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Sailor Moon's Comeback - A Fan Reaction to Fan Reactions



When my friend posted the following link to my Facebook wall, anyone who knows me well knows that I could have died happy after reading it (as long as I got to watch everything in Heaven):




I watched the trailer on that page, too. Finally being able to own DVDs of high-quality original Japanese Sailor Moon episodes? Being able to start watching it on Hulu starting on my 25th birthday? Plus: my husband gets to watch it with me and know and appreciate the show. Hell, I like to remind myself that I couldn't have married anyone else I've ever met because I needed to be with someone who was open to watching Sailor Moon one day. But I digress.


I had heard about the BRAND NEW Sailor Moon anime coming out that was going to be more based on the manga! Yes!! The manga is so good! I mean I still love the old anime, but having a new anime that follows the manga's story more closely is so good. Now, they need to do it with Soul Eater.






OK. Anyone who knows me well knows this:


I loved Sailor Moon ever since I was 5 years old and I saw a Sailor Moon toy commercial for the first time. I can't find the damn commercial on YouTube but oh well. Point is, I was enamored by the idea of superhero girls named after planets who kicked bad guy butt. I guess I was a feminist in blooming? Runs in the family I think. I blame my aunt.


I remember being in second grade and being in school while Sailor Moon was on TV. It was on at 2:30 in the afternoon every weekday, and I was always in school until at least 3. I remember watching the clock every afternoon, and would be excited when 2:30 hit because Sailor Moon was on, but sad because I never got to watch it.


Finally, when I was in fourth grade, Sailor Moon became a regular show on Toonami. So every day at 4:00, my mom would let me take a break from homework and I would watch Sailor Moon. Every day. This was part of my routine until Sailor Moon stopped airing on Toonami a few years later. I managed to be able to catch all of the dubbed episodes eventually, and I was able to see Sailor Moon S and SuperS when they were dubbed for the first time, too.


I remember being in fifth grade, and I had an older cousin in 8th grade who liked Sailor Moon too. Her best friend (a guy) also really liked Sailor Moon, and they got to talk about the Japanese version and how cool it was and how it was so much better than the English version. I knew that the English version said some dumb things, and that was always a bit embarrassing, but it was the best that I had to watch, so I kept with it. My favorite planet of the Solar System was Saturn at the time, and my cousin's friend printed off some pictures of Sailor Saturn for me and wrote up little descriptions of what she's like! I wish I still had it.


I got bullied a lot, though, by some of the boys in my class. The worst thing that ever happened regarding that was I had drawn and colored in a picture of ALL of the Sailor Senshi (or Sailor Scouts as I knew of them at the time). I felt so cool drawing the Sailor Scouts that hadn't been released in North America yet (Sailor Moon S came out when I was in sixth grade). Anyways, I left the drawing on my desk toward the end of the day to do my "chore" to help clean up the classroom, and some of the boys had taken my drawing to the sink, turned on the faucet, and drenched my drawing in water and ruined it! I was beyond devastated.


Sailor Moon had stopped airing on TV for the most part by the time Sailor Moon SuperS was finished. I had heard that they weren't going to dub Stars, which I thought was dumb, but I wasn't too disappointed by that. I knew that I would probably be able to watch the Japanese version one day.


And because of the wonders of the Internet, and because of a website that no longer exists because it broke a lot of copyright laws (anyone remember a site called TV Links? No? Am I that old? lol) with some assistance from YouTube, I managed to get a hold of all 200 Japanese episodes of Sailor Moon.


Boy, was I convinced of how much better the Japanese version was. I remember watching some comparison videos of the two, and I became angry at how much butchering they did to the Sailor Moon dub just to appease American child audiences.


I can only find a comparison video of half of an episode these days, but if anyone wants to take the time to find out exactly what these differences are, there is a website called www.smuncensored.com that goes through all of the episodes that were dubbed into English and points out the changes that were made to each episode. No one really updates the site anymore but I am super impressed that people took the time to mark all of these differences so that people like me don't have to.


