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From "Artist and Author Badges"

The thread was closed before I could pop an idea in, so here is the OP and the closing reply.   Yeah, that's kinda what I thought when I saw the OP. But it could be a good idea if it were tweaked I think.   What if there was an option in your profile settings to define yourself as either a writer, musician, artist, or animator? It could show up on your profile, or it could even replace your user title in your posts with a fancy little image (see screenshot with terrible concept art above).

This conversation actually happened

Mom: Go read a book.   Me: How about I write a book?   Mom: That's good too.   Brother: As long as it's not about ponies.   Mom: Yeah.   Dad: No ponies.   -----------------------------   No one in my family likes ponies.   Now I'm off to work on my fanfic.

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle


Despite a few bumps along the way, I just can't get over this feeling of elation.   This site is amazing, the people behind it are amazing, the admins and mods really care and are great at what they do, and it all make me very, very happy.   Annnd... that's why I made this blog post. To say that I'm so happy that I can't even put it to words right now.   How strange. What an interesting TV show.

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Nation Alert Levels (In which terror levels increase)

ANNOUNCEMENT   The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved."   Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning

Princess Periwinkle

Princess Periwinkle

Pony Fan Music (In which I list the songs on my new CD)

If you like anything Acoustic, Alternitive, Electronic, Hip/Hop, or Dubstep I've got it all here. The following are the songs I just burned on my CD for the car. Blasting ponies like a boss!   (Loosely organized into electronic and non-electronic) (WoodenToaster is just referred to as Glaze for easiness purposes) (You'll probably know a lot of these songs) (Due to MLP Forums derpiness, only the first two videos will show. You'll have to click to listen to the rest)   NON-ELECTRONIC   1. My

Reflections On "Wild Geese" (In which I get really sappy)

Okay, first: Only read this is you’re in the mood - that is, this is going to get pretty deep. And cheesy. But bear with me, please. This is (in my eyes) a rather important message. The message is inspired by Mary Oliver's "Wild Geese." I would at least give it a quick skim before proceeding.       You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell

"A Canterlot Wedding" Plot Holes Filled (In which I tell the story from Chrysalis' perspective)

So Chrysalis gets this idea that she can take over Equestria if she can get its capital under control. Gotta admit, that’s probably where I would start too. But then things get weird. Is Chrysalis stupid? Or what? She does a lot of things (many addressed in Antony C's ) that make it seem like she had no real plan at all.  Well, this is my headcannon that attempts to explain it.   Alright, so Chrysalis makes her way to some small town at the edge of Equestria, and takes the appearance of so

Inception Ending Explained (In which I drone on about story endings and emotion)

First thing’s first: Dom’s totem is NOT the top. As he explains to Ariadne, the top is Mal’s totem. So what is Dom’s totem? His wedding ring. In his dreams he is still together with Mal, and thusly is wearing his ring. Final scene? Not wearing his ring. REALITY.   Hope I could bring some closure for anyone who was unsure, but that brings me to another point: stories with ambiguous endings. Are they good or bad? Well, a lot of people say happy endings are lame. But how about vague endings? Ther
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