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Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Your voice matters.

Hey guys.   All I have to say is, don't be afraid to speak your mind. You are entitled to your opinion, you are entitled to speak your mind, and you are absolutely entitled to say how you feel, may it be about religion, politics, etc.   I'm not dumb, I know that there are some out there that are absurd, and are very terrible and wrong.   However, most opinions I see that get attacked on a daily basis are for the most part harmless , and people shouldn't be pressed or silenced for how they

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

My OC, Dippity-Doo! :)!

Hey guys! made a coupe pictures evolving around my OC, Dippity-Doo! I'm going to make a character page for her in a minute with her information.   I made an OC because I never really get to join any roleplay worlds or anything, and it would be pretty exciting.   Here she is!

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Hey guys!

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've made a blog post!   Or even been on here in general, actually.   Sorry if I haven't been really on, however, I've been stressing out about finals lately. I'm just very stressed! I can't even!   Anyways, thought I'd make this blog post. Because I can. Bye!   - Melly

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

I have an itchy butt, I guess. ._.

Lol, so this happened to me 30 minutes ago.   So me and mom went to the grocery store, and needed a few things. My mom proceeded to say, "I forgot why I came to the store."   So I follow up, saying "Yeah why did we come to the store?"   And then she says....I kid you not, clear as day, "Did you say you had an itchy butt?"   Keep in mind, this was in talking distance of the cashiers, and a few of them were my classmates, who looked over as soon as she said that. I got so red, I literally

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Kindness Matters

You think that your words may not hurt. You think that everything that comes out of your mouth won't count against you one day, You think that what you do may not hurt other people. You are wrong. Words and actions can effect anybody as much as throwing sticks and stone at them can.   Kindness matter, especially to people you don't know in person, over the internet, what has you. It's important to know that whatever comes out of your mouth, can not be put back in.   Even acts of kindness mat

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Chilli Catastrophe!

Beware, chilli is evil!   So this happened not even 10 minutes ago. lol My brother and I have been rough housing all day, and I mean ALL DAY. So when our supper was ready, we got our bowls, and then IT happened.   He kicked me, I punched him in the arm (we weren't legit fighting lol, and this was while he was holding his chilli bowl.), an dhe did it again, and when I came around to tap him in the arm again, my hand accidentally hits his chilli bowl.   Now here's the funny part. Chilli goe

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

In case I haven't told you lately...

I know i'm possibly not the best at being mushy, but I've bene wanting to tell you guys; thank you for making me the best person I can be.   Over the two in a half years I've been here, you guys have really helped me shape my personality to what it is now.   I learned to take jokes, be comfortable in my own skin, help other people the best way I know how, to smile, to laugh more; all from help of you guys and the show itself. I know this may sound very unbelievable, maybe it is...but you guy

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

What should I name my OC? (list provided)

Hey guys! I've made like a DOZEN OCs in the past before, but I really wanted to make an official one for a while...so i'm being careful about it, so I don't throw away my hundredth one.   So I decided to start off with a name. I used the name generator on DA, to get some idea out of what I want to name my OC, on top of what I had in mind for them. Usually ponies are named after their cuties, and talents ironically enough, so I thought i'd use that logic and pick out names I thought were good.

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Pet Advice (UPDATE)

So, here's some good news! (Continuing from my previous post), that we managed to find a home for Roxy the Pug, and Sophie the Cat has come back out of her shell!   When I came home from school, Sophie came out immediately and started purring, and let me hold her like a baby again! c:   I asked mom what happened to Roxy, and she told me we found a home for her. She was really happy to go home with them. She said when Roxy left, Sophie watched her leave out the window, as if to say; "Muahahah

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Pet advice!

Hey guys! It's been a really long while since I posted in this blog in particular, but I need some advice.   Several days ago, my mom saved a pug from getting euthanized at 10 AM the next evening. They were going to euthanize her for no apparent reason, because no one came and took her in. Mom felt sorry for Roxy (that's her name), and now she lives over here temporarily since we are moving into an apartment soon.   Now here's the problem. As of two days ago, let's just say my cat, Sophie, i

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Hey look! An OC! :D

Ya know, having very limited access to the internet did give me an advantage, and that's boosting my race of ideas. c:   So, I present to you a basic outline of my current OC. I have been sketching her design for a while!

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

A Little Appreciation

Hey guys, this is Teacup, or Nature Of Fluttershy which ever you prefer. c:   Only a few more hours until the Christmas spirit within all of us lights up like a candle; as for my candle, it is burning bright with happiness.   I have come to realize these past few days that around this time of year, its now that we should reflect on this year and become appreciative of what we have and had. I also began to realize who I am as a person, and for that I am very happy. I am also to have happy to

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Hey guys, been a while, eh? :)

I appreciate the very warm welcome from my close forum friends on here. You guys sure do bring the best out of me!   The reason I left for a while is not only because I was really busy and my laptop battery died (using tablet!), I felt that there was a strong vibe of negativity that I didn't approve of. Don't worry though, because I have been lurking and have seen the decline in it, so it made me eagar to come back. c:   Second off, I humbly apologize for not only my absence, but my updates

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

I'm giving away two OCs. :)

Note: I made these OCs on a whim, like a few days ago....but I know i'm not going to do anything with them anyways. xD   It would be a shame if these ideas went to waste, and it kills me when I make a character and do absolutely nothing with it.   They are both earth ponies, and have special talents. If you want to, you can change those talents. I will not mind one bit.   Sandy Cinnamon She enjoys making a variety of pies, and selling them on the streets of Ponyville in her stationary c

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

Mantras that will brighten your soul! :)

Hey guys, I have been noticing how upset people have been lately, more like negative status update after negative status update. It hurts me as much as it hurts you, so i thought I should look online for some amazing mantras to help you guys!   I found them on this site called Tiny Buddha; simple wisdom for complex lives.   http://tinybuddha.com/blog/4-simple-mantras-to-help-you-stay-positive-and-happy/     Click on the link, because this woman has some really simple, yet helpful tips

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

I made the cutest little OC on the creator. x3 (Name help)

I know, I know, I can hear your groaning. xD   You'd be surprised by what you can create on this thing, though! Anyways, I made this very cute OC that I haven't thought a name out yet. Actually, I like to think of the names first before I think of her talents. Because it wouldn't make since if a pony was ironically named after their cutie mark...that's just weird. lol   Here she is (Unicorn on a cloud, amIright?):

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

My Fursona: Lulu :3

Let me start off by saying that this was a fursona I had a while back ago, but quit out on her. Lulu, believe it or not, was my first ever fursona. I've grown fond of her, and love this fursona to death! :3   So I decided to bring her back. ^^   What I did really was redesign her and her weapons. She used to be an age regressed baby fur, who was very aggressive and will smash anybody with her Hamma. (A HUGE hammer. xD) I still kept her hybrid; a Hamcat (Hamster and a Cat Hybrid).   Don't

Sugar Pea

Sugar Pea

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