Basically, what's wrong with the original English version in a nutshell:


-much of the script was completely rewritten, and many of these rewrites include changes in character and plot. Not to mention that they make the characters talk like stupid valley girls half the time, and much of their vocabulary includes extremely dated vernacular that does not age well at all.


-there was tons of censorship, and while that's not necessarily the fault of the people who were dubbing the show (Americans have stricter rules about what can be shown on kids' TV, after all), and at the time of the dubbing, it was generally believed that cartoons were primarily for children so in order for Sailor Moon to sell, it needed to be marketed to children... but sometimes, they really went out of their way to censor over nothing. Also, some of the worst cases of censorship are just plain insulting to the original work. They make really emotional scenes not very emotional at all just because it's not appropriate for children to know about death and sadness? I could get in a debate about that, but yeah, that mindset just irritates me in general and I wish that they dubbers didn't feel the need to go out of their way to censor as much of the show as they could.


-LittleKuriboh made this word popular in Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series when Yugi and the gang went up against the staff of 4Kids: LOCALIZATION. Cutting references to the fact that Sailor Moon is a Japanese show (but not cutting all of it? yeah sometimes they never cut Japanese lettering) and "Americanizing" it as much as possible was the game they played.


-I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, but I'm going to say it anyways. Most of the voices. SUCK. INCLUDING Sailor Moon herself. I know that dubbies LURV TERRI HAWKES OMG SHE'S THE BEST SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN VOICE SAILOR MOON but honestly, not a fan. Terri Hawkes made Sailor Moon sound super ditzy and like a valley girl with some sass and it's like... no. It completely changes Sailor Moon's original character to make her like that. Terri was decent with her acting so it's not like she was horrible or anything, but who honestly thought that it was a good idea for Sailor Moon to scream with a vibrato? Seriously.


-Oh wait other voices that suck. Luna. Sounds like an 80 year old British woman. Which, she isn't. It's one thing to listen to her talk in her cat form, but when you watch the Sailor Moon S movie and you see her young-looking human body with that voice? It sounds COMPLETELY off. Tuxedo Mask's voice is OK but his acting is pretty terrible. Amy's voice doesn't really sound like a teenager's at all, and trust me, I've met a lot of teenage girls and I haven't met one who sounds like that (I'm talking more about the DiC Amy, the Cloverway one was better but not by a lot). I appreciate that Susan Roman was dedicated to the show enough to voice Lita/Sailor Jupiter for the whole thing but I don't really like the "butch" factor that she gives the character. Rini's first voice grates my ears (but her Cloverway voice is the best the whole series! STEPHANIE BEARD FOR THE NEW DUB PLEASE? Maybe?). Nephlite is TERRIBLE - I heard one sentence today and I was done forever. Molly is obnoxious. Zoisite, Emerald, and Fish Eye all have the EXACT same voice actress and it's SUPER obvious (I just read that she died a few months ago from lung cancer? Dang that sucks). Same goes for Queen Serenity, Sailor Moon's mom, and Sailor Neptune. Those women didn't even try to make the voices more varied - did they just assume that the kids watching the show wouldn't notice or care? Who knows. Apparently the woman who voices Zoisite et al voiced a few other characters too who I didn't notice, so she could make her voice more varied, she just... didn't.


-the characters are way bitchier in the dub than they are in the Japanese version. I read the manga when I was in middle school and character descriptions said that Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars were best friends. I was incredibly confused when I read that, because I only remember the two of them yelling at each other - I didn't think that they liked each other at all!! But then I watched the Japanese version, and then I thought, "Oh... I see it now..." Way to go, dub. Ruining character development and relationships for the sake of gags and laughs. Classy.


-Sailor Moon Says. Think Sonic Says, but none of them were good enough to become an Internet meme, and they include lots of awkward pauses and the morals are ridiculously forced. I specifically remember one that said, "Queen Beryl did a terrible thing by destroying the Moon Kingdom. But we need to take care of our planet by recycling and shit." I wish they actually said "recycling and shit" because that's hilarious. I'm just too funny sometimes.


OK. I think you get the idea.


Now to the main reason why I decided to login and write this blog post today.


