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Blessings from Equestria and Welcome to my 3rd Blog in which today I am going to be ranking the Mane 6 of My Little Pony and Trying to explain my reasons behind why I placed them where I have.


Please remember this is just a personal opinion and I am more than happy to listen to your views on this matter and how you would rank them but this is just my opinion and as we all know "Opinions are not wrong" ;)


Anyway with the introduction out of the way let us begin with




OK Lets start with my least favourite of the Mane 6 and pretty much the Protagonist of the entire Series - "Princess" Twilight Sparkle.
Out of all the characters she seems to be the most spoilt by the creative team, She is constantly being awarded by everyone around her when it was a combined effort of ALL of her friends and sometimes even outside help.


Her character was not really the most relateable of characters in the series and at the beginning I could compare her to be a Juvenile trying to reform by learning how she is meant to act in modern society only to land a huge job at a corporation because the chairman "took a shine to her" and I personally just do not like that - I feel that she is benefiting from too much when she has not really deserved it.


I think the part that annoys me the most is the fact she was turned into a princess and for what? Finishing a spell Star Swirl could not? Is that REALLY such a feat that deserves her to ascend into Princesshood? Especially when you consider what the rest of her friends have done in the duration of the series on their own which would have also warranted a transformation.

  • Applejack saved Ponyville from a stampede of cows
  • Fluttershy tamed a dragon and got him to relocate
  • Pinkie Pie stopped a massive war from happening (which was caused indirectly by Twilight)

I could literally go on about what the rest have accomplished but the fact remains they do not seem to be as awarded as Twilight Sparkle has been and that just doesn't seem right to me and because of that Twilight is definitely my least popular of them all.






Rainbow Dash is probably the coolest designed of the mane 6 by far, Like she is 20% Cooler than the rest (Ba dum tssh) :lol


The main reason I have placed her 5th might be a unpopular reason with her loyal fans but to me personally she has not really done anything in the series...I do not mean she is lazy and has not contributed to anything throughout the series but I mean she just has not really had a stand out moment in which she was her real hero (Apart from the first 5 minutes of Mare-Do-Well) and that is unfortunate because I would like to see her being the hero in a crisis to Ponyville and all of Equestria.


But she is definitely not without her good points, firstly the fact she does have a good heart behind that superiority complex

  • She was the one to dive right into the middle of bullying to protect a young and scared Fluttershy when she could have easily flew past and ignored it
  • She ignored species profiling to befriend a young griffin named Gilda when all the others were mocking her
  • She was willing to become Scootaloo adopted Big Sister...if you do not understand how important that is for someone as young as Scootaloo then I feel sorry for you

Secondly is of course her greatest dream, To become a Wonderbolt, it was one of the first things she announced all the way back in episode 1 and do not deny it when they announced in the recent episode of "Newbie Dash" you felt pleased for her because all the hard work she had put in had finally paid off for her.


Finally is her sense of honour, She is true to her element and is Loyal to the core even to her own morals, I said she had a dream to become a Wonderbolt but that did not stop her from almost throwing it all away during the reserve training because she felt that others were being unfairly bullied out of the chance to one day become Wonderbolts by Lightning Dust and that to me is something that earns my respect for anypony out there.


Number 4: RARITY


I will be honest Rarity was once my least favourite but as time has gone on she has improved quite a lot that I am now liking her character.
I don't quite know what it was that I did not like about her - Maybe it was just the fact that to me she was the most bland of characters in the series, nothing bad but nothing special either and when you are meant to be one of the Protagonists in a series being Average is just not what you want to be...But I give credit where credit is due but her character took baby steps and she improved leaps and bounds and I might even say she is the most improved of the entire group.


I enjoy her commitment to her passion and I have respect for her because she loves what she loves as much as she does - Yes that has sometimes been the focus on some of her least favourable moments in the series like picking it over spending quality time with Sweetie Belle and treating her friends like rubbish because someone else stole her idea but if I am honest that just shows true passion to something...You can tell she really wants to be the greatest fashion designer in all of Equestria just by the fact she sometimes forget to think about the feelings of those she loves as much.


The best parts of Rarity is when she breaks characters, those brief moments when she is willing to step away from herself and let herself go just a little bit - Like when she was willing to get dirty to make amends with her Sister to recently bouncing around pretending to be Pinkie Pie because Pinkie was not acting like her usual self...they are magical moments because (as her name suggests) they are a 'Rarity'.


Number 3: PINKIE PIE




Pinkamena Diane Pie...Better known as Pinkie Pie is one of Ponyville most beloved residence and when you get to know her you can understand why this is so - When it comes to the life and soul of the town you can be sure that 90% she is at the centre of it and if she is not then she is there to throw a party in honour for the one who was because that is just the kind of pony she is.


