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A little upset with Doom



As some of you may know, there is a new Doom around the corner, coming May 13.


This weekend they gave everyone free access to the open beta for Doom's Multiplayer mode. Me being the nostalgic gamer that I am was wishing that the multiplayer would tie into the classic arena style multiplayer of which we've seen in Quake.


The harsh reality that I was actually met with did not appeal to me at all.

  • XP progression system
  • only holding 2 weapons at a time
  • not to mention the Season pass being forced down our throats almost seeming as a necessity

these factors, although they might seem normal to todays gaming tropes. upset me on so many levels.


I know I sound like an old man when I say this but. back in my day, skill wasn't measured by level, it was measured on how much you knew the map and where all the good pickups were. you could hold one of every weapon in the game at once and use them whenever and of course there was no map/weapon DLC


I just hope that the singleplayer/co-op can redeem this beautiful monstrosity

  • Brohoof 2


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After Fallout 4, I imagine that Bethesda has stopped caring and are trying to ride the coattails of the DOOM name by producing a game that is a blatant copy of CoD's multiplayer while trying to fuck us with another season pass. Bethesda have one more chance with me, and that will more than likely be the next Elder Scrolls. If they screw that up, they'll be put on my Blacklist.

  • Brohoof 2
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As much as it makes business sense to try to appeal to as wide of a market as possible, butchering fast-paced, arena style multiplayer in the name of casualization, which just creates another of the generic FPS's we have today is wrong on so many levels.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Season Pass"


Nope, lost me there. When did we end up in a situation where the idea of Eternal Shareware {anyone remember that word?} became acceptable?

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