When the new Sailor Moon Crystal anime premiered a couple of Saturdays ago, I was reading people's comments about what they thought of it. I thought that it was very well-done, I enjoyed the return of Usagi's seiyuu, and I had the manga with me to compare the show and the manga side-by-side, and let me tell you, it is 95% the same. The new anime is almost literally an animated version of the manga.


But I read so many SCATHING reviews from people who watched it. Usually along the lines of, "It's not like the original!" (and by original they mean the English dub that they grew up with) or "The art sucks!" or "The plot moves too quickly!" (they never read the manga). I think that the Facebook group I follow deleted a lot of the negative reviews because I couldn't find any specific ones anymore, otherwise I'd give some examples. Point is, their opinions were based off the fact that they had little to no experience with the source material of what they were watching. They just wanted more of the old English dub that they grew up with.


I read more comments today regarding the NEW English dub of the original anime. If I thought the reviews from earlier were scathing, well, I don't really know what scathing means. These were worse:


"I'm incredibly disappointed with the remastered series... But that's just the inner 6 yr old me crying inside.. I wish they would have stuck closer with the original voice actors rather than these people.. It's pretty bad. Oh well, I'll stick to the old original dub thank you!"


"The new voices have ruined this for me. I will not be buying it and I LOVE Sailor Moon. I am heartbroken."


"This is just a big pile of NO. In the original english dub Luna's accent made her sound older & more mature. She is supposed to be watching after the girls & now she just sounds like one of them."


Stuff like this permeated the comments on the video clips that we saw for the new dub. And for what it's worth, I thought that it was pretty great. Fortunately there were some people who were similar-minded to me. This particular post sums it up pretty well:


"I don't think they got the memo. They are completely stuck in the past. I mean if you listen to the original Japanese voices, they are not far off at all. The old 90s voices are and some were extremely horrible. I watched it as a kid and I admit, it will take sometime to get used to the new voices, but im excited. And to see everyone bitch so much over something like this, is so stupid. They obviously don't know that much about the original Japanese version. I mean seriously don't watch it if you don't like it. Watch in Japanese or the old cut up shit but bitching and whining people are doing, is annoying as fuck."


I bolded two parts for emphasis.


It's a little like reading comments from Gen 1 MLP fans saying that the new show (Friendship is Magic) is terrible because of little nit-picky things that aren't *supposed* to be a certain way according to them.


Actually wait. It's worse.


It's more like if fans of the Gen 3.5 cartoon came on this forum to complain about Friendship is Magic because Friendship is Magic is nothing like the "original" (which, in their minds, original means Gen 3.5, not Gen 1).


I was pretty angry this morning when I read all those comments. I was actually offended.


I do not really understand how people could feel that they have a right to an opinion over something they clearly have little knowledge of. These are people who call themselves huge Sailor Moon fans without understanding the source material of the new content that's coming out. It bothers me, too, when dub fans insinuate that the dub is the "original." No, the dub is not the original. The dub is a hacked and slashed version of a show that added filler and personality changes (the anime) to its original source material (the manga).


Just because something is original TO YOU, it doesn't mean that it's the "original." I don't understand why people think that they have authority in their opinion when it is not very well-researched nor do they have anything to say when trying to respond to people who disagree with them.


I'm not saying that these people aren't allowed to like the old English dub. They can like whatever the hell they want.


But can people admit that maybe they like something because of nostalgia, and NOT because it is actually high-quality?


I have seen some people here and there saying that they were "petitioning" to get Terri Hawkes to voice Sailor Moon in the redub. Do they not understand the purpose of the redub? Why would they think that it was going to be more of the same that they grew up with? I'm afraid that I don't quite understand.


We as Friendship is Magic fans are in a bit of an interesting position, I know, too. Because I think that a lot of bronies get a lot of flack for hating the old gens, or at least some of the old gens. It's a little different here, though, because people dislike the old gens of MLP for being "too girly" aka not having a broad enough audience in mind, whereas people hate the Sailor Moon English dub because it DOESN'T pay much mind to the original source material.


