By golly, it's another story about computers! Gee whiz, I feel like I did an intro like this before. . . huh. Ah well, this story is a bit more entertaining and jammed packed with suspense! (Nah, probably not.) Oh, and if you didn't understand the second half of that title, here's a translation, "In Real Life Oh My Gosh Wut The Fack Laugh Out Loud". Damn, am I the only one who remembers what "Lol" stands for? Now I really feel old. . .
Anyway, on to the REAL intro!
Inspired by historical events and characters.
This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various religious faiths and beliefs.
Quoting a famous intro / speech? Very original, RePub.
Well, what do you expect? We're running out of ideas and. . . you know what?

And that, my friends, is what we call, "a bigger budget". Yeah, we're turning out like El Smosh. Pretty soon these blog entries are going to be translated into Dovahkiin (Elder Scrolls: Skyrim).
But I digress, you're here for the story, not the random hilarity. (Unless you are here for that in which I really need to rework my formula.)
Well, as many of you probably didn't know. Over the weekend, Bethesda had a big sale for their Fallout series, and being the classical fanatic I am, I decided to buy the entire Classic Collection for a grand total of 10 bucks. Not bad, eh?
If you can recall, and I'm pretty sure I've mentioned at least twice a post, I still don't have a computer. What's taking so long? I'm broke, mkay? The only computer I have, if you can recall (again), is the "Brick" which does, in fact, have the capabilities of running Fallout Classic. Now I just had to acquire internet connection. . .
Now, the time was about three in the morning, very convenient when you had to download a good 2 GBs of Fallout goodness (1, 2, and Tactics). Please, that wasn't going to get in my way! So what did I do? I geared up and did a montage by grabbing a hat, hoodie, long black pants, socks, a face mask, and a backpack stuffed with, the Brick, a LAN Cable, charger, and my cell-phone. Why I did it is still beyond me, but in the end, I was glad I packed dark.
Y'know, I've been playing a lot of video games lately. I'm not ashamed of it, but after a good. . . 200 hours? It really gets in your head. Oh, and I mastered the "crouch-walking". So, I think that'll explain a bit more. Anyway, here I am, dressed head to toe in the silliest get-up while crouch-walking throughout my house as if I'm avoiding alarms. Eventually, after 20 minutes, I crawled myself up a different flight of stairs to where our internet router is kept and I plugged in my laptop.
The booting alone took long enough, not to mention Steam's part in all of it. The entire process took forever and I was growing restless. Back and forth, I paced around the room, sweating and regretting my entire life, when all of a sudden, I start hearing footsteps. Now, I thought it was just my computer fan for a while, so I ignored it and continued my contemplation. At least, until I heard the wooden stairs grumble under the feet of my trampling mother. At that point, I was wrapping myself around the Brick, begging for it to complete the download; me mum was right outside the door, peeking in. I didn't move a muscle and, thankfully, she didn't dare turn on the lights. After what seemed like hours, she left the room and returned to her bedroom, leaving me in a heaping pile of sweaty rags.
Fallout Classic is a great game! Would recommend.
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