1. Wake up
2. Eat breakfast
3. Go to classes
4. Eat lunch
5. Ace exam
6. Smash 3 hour lab
7. Eat dinner
8. Study for Thursday's exam
What will actually happen:
1. Wake up
2. Go to classes
3: Fail exam
4: Get smashed by 3 hour lab
5: Eat dinner
6: Ponies
In case anyone missed the top story, people are trying to prove ghosts exist again. I have to admit, it's pretty convincing. Not really going to take a side as of right now, but if this is fake then someone has way too much time on their hands.
Spoiler'd in case some of you might find supernatural stuff unsettling.
Just got back from the dining hall.
Got in just before they closed.
Got some stir-fry.
They were out of rice for the night.
I put my stir-fry.
On fries.
(Not mine)
I walk a path of briar and stone
Flowers and ash, I am alone.
I sing a song of time unknown
To a land of wind and bone.
I eat the colors in the sky,
I steal the colors from the sea.
The colors fill my friends and I
But this world isn't me.
Give me your message and I'll
Send it out on wings of flame
But don't ask me how I feel, just
See my eye and say my name
Smoke screen
On the day that I was born
I kn
Of a song by JayB (feat. Giggly Maria) called Rain.
I don't really like it that much, but it's actually listen-able I think. So I would love to hear any feedback. :3
In late 2010 and early 2011, I began to get into this game called "Minecraft". I had one of the best gaming experiences ever finding out all the things to do in the game and even moderating a server during the summer of 2011. I was pretty much addicted to it.
Then Beta 1.8 came out.
It's not that I don't like the game anymore, but what 1.8 added was mostly stuff that didn't interest me much. (Who wants to go to the end, I mean really?) But what the update took away was devastating. If yo
Who wants a blog post about my life?
Okay then, here we go!
Once upon a time, I was born. Some time later... Maybe a few hours, maybe the better part of two decades, I dunno... I went to college. It was a new experience. I had had a very tiny bit of exposure to college life when I dual enrolled at a community college during my senior year of High School.
Of course, that's different. I lived at home, I ate Momma's home cookin', I slept in my own bed. But another huge di
unce upana tym,,
a gyal is in da shoppen mal wit her bf n dey r lukin at clothsea
do boi goz t da gyal n pionts at his shrt h is wering
'gyal...wut materal is dis????#'
da gyal bootifuly luks at hs shrt 'ummmmmmm cottan?' she gesses
'no' ses da boi
da gyal CRIS n cris (shi is embarased) shi runz awaii from boii,, n runz 2 da elavata
shis cryin sos much dat she gits trappd in da door !!!
She gets CUT IN HLAF
da boi gos ova 2 hr... she DED
da boi cri 'i ment
My older brother worked at Subway this summer. Random things would happen sometimes, and he would post them on Facebook. This is "The Collection". There's some funny stuff, so keep reading.
*first shift at Subway*
*no one tells me that we have a new sandwich called "The Boss"*
Customer: hello there, could I get the boss?
Me: my manager is not here right now, sir.
Customer: ..wait, what? I want the boss.
Me: *nonplussed* I'm sorry sir, she's not here this evening.
Customer: I SAW T
"Lavender sniffed.
Amethyst blinked.
Lord Mustang slurped his ice cream noisily.
Strawberry sat down next to Lord.
Creamsicle cat-called from behind the counter."
What am I doing with my life.
Here's my actions to the Season 4 section from EqD.
Meghan is excited about the new opportunities Twilight as an alicorn unlocks, but she stays true to her usual Twilight Sparkle adorkable way.
Great, but we already knew that was the plan.
They are doing something that they have never done on the show before but keeping it the same pony style.
This scares me. Nothing more to say here.
Tons of
A lot of people take time to line up the Mane 6 in order from favorite to least favorite.
I just wanted to say that I hope I speak for most of us when I say that they're all so gosh-darn lovable that it's hard to put any one of them last.
That is why when I say Applejack is my least favorite of the Mane 6, I'm really thinking along the lines of this graph:
Shout-out to you if you think the same way.
(Also posted this image in the thread)
The last angle is the one to look at (yes, this is me playing).
Point is, there was plenty enough innovation for me in this game. People complain about every title being the same, but for me... If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Treyarch added (mostly) new guns, new maps, a 10x better "Create a Class" system, 10x better score streaks, and an overall balanced game.
The lag though. It kills me. I have never had so many connection issues in my entire life.
If you disagree, that's fine. Pe
Original idea by SBB64. Thought I'd go ahead and do it as well. Get ready for a lot of positive ratings... I like this show.
Ratings are (in order): Amazing, Great, Good, Average, or Mediocre.
Season 1:
Friendship is Magic, pt 1- Good
Friendship is Magic, pt 2- Good
The Ticket Master- Good
Applebuck Season- Good
Griffon the Brush Off- Great
Boast Busters- Mediocre
Dragonshy- Amazing
Look Before You Sleep- Great
Bridle Gossip- Good
Swarm of the Cen