I think, though, that despite those differences, we are in similar positions, because we have people who try to dismiss our dislike. I once had a dub lover tell me, "Don't be a hater. Without the dub you wouldn't have gotten into Sailor Moon, and it wouldn't have gotten popular in the states." I think that old MLP fans can say the same thing about the older gens.


While what the person said about it not becoming popular is true, I don't think that excuses the mistakes that were made while originally dubbing the show. Just because it was better for a show to be dubbed poorly than not at all, it doesn't mean that the poorly dubbed version is the best version of the dub that could possibly exist. Because people scrutinized the old dub, we will be getting a newer, better dub. And I know that not everyone will think that the new dub will be better. But based off the clips that I saw this morning, it is going to stay as true to the original source material as it possibly can. Heck, it already advertised that it would be uncut and uncensored. Pretty sure that they are keeping the Japanese music and original sound effects. So already, it is going to be better just because they are trying to keep it true to the original source material rather than try to hack the show into pieces and market the show as something that it's not.


Hating is stupid, and getting angry over CHANGE and DIFFERENT FROM MY CHILDHOOD is a waste of time. I don't think that being different from what you grew up with is a valid reason to hate something. If you can be negative about something over something as trivial as your own nostalgia, then it's your loss.


I just think that it sucks that there are others who identify as Sailor Moon fans who will decide to hate the new material and to cling to the past. It would be so much more fun being in a fandom where people learned to adapt.

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm just dreading the second wave of Hentai this is going to cause. This time I have ponies to defend me XD

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm just dreading the second wave of Hentai this is going to cause. This time I have ponies to defend me XD


I wonder what would happen if those artists had watched Nostalgia Critic's sailor moon review, especially at the part that they're 14 years old (biggest shock in recent memory for me).

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Nice review, Rockin Rarity. Yea I was quite pleased to hear the news for a return of the series in anime form in both a redux edition of the original (with an all new english dub to boot) and a new series as well.


It seems those haters of the new cartoon have a strong case of nostalgia goggles. In such cases it is best to try and show them the original series and this time ask them to critique the english dub for it's flaws and hopefully they'll realize that the english dub was actually pretty bad for the original and will be more accepting of the new english cast, which would be difficult to bring back the original english dub cast anyway as it's been what...20 years?

  • Brohoof 1
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I have been a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan since I was 6 years old and the reaction of Sailor Moon fans to this kind of reminds me of the reactions of some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans to the classic cartoon. The original comic was very dark, gritty and often fairly violent in one of the earliest issues Leonardo decapitated The Shredder. And it also dealt with a lot of philosophical issues and references that are decidedly mature.


When the classic cartoon came out some of them thought it sort of spit on the legacy of the turtles by dumbing it down and making it too kiddy. To be fair some of their concerns were a bit understandable even as someone who grew up with the classic cartoon and still enjoys it to this day but it did blind them to the actual positive qualities of it causing some of them to not even give it a chance. It was different from the original comics in many ways but one thing it did have was the comics multiple parodies of different comic book, movie and pop culture parodies and kept the vigilante character Casey Jones faithful to his original comics version even if they had to tone down his more violent tendencies.


Fast forward to the last couple of season and the classic cartoon took a darker turn that many fans dub as the "red sky arc" that many fans of the rest of the series hated and didn't give the time of day and while I agree that the change was jarring and could have used some plot development to ease us into it it did have its positive qualities. It had some great storylines and presented some of the same mature philosophical themes that the original comics touched upon and for the most part did them well. It had a feel to it that reminded me of Xmen with the turtles saving people and doing good deeds but people being afraid of them and hating them for being different which also presented some good opportunities to teach that it is okay to be different. Though I will admit I missed the corny humor of the other seasons.


In 2003 this happened again with the "TMNT" cartoon which combined the darker themes of the original comics and the lighter side of the classic cartoon quite well. Some fans of the classic cartoon didn't give it the time of day but a lot of comics fans loved it because it was closer to the original comics. When I found out about this reboot I had the biggest fangasm ever and ended up liking it just as much as the classic cartoon and it introduced my favorite villain of the entire franchise Tengu/Demon Shredder who was the real and original Shredder who tormented imperial Japan centuries ago and of course came back.


