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Well, bet you guys didnt see this one coming! I know, I was supposed to upload my Defending King Sombra part 2 yesterday, and I am super sorry. But things come up, sooo..... potatoes. So, this is going to be a new segment I am bringing to my blog, in which I will talk about all the different villains in Friendship is Magic. Sort of like my Defending King Sombra, but this one will also talk about widely loved villains, as well as some..... unsavory ones. But enough about that jazz, time to talk about one of the greatest villain portrayls I have ever seen! (Doesnt make her my favorite, but she is close up there!)


Before I begin talking about Starlight, i just have to tell everyone that I have watched the Season 5 opener about 6-7 times. Yes, guys, it was that good. If you havnt watched it yet, I recommend you watch it before reading this article, because...... SPOILERS! But, without further a do, lets delve into Starlight Glimmer's character!


Starlight Glimmer first appears in the Season 5 Opener, and is the Founder of a small town on the edge of Equestria. The town itself was founded on the principles that no pony should be higher above another, and that everypony should be completely equal. And when I say completely, I mean COMPLETELY. Same houses, fashion sense, even the same cutie mark. All of the principles on which the town is based on is clearly based off of Starlights "philosephy". Starlight believes every word she says, and believes that everypony should be equal.


Now, we can tell that Starlight is a good villain from the very beginning. Why? Because she doesnt SEEM like the villain. Let me explain. For the whole first part, she treats the Mane 6 with absolute respect. She tells them of there philosephy, and shows complete understanding and kindness to their faces. However, we see things going on behind the scenes that would say otherwise. For one, it would appear that she has a hidden motive for wanting the Alicorn to stay. It also would appear that she has a small "secret police". After the song, we see Double Diamond, a white pony who would appear to have undying loyalty to Starlight (until the end) trailing the ponies, watching there every move, and monitoring the Mane 6's interactions with the townsponies. Then, we have Sugar Belle's nervousness when talking to the Mane 6. She was constantly glancing over at Double Diamond during her conversation, and in the end told the Mane 6 to come into the basement so they could talk under more secure circumstances. This especially rienforces the thought that not all was right in this small, "friendly" town. On the outside, like Starlight, the town seems friendly, and welcome. On the inside, however, there is more going on than anyone could possibly understand.


Then came the big reveal that she was the villain! In a sudden change of events, Starlight turns the tables on the Mane 6, surrounding them and taking away there Cutie Marks. She said that this is for the bettermeant of everypony, and says that the Mane 6 will now know of true friendship, through sameness and equality. I could honestly go on forever on this villain, and I am honestly going to do a video on her and go much farther in depth with her. But basically, she uses tactics simillar to that used in Communistic areas, using isolation and repeated propaganda to try and break them. However, surprisingly, Fluttershy comes to the rescue and shows Starlight to be a fraud by revealing she never gave up her Cutie Mark. So, this small part of the plot shows that not only did Starlight have reign (No pun intended) over the ponies lives, but that by keeping them equal, she was putting herself above everyone else. Gee, wonder where I have seem this before (Stalin and the Soviet Union). Before she could get captured however, she escapes. :o Wait, WHAT?!?!


Guys, you do not believe the signifigance of this. Starlight Glimmer is the first MLP villain to escape unscathed (And not get attacked by a Rainbow-ex-Machina)! But before she escapes, we here something very interesting. She says six completely forgettable words that are actually relevant. "I studied that spell for years!" This shows that, like Twilight, she is a studier. This actually leads some interesting discussion. In the first part of this two-parter, Starlight made it clear that she knew of Mettobrook, an Eastern Unicorn that not even Twilight new much about. it isnt much, but these 2 scenes show that Starlight is almost like the Anti-Twilight! To elaborate, Starlight Glimmer sort of IS Twilight. Starlight shows what Twilight would be like if she had never made friends in ponyville. If Twilight never understood what true friendship was, she would probably be doing the same exact thing Starlight was doing.


Or maybe this is just a kids show and I am taking it way too seriously (Yes, I did just quote Commander Firebrand. Dont judge me!). But seriously, i loved this villain. And I also loved this Season Opener. I can only pray that the rest of Season 5 is as good as the Opener. Well, thank you guys for tuning in! I have decided that I AM going to begin doing reviews on youtube..... with Audacity and Microsoft Powerpoint. Ummm, can you guys request some free software to help me out here? Post in the comments! Tell me what you think! See you guys on the next review!


Juggerpony Out!

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  • Brohoof 1


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Starlight shows what Twilight would be like if she had never made friends in ponyville. If Twilight never understood what true friendship was, she would probably be doing the same exact thing Starlight was doing.

That's a little extreme if you ask me.  If Twilight had never made friends in Ponyville, she'd just still be studying nothing but magic, and nothing about her seemed to indicate that she had initially believed all ponies ought to be "equal".

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That's a little extreme if you ask me.  If Twilight had never made friends in Ponyville, she'd just still be studying nothing but magic, and nothing about her seemed to indicate that she had initially believed all ponies ought to be "equal".

I was just trying to find the connection. Yes, it is a little extreme.

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Starlight Glimmer is probably the most effective user of psychological weapons in the show, effectively combining Discord's manipulation and King Sombra's fear. She also has that added skill of foresight through her plan, which was implied to have been effective for quite some time (though exactly how long is not clear, as time in this show usually is). That really puts her up there as far as these villains go. She really was the whole package as far as effective villains go.

  • Brohoof 1
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Starlight Glimmer is probably the most effective user of psychological weapons in the show, effectively combining Discord's manipulation and King Sombra's fear. She also has that added skill of foresight through her plan, which was implied to have been effective for quite some time (though exactly how long is not clear, as time in this show usually is). That really puts her up there as far as these villains go. She really was the whole package as far as effective villains go.

Completley agree. i will go way more in depth when i eventually do a video thing.

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Starlight Glimmer is probably the most effective user of psychological weapons in the show, effectively combining Discord's manipulation and King Sombra's fear. She also has that added skill of foresight through her plan, which was implied to have been effective for quite some time (though exactly how long is not clear, as time in this show usually is). That really puts her up there as far as these villains go. She really was the whole package as far as effective villains go.

So we can make a list of her strengths:

1. She is a good manipulator (Discord)

2. She has a fear factor to her (Sombra)

3. Willing support (Double Diamond Gestapo)

4. Forseight

5. An overall plan

6. Intellegence (Spells and knowlegde) 

7. Strength (She can enforce her ideas)

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