Batbrony Reviews "S05:E17 - Brotherhooves Social"

Good morning everypony, and welcome back to yet another edition of "Batbrony Reviews." Well, I must say this week we had a very... unique episode. This is definitely one of those episodes that's in a category of its own, and in all the right ways, I must say. I don't have a whole lot to say about it since most of it was schtick and comedic gags, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. Without further ado, this is "Brotherhooves Social."

So let's start with the, surprisingly enough, star of this episode, Big Macintosh. I've always wanted to learn more about Big Mac and I love any time we see him; for starters, Peter New seems to have a blast in the role, but as for the character himself, Big Mac is pretty straightforward, but that makes it all the more fun to learn more about him. It's nice seeing in an episode like this that there's a little more to him than meets the eye, and I look forward to more supporting roles in the future for him (such as he had in "Filly Vanilli"). It'd be nice too to see some big, permanent changes for him in the future, such as perhaps something starting with him and Miss Cheerilee (who, as evidenced in "Filly Vanilli" seems definitely actually interested in him). It certainly wouldn't surprise me if something like that happened, seeing as the show more and more references events that have happened in the past, showing that there is definitely long-term continuity at this point. But anyways, back to the episode. Speaking as a big brother myself (although I don't have two siblings like Big Mac, just one little sis), I definitely empathized with a lot of what Big Mac was feeling here. There have definitely been times in our lives where I myself and my little sis were more distant than we should've been, but thankfully they didn't last. The lengths he was willing to go in order to make Apple Bloom happy were obviously not just hilarious, but also rather sweet, and very creative if I do say so myself, I swear, I think Big Mac's got a far wilder imagination than we might think. He got a bit carried away at the end there, but his real shining moment came in the final scene when he delivered a lengthy monologue that was actually perfectly executed, which is saying something considering it could've come across quite easily as forced. Not much else to say about him besides that, but all in all, Big Mac had a bang up episode in his first ever true starring role, and I for one really hope we get to see more and more of him in the future. Good job Big Mac, you're a good big brother, from one BBBFF to another.

I won't lie, I cracked up when he did this too

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, touchdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have far less to say about Apple Bloom, mostly because she was playing the same tune for most of this episode. She started out blissfully ignorant of Big Mac's discomfort, and then spent most of the episode worrying about him being discovered and her being embarrassed. It wasn't bad or anything, there just wasn't a whole lot of variation to it. She learned a good lesson at the end and was much closer to her brother for it, but really the one thing that stuck out most about AB here to me was just that Michelle Creber's voice is really starting to go through puberty (though not quite as much as Claire Corlett's, which actually has left Scootaloo sounding the similar to her Season 1 self of the three CMC, weird, right? ). Speaking of the other two CMC, they were fine as well, though Sweetie Belle just kinda suddenly disappeared from the episode. Scootaloo on the other hand was pretty cute tagging along with Rainbow Dash, and while we're on the subject, RD was pretty cool too going along with Big Mac's plan, yet another example of how she's not nearly as competitive as she used to be. Granny Smith was her funny, kooky old self, and AJ was fine for the bit she was in it. All in all, the supporting cast was just fine, if somewhat predictable in what they did.

No, stahp it Twily, that's a bad, bad Princess of Friendship! *smacks with newspaper* You'll get another episode soon enough.

Finally, since most of the episode was really just comedy (besides the more serious beginning and ending), guess I should mention that. Most the humor centered around Big Mac in drag, and while it was fairly predictable in that regard, it was also executed really well and quite funny for it. My favorite running gag in the whole episode was actually that stallion-judge who apparently didn't realize he was a stallion and kept eyeballing "Orchard Blossom," that was bucking funny. The reveal of "Orchard Blossom" was also one of those moments that had me nearly falling out of my seat, mostly because I had no bucking idea it was coming. And honestly, the whole concept itself could've been far more cringeworthy than it really was, but in execution it really just came off as silly, lighthearted fun and a sweet but very weird brotherly gesture from Big Mac. Animation was top notch as usual, the song was fairly nice but could've been a little sweeter if it wasn't being played for laughs, what with Big Mac's falsetto voice and all, and Big Mac's "Orchard Blossom" voice was to die for. Like I said before, this was a very one-of-a-kind episode that I doubt any other will resemble any time soon, and for what it was, it did pretty much everything it wanted to. It was funny when it needed to be, it was sweet when it needed to be, and it was a nice shout-out to all the big brothers of the world who might not be as close to their little sisters as they'd like to be. Fellow big bros, hold on tight to your little sises, always be there for them ready to be the best big bro you can be and having their back always, and if you haven't seen them in awhile, give them the biggest hugs you can the next time you do. That's all I got for this one, this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off! *cue dramatic exit*

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