In 2012 another reboot came along and I like what I see so far but do like the classic and 2003 cartoons better for reasons I won't get into. I will say that I love their version of the Rat King and Krang. I have noticed this same trend though with some fans not willing to give it the time of day one of them being the same friend who told me about the 2003 reboot who is interesingly enough the same guy who introduced me to ponies.


I know my wall o text isn't about Sailor Moon but I thought I would bring this up because it is relevent and shows that these sorts of reactions are not unique to one fandom.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm just dreading the second wave of Hentai this is going to cause. This time I have ponies to defend me XD


I'll probably be ignoring it like I always have, and like I do with clop. If Safe Search Wrap-Up becomes a necessity in the Sailor Moon fandom, then I'll participate in that, but that's as far as I'll go.


I dislike that R34 is a thing, but I recognize that my powers to stop it are fairly limited, so I try to focus my energy on bring about the change that I can instead of getting angry about it every time I see it. I suppose I should try to do the same thing with this particular fandom split.

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I wonder what would happen if those artists had watched Nostalgia Critic's sailor moon review, especially at the part that they're 14 years old (biggest shock in recent memory for me).

I have not seen this yet, but my husband watched it a while back and said that it was weird that they were only 14. But being only 14 is a good turn-off for him lol, as I imagine it would be for a lot of other people.


Makes pony porn seem more appropriate, lmao.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll probably be ignoring it like I always have, and like I do with clop. If Safe Search Wrap-Up becomes a necessity in the Sailor Moon fandom, then I'll participate in that, but that's as far as I'll go.

Even as someone who does indulge in that stuff I still don't like having it appear where it dosen't belong like in safe search results for example Safe Search Wrap Up is something I have supported ever since I first heard of it. It is possible that with this new dub that Sailor Moon may see a resurgence of R34 but I don't think it is going to be nearly as big as some other recent surges if it does happen. For the record though I have grown bored of Sailor Moon R34 years ago, it is the same stuff over and over again. It is like the R34 equivalent of b grade porno.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have not seen this yet, but my husband watched it a while back and said that it was weird that they were only 14. But being only 14 is a good turn-off for him lol, as I imagine it would be for a lot of other people.


Makes pony porn seem more appropriate, lmao.


I'd imagine the mangaka: Naoko Takeuchi likes to keep that fact to troll the male portion of her sailor moon fandom. It'll be hilarious to see all the awkward responses from them after they learn this fact. :P


In a strange way, the fact the ponies are at least young adults if Rainbow Dash's cake has anything to say about their age, does.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice review, Rockin Rarity. Yea I was quite pleased to hear the news for a return of the series in anime form in both a redux edition of the original (with an all new english dub to boot) and a new series as well.


It seems those haters of the new cartoon have a strong case of nostalgia goggles. In such cases it is best to try and show them the original series and this time ask them to critique the english dub for it's flaws and hopefully they'll realize that the english dub was actually pretty bad for the original and will be more accepting of the new english cast, which would be difficult to bring back the original english dub cast anyway as it's been what...20 years?


The DiC English dub was dubbed about 20 years ago, yeah. The Cloverway dub was more like 15 years ago (for Sailor Moon S and SuperS) but still, it was quite a while ago. Some of the dub voice actors were at Anime Expo although it was Linda Ballentyne instead of Terri Hawkes who was there (pretty much every mega Terri fangirl despises Linda, who voiced S and SuperS Serena), which made dubby fans worried that Linda would be the one redubbing. I personally liked Tracey Moore the best but that's because she was the closest to sounding like the original Usagi.


I am glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that it's just people wearing their rose-tinted nostalgia goggles. Dub lovers got offended when I said that they only like the dub either because of nostalgia or because they have really bad taste - that was a ridiculous Internet argument that I roped myself into. Oops. I guess I should be more tasteful in how I say stuff like that. XP


I think what bothers me the most about the nostalgia isn't the nostalgia itself, but rather the closed-mindedness and ignorance of the people who have a bad case of nostalgia. It upsets me, too, that these people would much rather cling to their childhood and preserve it like it's some kind of holy shrine rather than, I dunno, grow up? Why do people act like their childhood was the holiest endeavor that they have ever participated in? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my childhood, but I would never want to go back. Nor do I want to indulge in horrible media just because I did during my childhood, ESPECIALLY if I KNOW that a better version of what I watched exists.


