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Callisto's Top 10 Favorite Pokémon!



(Nope not ripping off Mienshao in any way shhhhh)


So, as you folks might now, I like Pokémon. Like, a lot. So, here are my ten favorite Pokémon! Wooo! They aren't in any real order except for #1, who is my absolute favorite 'Mon. With that, let's get started!


#10: Roserade

Roserade? More like RoseRAD AMIRITE HAHAHAHA but seriously, Roserade's pretty cool. Not only does it look super cool, but it's also pretty fast and powerful. In my most recent playthrough of Y, I always led with it due to it's access to Toxic Spikes, which many battles easier. Overall, Roserade a super cool 'Mon.


#9: Golurk

Alright, answer me this: HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE GOLURK? I mean, it's a giant robot! THAT CAN FLY! That aside, Golurk is really cool. Not only is it super powerful, it's got a pretty cool typing, too, and it's got a great ability in Iron Fist. Or it can have one of the worst abilities in the game, Klutz...like, as I recently realized, mine does. :( The fact that it's still useful even without it is a testament to Golurk's awesomeness. And I mean...IT'S A GIANT ROBOT.


#8: Weezing

Why do I like Weezing so much? If I'd never used one, I probably wouldn't. But I did use one, in one of my White 2 playthroughs, and it was one of the star players. His amazing Will-O-Wisp/Rocky Helmet combo ensured that physically attacking foes would do little damage and take lots in return. I mean, he took down Iris's Haxorus BY HIMSELF. So, Bob the Weezing, I salute thee, and may you forever live on.


#7 Starmie

Starmie is so good. So, so good. It's fast, powerful, has an amazing movepool, and is generally a great Pokémon. Mine has solo'd the X/Y Pokémon League, and whenever I decide to hop on the Battle Spot to duel with a random stranger, it's always a STAR player. Get it? Cuz it's a star? LAUGH YOU LIT-


#6: Exeggutor

This may seem like an odd choice for a favorite, and, honestly, it kinda is. But, I love its design (I think I'm the only who does :P) and, in my experience using it, it's been really good. When I used one in my last FireRed playthrough, it very well could have been my best Pokémon. Not only did it do great damage, it took hits surprisingly well. It's weird, it's silly, it's amazing, Exeggutor. It's safe to say that Eggcellent the Exeggutor truly lived up to his namesake. Arceus bless.


#5: Darmanitan

First of all, I just wanna say that I love this thing looks. It just has a grin on its face, like it's overjoyed to be destroying everything. Secondly, Darmanitan destroys everything. This thing is an absolute MONSTER. Massive attack, a rad ability in Sheer Force, and overall just a really great Pokémon.


#4: Dragonite

Ah, Dragonite. How I love Dragonite. You may say Garchomp or Haxorus are better choices, and they may be, but when it comes to dragons, ol' Dragonite is my choice. Unlike many people, I really like Dragonite's design, moreso than Dragonair. I mean, it's a big, grinning, goofy looking orange dragon with noodles on its head. What's not to love? Second, this guy is really strong. I mean, he is a dragon, they're supposed to be strong...y'know, this whole entry is turning in to a ramble. I'll shut up and say Dragonite is awesome.


#3: Milotic

Let me just preface this by saying I've never actually used a Milotic, because getting one is a MASSIVE hassle. So, I don't have personal experiences to share. But, I will say that Milotic has super rad stats, and it's really pretty. That's all.


#2: Togekiss

I really love Togekiss. It's super cute, for one thing. You just look at it and it's an explosion of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW. Second, Togekiss is a DEATH MACHINE. It's only real bad stat is it's physical attack, which is fine since you're not going to be using it. This thing can dish out massive pain and take it right back. I mean, mine almost swept Candice. AN ICE GYM LEADER. That's the power of Togekiss. And that's not even mentioning the Air Slash flinching shenanigans...



BRUH. BRUUUH. LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT REUNICLUS. First of all, IT'S SUPER CUTE. It's just happy about life and everything, I MEAN IT'S GOT A BIG HAPPY GRIN ALL THE TIME. Don't you just wanna hug it? It's so cute in Amie like AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH IT'S SO HAPPY WHEN YOU PET IT AND GIVE IT CUPCAKES. It's so squishy and lovableeeee. <3 Second, Reuniclus is SUPER AWESOME in battle. It's slow, sure, but WHO CARES? It's got a lot of Special Attack, decent defenses, and ONE OF THE BEST ABILITIES IN THE GAME. MAGIC GUARD, Y'ALL. You know what that does? It makes Reuniclus impervious to indirect damage. Burn and poison? DON'T HURT. Sandstorm and hail? DON'T HURT. But, most importantly, it doesn't take damage from the Life Orb. What's that? It double a Pokémon's offensive stats, but takes away its health. But Reuniclus, thanks to Magic Guard, doesn't take damage from it. YOU CAN DOUBLE ITS OFFENSE STATS WITH NO DRAWBACKS. Reuniclus is PERFECT.


Sorry about the caps lock spam I just really like Reuniclus

  • Brohoof 3


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I laughed at the first line. xP


Your Top 10 has some great Pokémon, I really like all of the ones you listed. :)

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Since I don't feel like editing the post itself, HONORABLE MENTIONS:


Sylveon, Lilligant, Ampharos, Quagsire, Magnezone, Slowking, Espeon, Sigilyph, Heracross, Clefable, Cincinno, Skarmory


Thus concludes our honorable mentions.

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