here and there, such as gaming and music! So without further ado, let's get started!   For w



Within 30 Days...

So we're finally going to know when Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic starts within the span of the next 30 days, according to the Hub. While it annoys me that they made an announcement of an announcement, I'm still pretty excited to find out, although honestly it should have started by now. This wait has felt way too long, but at least we have something to wait for, even though it's waiting for finding out what we're waiting for is coming. IT'S WAITCEPTION!



First Entry

Hey guys! My first blog entry here, certainly won't be the last either. So anyway, hope everyone enjoys their day today!



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