Some people refuse to watch the Japanese version of the show because they find the Japanese voices to be "annoying" or "too high-pitched" or "they don't like to read their shows". I think that showing the Japanese version to dubbies who have never seen the Japanese version before would be easier. But there are dubbies who do not want to give the Japanese version a chance. There is this weird subculture of people who are huge fans of stuff that comes from Japan, but bitch and moan about being forced to listen to Japanese audio. My husband sees this in the video game industry among fans of the Tales franchise. When it was announced that the latest game was going to have Japanese audio with English subtitles, people complained until they could complain no more. And it's like, why? Why are you getting so bent-out-of-shape about listening to Japanese voices? I mean, Heaven forbid that you be reminded that one of your favorite franchises comes from someplace other than America, right?


I just don't understand how people think that being closed-minded about trivial things like Japanese voices and English voice actors who aren't the same people as the English voice actors that people grew up hearing makes them happier people.


Is the joy of watching an emotional and powerful animated television show REALLY worth sacrificing over the preservation of your childhood? That's what I want to know.

  • Brohoof 1
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The DiC English dub was dubbed about 20 years ago, yeah. The Cloverway dub was more like 15 years ago (for Sailor Moon S and SuperS) but still, it was quite a while ago. Some of the dub voice actors were at Anime Expo although it was Linda Ballentyne instead of Terri Hawkes who was there (pretty much every mega Terri fangirl despises Linda, who voiced S and SuperS Serena), which made dubby fans worried that Linda would be the one redubbing. I personally liked Tracey Moore the best but that's because she was the closest to sounding like the original Usagi.


I am glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that it's just people wearing their rose-tinted nostalgia goggles. Dub lovers got offended when I said that they only like the dub either because of nostalgia or because they have really bad taste - that was a ridiculous Internet argument that I roped myself into. Oops. I guess I should be more tasteful in how I say stuff like that. XP


I think what bothers me the most about the nostalgia isn't the nostalgia itself, but rather the closed-mindedness and ignorance of the people who have a bad case of nostalgia. It upsets me, too, that these people would much rather cling to their childhood and preserve it like it's some kind of holy shrine rather than, I dunno, grow up? Why do people act like their childhood was the holiest endeavor that they have ever participated in? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my childhood, but I would never want to go back. Nor do I want to indulge in horrible media just because I did during my childhood, ESPECIALLY if I KNOW that a better version of what I watched exists.


Some people refuse to watch the Japanese version of the show because they find the Japanese voices to be "annoying" or "too high-pitched" or "they don't like to read their shows". I think that showing the Japanese version to dubbies who have never seen the Japanese version before would be easier. But there are dubbies who do not want to give the Japanese version a chance. There is this weird subculture of people who are huge fans of stuff that comes from Japan, but bitch and moan about being forced to listen to Japanese audio. My husband sees this in the video game industry among fans of the Tales franchise. When it was announced that the latest game was going to have Japanese audio with English subtitles, people complained until they could complain no more. And it's like, why? Why are you getting so bent-out-of-shape about listening to Japanese voices? I mean, Heaven forbid that you be reminded that one of your favorite franchises comes from someplace other than America, right?


I just don't understand how people think that being closed-minded about trivial things like Japanese voices and English voice actors who aren't the same people as the English voice actors that people grew up hearing makes them happier people.


Is the joy of watching an emotional and powerful animated television show REALLY worth sacrificing over the preservation of your childhood? That's what I want to know.


Yea, it's rather strange that people seem fine to listen to English dub editions regardless of how much of the original content is lost in the translation while when given the chance to view the original japanese content in all of it's glory they complain about how it doesn't have an english audio option. Eh, that's fandoms for ya. Different tastes and opinions combined with stubborn attitudes will always cause such rifts.

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