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Just what ever random thoughts I think of.

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My life according to Queen.

Artist: Queen. Duh.   Male or female: White Man   Describe yourself: Stone Cold Crazy   How do you feel: Under Pressure   Describe where you currently live: Heaven for Everyone   If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Leaving Home Ain't Easy   What is your occupation: Jesus   Your favorite form of transportation: Ride the Wild Wind   Your best friend is: You're My Best Friend   You and your best friends are: Princes of the Universe   What's the weather like: Rain Must

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An open letter to the writers.

Dear DHX   Stop having Granny Smith mark time with "moons". No one knows what the dafuq that is suppose to mean and some people are actually starting to think that she's been alive for hundreds of years.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=jCQ5DOHz62Q   Sincerely,   Citrus King.

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What I did during the outage...

- I did another Sparity art-thing.   - I got watched on DeviantArt by Calpain.   - I rewatched the complete Game Grumps: Sonic 06 saga.   - I ate a lot of pizza.   - I posed as a woman and married Doctor XFizzle.   - I did not start that Weeping Angels art.

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Citrus's Top 10 Movies of 2013

Hey, it's the end of the year, and everybody else is doing a Top 10 list, so why the heck not. This isn't going to be the prestigious list, and there are several "must-see" movies I never got around to watching before the end of the year (sorry, 12 Years a Slave and Wolf Children), but these are the movies that impressed, entertained, and stuck with me the most, and even if I change the order later, they still stand as the best examples of what I liked at the movies this year. So let's get this

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Citrus commands you to go see Frozen

Please ignore the Dreamworks Face.   GO.   NOW.   GET IN YOUR AUTOMOBILE, GO TO THE MULTIPLEX, ACQUIRE AN ENTRY VOUCHER, SIT YOUR BUTT DOWN, AND ENJOY THE BEST DAMN MOVIE DISNEY HAS MADE IN LIKE FOREVER.   Bolt was pretty decent, Princess and the Frog was flawed but also pretty good, Tangled was really good, Wreck-it-Ralph was great, and this...   It's...   It's...     Yes. Magic.   For anybody who's been hoping that Disney would truly go back to the glory days of the Renais

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i drew some more Doctors.

Tomorrow I'm gonna do a marathon vector session to get these spiffed up. Still go draw Five and Eight, but I don't want to rush those too much, so here you go.        

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i'm drawing doctors and stuff

i feel like butter spread over too much bread.   shit.   anyway, someone wanted me to post these so here you go.           still working on them, gonna put them all in a nice pretty banner. imma go now.

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Factoids of the Living Dead [THE FINAL CHAPTER]: HALLOWEEN

My first run-in with Michael Myers was not Halloween, but rather a night many years ago when I spent the night at my cousin's house. My older cousin was out for the night, so I was allowed to sleep in his bed. Coincidentally, he's a huge horror fan, and his favorite movie ever is Halloween. And thus, I spent the night surrounded by these huge posters of a blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes. The devil's eyes. Staring down at me.     No sleep was had that night.   - Was bo

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Factoids of the Living Dead: MONSTER MASH 2013

We're almost at the end, but I still find that there's a crap-ton of movies I wanted to do that I didn't get to do, so I've decided to work through a bunch of them in one post.   Aren't we having some fun now?   Get it? Because it's a lyric from that number. I'm...I'm funny.   LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS   - A adaptation of an off-Broadway show which is itself an adaptation of a movie Roger Corman legendarily shot in two days (and just so happens to be Jack Nicholson's film debut).   - Ac

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE UNIVERSAL MONSTERS

It's inexcusable I went this long without bringing up these guys.     Time for some good ol' fashioned spooks. Sorry for the brevity of this post, but some things have turned up in life around here. But I won't leave you completely hanging.   - First things first: I know Frankenstein's Monster isn't actually named Frankenstein, but screw it, that's what you all call him, so Imma refer to him as that for this post, m'kay?   - Lon Chaney is renowned as one of the greatest silent film acto

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Factoids of the Living Dead: GHOSTBUSTERS

