Batbrony Reviews "S04:E15 - Twilight Time"

Alrighty, "Twilight Time", boy oh boy this was a fun episode! I'll start by saying that I think it's safe to say that the ridiculous streak of awesome episodes that started with "Rarity Takes Manehattan" has officially come to an end, but really that's not a bad thing. Season 2 had streaks of its own, and that's arguably the best season of MLP so far. Every great show, in my honest opinion, achieves a balance in quality; sure you'll have great episodes, maybe even a run of great episodes, but those still need to be balanced out by good or average episodes as well from time to time. For one, people are human and can only produce so many phenomenal episodes, and two, episodes of good or average quality give the viewer a way to more clearly separate the good from the great, and further highlight what makes the truly exceptional episodes so very, very good. But enough about that, let's jump into the review itself; thankfully this might actually end up being one of my shortest reviews in awhile, so ya'll shouldn't have to read a book by me today like usual, yay!!!
First, let's start by covering the Cutie Mark Crusaders (and just the CMC, no need to separately cover them all for this one). Honestly I gotta say that this was probably the most well-balanced CMC episode in awhile in terms of screen time and contributions to the story and the group's actions/decisions. I guess Sweetie Belle did probably get the most screen time out of the three (which you won't hear me complaining about seeing as in a lot of recent CMC episodes in Season 3 and earlier in Season 4 she's been really playing second fiddle to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom), but they were all pretty well balanced all the same in terms of screen time. I have started noticing a pattern in terms of roles filled by each member in a CMC episode (and these do vary by episode): Sweetie Belle was her usual adorable self, but here she also was the primary mover in the group and primarily responsible for all the trouble they got in: Scootaloo was also adorable and got some good jokes in there (her reaction to the school-ponies-paparazzi photos was hilarious ), but also was kind of the secondary mover, going along for the most part with Sweetie Belle's ideas without questioning them too much or contributing any of her own: and finally Apple Bloom was the passive conscience of the group who kept chiming in that what they were doing probably wasn't a good idea, but kept getting ignored for the most part by SB and Scoots and going along with them all the same. All of them did just fine, were adorable at times and funny at others, and exactly what we hope for and expect out of the CMC at this point.

The duck face strikes again!!!
As with a lot of CMC episodes, the lesson, while good for all ages, was especially good for younger viewers closer to the CMC in age. It's especially easy for kids (though adults can easily make this same mistake too) to latch onto popular or famous figures and use their association with them to gain favor, respect, or influence among their peers. Not only does this undermine good character and a sound work ethic, but it's also inconsiderate to the figure one's latching onto, especially if he/she actually considers you to be a friend, because in that regard then you're doing nothing but abusing your friendship with them. All in all, the episode pretty much got across that celebrity worship, whether distant or personal, isn't healthy for anyone and to engage in it speaks poorly of one's character. Good lesson for all, including the CMC in the show, even if it wasn't delivered all too seriously.
I've heard some people saying that the CMC sounded different (and I will admit that AB definitely sounded a little more deep-voiced from the start of the season, but hey, that's what happens when VAs go through puberty), but here I honestly didn't hear it. Sure Sweetie didn't get in quite as many Sweetie-squeaks as usual, but for the most part they all sounded the same to me. IDK, maybe I'll hear it more upon a rewatch. Whatever the case is, it didn't take away from the episode itself. Also, I really, really liked seeing the CMC getting lessons on practical, day-to-day activities that may have to do with their cutie marks and future talents from Twilight. The drastic progress they exhibited at the end (I'm talking more the progress they showed right after they goofed up in front of their classmates, not the stuff at the very end) was a little unbelievable, but seeing as this was a pretty silly episode it was easy to overlook. Overall, the CMC had a fun episode with some minor but lovely character growth; very much in the same vein of "Ponyville Confidential" in my opinion, though considerably less serious than that episode in terms of its lesson.

Guys, relax, I got this. My idea's totes gonna work!


Next, let's cover Princess Twilight Sparkle. For the first third of the episode I was worried she wasn't going to get nearly enough screen time (which would've been just plain silly given the title of the episode is "Twilight Time" ), but she ended up having quite a lovely episode as, basically, the episode's deuteragonist. I loved seeing her openly welcoming the CMC and other fillies into her home and offering to teach them what she could, such a stark contrast to the introverted loner that she was when the show began. I feel like this illustrates two things: (1) how much she's come to call Ponyville home now that she's been there so long and grown so close to so many of its residents, and (2) how she's taken it upon herself to try giving herself more and more responsibilities (which it seems Princess Celestia has largely left up to her own discretion for the time being, which makes sense seeing as she is new to this princess-thing, not to mention there are two perfectly capable +1,000 year old princesses to take care of most state affairs while Twilight gets used to her new role) as a result of her royal title, in this case, trying to spread in a small way some of what she knows to her new subjects. On top of that, her humility and down-to-earth attitude was a very nice highlight of her maturity in filling this new role, though I think it also partly bespeaks how Twilight's still not entirely used to the role in general nor thinking of herself as a princess. All in all, Twilight was mature, sensible, at times adorable and witty (that's how I'd best describe the humor she displayed here, I think), and had a pretty darn wonderful turn in one of her best deuteragonist roles yet.
Only disappointment was that she didn't end up getting her key/element embodiment here, but oh well, that's fine.

Yeah, remember when Twilicorn meant the end of the world as we knew it? And remember when that didn't happen? Yeah, I'd say Princess Twilight Sparkle is doing just fine. :comeatus:
Lastly let's cover the supporting characters, which in this case I'd say were namely the school colts and fillies of Ponyville Elementary, headlined by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Well no surprise, those two were unpleasant as usual (though oddly enough they did make that strangely nice offer to the CMC at the beginning (something that Sweetie Belle herself admitted) to hang out with them if they got to go to Manehattan, even if they were jerks about them not getting to go). I did like getting to see more of them here than we do in most episodes, just because it's fun trying to get a sense of the subtle differences between DT and Silver Spoon (and trust me, they're there), but overall they were just their usual, jerky selves, which is fine seeing as that's the role they've always filled. The other classmates were pretty hilarious just because, when you've got a roving drove of ponies following someone all over the place, you get to see all kinds of physical humor (along with some adorable reactions, particularly when Twilight stumbled upon all of them outside the fast food joint). Some of the reactions, especially from Pipsqueak (and let me just add that it was AWESOME getting to see Princess Luna's #1 fan return, in a speaking role no less ), were hilarious, and the gawking that all the colts and fillies were exhibiting throughout was pretty darn funny. The Philip J. Fry pony was pretty darn hilarious as well, and it was cool getting to see ponies return like Pipsqueak and Featherweight. Besides those guys, Pinkie and Spike both had pretty funny cameos. Oh, and Spike shall henceforth be known as Spike, the Nacho King (or Spike, El Nacho King if you prefer

Spike, El Nacho King

I don't really have anything to say about this one beyond what I already have. It was just a fun episode with some lighthearted comedy, CMC shenanigans, CMC and Twilight adorableness, and a whole lot of laughs along with a pretty good message, even if the whole thing wasn't taken too seriously. Very nice "good" episode for Season 4, very nice indeed, and like I said earlier, nothing wrong with having a more average episode like this one every once in awhile. Well done DHX and Dave Polsky, well done indeed.

Forget the zombie ponies, Pipsqueak is back and there's a Philip J. Fry pony standing next to him!!!

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