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First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone for reaching the 5000 view count. Seriously, I don't think I've ever reached a number that big for any of my work. Thank you for everything; it's been a wonderful holiday season. Secondly, no, this is not the special. This entry is simply me writing a review for something that happened two hours ago. I'm working on the special; I've gotta fix up the images in photoshop and I'll go over a few notes. I've been backed up with two new entries (a first) so I've got about one more entry after this and I'll be releasing the special.


Thank you everyone, it means a lot.


SO! Watch_Dogs, Watch_Dogs, Watch_Dogs. If I got a nickel every time I mentioned that card-board cutout of a game, I'd be rich. So where to begin. Let's see . . .


As many readers may or may not know, I've been in the process of my "worst" move. It's taken a lot out of all of us, our trip to the states. We've thrown away about 20 pounds of childhood memorabilia and shedding a few tears in the process. Anyway, while sorting through my things, I found it. My old copy of Watch_Dogs, a game I picked up not a month ago. Well, this time I had the case, so I suppose it's different. Anyway, I popped open the case and found both discs inside, patiently waiting for me to rage at the TV one last time; I placed the cd into my XBox and tried to load the game one last time. Did it work? Of course not, but it did give me an idea. Hidden behind the cover art was a phone number, one to Ubisoft Support. So I called them up, hoping that with whatever glimmer of hope I still had, I'd be able to exchange my broken copy for a new one (a code at least).


Yeah, good luck with that. Ubisoft Support, although not the worst, couldn't care less. I'll admit, the person on the phone was nice, but he kept referring me to buying a new copy. (Apparently there was some sale on the original to make way for Watch_Dogs 2)

"I don't wanna buy a new copy! Just give me a code or something!"


That call was a waste of money. Anyway, fast forward to today, I managed to pick up a copy on Steam for 15 bucks on the "Complete Edition" (A friend picked it up for me; I'm cheap). So I spent the whole day downloading the gaping 17GBs at 500KB/s. How delightful. You've gotta thank hotel internet for their relentless dedication.


On to the juicy parts . . . GAMEPLAY! The GAMEPLAY IS STUNNING! When I move my mouse, it's like I'm a glitchy hacker. While watching the cutscenes, I can't tell if I'm lagging or that's the real-deal. 20 frames per second is like a life goal. Could you imagine what would happen if the real world ran at 20 frames per second? We'd all be buying GTX 1080s. That's what would happen.


There's really no point to this entry anymore. There's not much to say, so I'll let the pictures of my rad adventure pull it off.







(Yeah, his name is spelled that way. I had to check.)




I always looked at it as an aesthetic_the bare streets and no shadows kinda added to aiden's crippling depression.jpg

(Not to mention, check out that guy in the poster! He's lookin' pretty fiiiiine!)





(Shot with in-game engine)




Ubisoft is the Picaso of pixel art. Look at all those fine textures!




Welp, that was my "adventure". It lasted a good half-hour, so it's not that bad. Like I said, I've got better entries (unlike this one) coming soon! So stick around for those. Hopefully I've have Internet to post 5k special.


(If you couldn't tell, this is my "I just woke up" writing. :P )


Discord: https://discord.gg/6fNjXFq




ALSO: This is going to be my new profile picture. I hope you enjoy.




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