It's been scientifically proven that if you don't find at least one thing in Ghostbusters funny, you don't exist.     What, Ghostbusters isn't scary enough for you?     Back off, man.   - Originally called "Ghostsmashers".   - The movie was inspired by Dan Aykroyd's interest in the paranormal. He always intended the movie to star himself with John Belushi, Eddie Murphy, and John Candy, but the former passed away before production began and the latter two were uninterested.   - Bi

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Factoids of the Living Dead: A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET

Out of all the slasher movie franchises, this one is probably my favorite, for a multitude of reasons, namely because Freddy is awesome.     - Director Wes Craven based the story off a variety of things that disturbed him. The central premise of the movie is based off an account he read of teenagers who were afraid to go to sleep and died of mysterious causes a few minutes after they dozed off. The image of a fedora-sporting lunatic was taken from a childhood experience in which a homel

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Factoids of the Living Dead: JAWS

Kind of redundant at this point, but yep, this is another one of my faves. But then again that's probably true for most people.     - That line was improvised. Of course it was. Also improvised: the little scene where Brody goofs off with his son at the dinner table. The child actor just randomly started mimicking Roy Scheider, and they thought it was cute.   - Everyone calls the shark Jaws, but the cast and crew took to calling the mechanical shark "Bruce" ( ), while Steven Spielberg

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Factoids of the Living Dead: KING KONG

May not exactly be horror, but this is easily one of the most important movies EVER. At the very least, no King Kong means no Jackson Lord of the Rings or Angry Video Game Nerd, so I think the Eighth Wonder of the World deserves a post.     Awesome.   - Partially inspired by the true story of a Komodo dragon stolen from its native environment and brought to New York, where it died shortly afterwards.   - Special effects god Willis O'Brien was hired to work on this film after his dream p

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Factoids of the Living Dead: DAWN OF THE DEAD/DAY OF THE DEAD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oykvs8ePij8   Welcome to the second part of my trivia-scouring journey into Romero's Living Dead trilogy. Let's set the mood and start things off with Dawn of the Dead,the movie that convinced everybody to try and break into a mall during a zombie apocalypse.     NOPE.   - The original story for Night of the Living Dead was so large in scope that (similar to Star Wars) that it was split into three parts, with the later two bei

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Factoids of the Living Dead: NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=UYR3dorshwA   Oh Johnny, you unfortunately ironic sonnuvahgun.   It's about time we got around to the granddaddy of all modern zombie fiction, and shortly after its 45th anniversary, too.     This is another one of my favorites. I have a lot of favorites, you see.   - The movie was almost about an alien pathogen that infected living people and called Night of the Flesh Eaters (remember that piece of information, we'll get ba

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE SHINING

A bona fide classic right here, I tell you h'what, and easily another one of my favorite movies. Sure, Kubrick needed to break the souls of everybody working on it, but their therapists needed the work anyway.     That's odd. Usually, the blood gets off at the second floor.   - Stanley Kubrick chose this particular book to adapt out of a huge pile of random books. According to his secretary, he'd read a few pages of a book, and if he didn't like it, he'd throw it against the wall. This wo

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I need help proofreading my first fanfc!

All work and no play makes Citrus a dull boy.   all work and no play makes citrus a dull boy.   All work and no play makes Citrus a dull boy.   all work and no play makes citrus a dull boy   All work and no play makes citrus a dull boy.   All work and no play makes Citrus a dull boy.   all work and no play make Citrus a dull boy. all work and no play makes citrus a dull boy. all work and no play makes citrus a dull boy.   All work and no play makes Citrus a dull boy.   all work

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Factoids of the Living Dead: CARRIE

WARNING: THERE WILL BE BLOOD IN THIS ONE, FOLKS.   Hey, the remake is out today, so why the heck not? You don't feel like it? Well, tough noodles, that's what's happening. Get your ass to the prayer closet, you heathen.     I'm with ya, sista. Testify.   - The first adaptation of a Stephen King story, which was itself King's first published novel. King based the story off two girls he used to teach, both quiet social outcasts with hyper-religious families. They both died in their 20's.

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