If you do not know how popular she is then I suggest you watch her brief moment during the song "True, True Friend" when she returns to her old self and all of Ponyville shout "PINKIE" in celebration because she is the one who brings them happiness and everypony loves her...But she is not without her flaws sadly and it comes down to the fact that, kind of like Rainbow Dash, she likes to be within the centre of attention and if she is not then her mood drastically changes.


We see in "Party for one" when the rest decides to throw a party for her own birthday and have to avoid her whilst they are preparing for it that Pinkie goes crazy and even psychopathic really quickly even creating new "friends" with rocks and dust...and this is all in the space of an Afternoon folks :/ she literally could not mentally handle not being the life and soul of something for more than a couple of hours.


But for that one aspect that is Negative, Pinkie Pie has probably a hundred that makes her so loved by the brony community but probably the key factor to it all is just her personality - She is humorous and usually have a laugh even in a major crisis, She loves her friends and family more than I feel people understand and She is always willing to go that one step further to help others (or to make sure that a party is going to be extra special).






Originally I was debating between 3rd and 1st about who would be my number 1 but then I started to think outside the box and realised that whilst those two were continously changing their places in my mind there was one Pony who remains constant in my popularity for her since day one, a Pony who has been a stable for the series since Day 1 and has always produced at least a good episode under her name - Applejack.


There is not much I can say bad about her really even her faults are worked into her character so well that they are not actually faults but merely make up her whole character which is actually really hard to do with alot of characters in Cartoons and Anime since most of the times the flaws are slapped in and don't always fit the character when you honestly think about it.


Applejack best trait is always going to be her family and just how proud she is of them and her upbringing, She is a country pony at heart and that is exactly how she wants it because that is her family way and I feel that alot of our own families could do with learning a thing or two about what a family truly means from the Apple Family.


She is also probably the best sister of the mane 6 even though sometimes she can be overly protective of Apple Bloom but then again who out there is not protective of their young siblings from time to time? The fact is you have to consider she is not just being Apple Blooms Sister but in a way a substitute mother trying to keep her on the right path whilst also wanting to have fun with her as two sisters would...it is not as easy as you may think but AJ is actually doing a really good job at balancing those two roles.


Finally and probably the most debatable aspect of my list as to way I like her so much is her singing, it is usually excellent and I do not think I have heard a single song that she or the Apple family have sung that not only did I not enjoy but I liked singing along to because they are always so catchy and takes me back to the classic old country songs back in the day.






They say you love the character that represents you the most and for me, that honour falls upon Miss Fluttershy and I am personally happy about that because just look at her, she is lovely right?


I keep hearing people talk about how Fluttershy introvert personality makes her hard to like but I do not agree at all, I think if anything her character shows us how we could be interacting with someone similar and gaining a really interesting and good friend in the process and she is showing those who are introverts that just because society may deem you "Weak" does not mean you have to be a push over.


She has shown in the past that when push comes to shove she can be as strong as the rest, she can not only step out of her comfort zone but even take a vacation from it which is a trait that alot of people can not do and when talking about Fluttershy they seem to forget it because they are focused so much on the time she overly shy but lets look back at one moment that went right over fans heads.


Do you remember the Equestria Games? Well Fluttershy competed in it...Let that sink in before your eyes do the "Oh my God" Realisation thing - Fluttershy who had been shown to fear large crowds watching her was actually able to get in front of the biggest crowd of them all to do the two things she is known to be absolutely bad at, Flying and Racing...can you imagine standing in front of thousands all watching you do something you are not good at? You remember how scared Spike was when he had to sing the cloudsdale national anthem even though he didn't know it? THAT is actually how Fluttershy must have been feeling throughout that race but she remained strong and got through it for her team.


She does have her flaws, she is probably the only pony who can out stubborn Applejack - Seriously if Fluttershy does not want to do something then she is not doing it even if she is guilt tripped and that might be something that should be frowned at but I think it is something that should be respected, She knows what she likes and hates and wants to avoid a lot of what she hates as best she can only doing them when it is something truly important...Kind of like saving it up so when she does it then you appreciate it just that little bit more.


One of the biggest flaws that I do not like about Fluttershy is her tolerance of that Rabbit, Angel...I am definitely in that category who hates that rabbit and will not miss him if was written off but at the same time because Fluttershy loves him I tolerate him being around since he makes Fluttershy happy - But I swear if he slaps her again I will find a way to get into Equestria and I will **This segment has been censored due to graphic description of violence and animal cruelty**...and bury him in the everfree forest :angry:


But in the end, I just love Fluttershy as a whole so I am proud to name her my favourite of the Mane 6


Thank you all for reading my blog, once again please feel free to comment your own opinions if you wish because I enjoy reading your views very much


Until Next time, Blessings from Equestria to you all


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