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Guys.... usually I don't let anybody making decisions for me, but this time seems like I'm FORCED to make an exception. Before we get to the question I'll make a premise: by the end of this year (probably slightly after the MLP Movie) I'm gonna completely stop following videogames and cartoons, and I'll just occasionally replay/rewatch what I got by then. Why? Several reasons:


-As you know I've fallen in depression because the S6 finale and the way the Mane 6 were treated in it (despite I loved the rest of the season);
-I had several problems in several communities of both cartoons and videogames;
-Videogames and Cartoons I know I can enjoy are going to be extincted very soon;
-As I got my degree in Computer Engineering two months ago, I'm gonna start a new specialisation course in a few months;
-I want to start keeping money for my future, so I don't want spend anymore money in videogames.


Right now I'm doing all the preparatives for my retirement: retrieving all the videogames I can like that I missed in the years available on PC and Nintendo Consoles (game cube games aside as I don't possess any way to play them) and even some Cartoons I already loved in past. So far all my preparatives have been great and I retrieved almost all the games I wanted (Amazon and Steam Sales helped very much) and even the few cartoons. Now it's just a matter to buy the few games I kept on eye that are going to be released by then (Zelda Breath of the Wild, Nier Automata, Yooka Laylee, Sonic Mania and Freedom Planet 2) and finish to watch the three shows I'm still watching (MLP, Star Vs the forces of Evil and Miraculous Ladybug) and then I'm done for good....


...however... in all of this.... there is still... a thing I'm in the doubt... as you know the MLP Movie will be approximatively my stop for everything, and I'm actually really optimist and excited for it, especially after all the news about it that are coming lately.... on the total opposite.... the S7... despite I loved the vast majority of the S6, its finale did much worse damages to me than just killing my hype for the show after five years.... probably you might have noticed, but I've been pretty overwhelming in past about my suffering because the finale... and my annoyance was reflected even on my closest friends here on Internet.... they broken up with me... I can't let that happening again. The MLP MOVIE will be the perfect solution for everything considering all its great premises..... but it's 9 months far from now, and I don't want to stay with these feelings for all this time, so I could just rely on the s7 for now, but at the same time the premises for season 7 look worse and worse and worse every day passing, and the risk of making me suffering again and even more are high...


let's cut this short: should I give the S7 a chance by risking of suffering more, or should just skip it and going directly to the Movie and ending this once for all. Please help me guys. I'm serious. I really don't know what to do....


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Probably skip it? After all, you can always look up what people are saying about it. If you hear that the focus has shifted from the Mane 6 to Starlight you probably wouldn't want to watch it. Or if you hear that the Mane 6 are being written really badly in S7 or something like that.


I don't think either of those things are likely to happen, but you can always wait and listen to be sure before diving in. That's one of the nice things about the Internet :D


Good luck!

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Pity.. Since I will see the MLP movie. Making sure no one sees me. 
Otherwise they will get scared. Anyways there is more to life than just throwing away what you enjoy. Well speaking of that. I know that is not pertaining to your post. Some one told Scuffy that his time has come when I came. Oh well typical whenever any pony sees me or anyone in general. Oh yes, your decision. I suggest you let that what you said have a shot. Like I said before, if you like what you enjoy then keep going. If not, well you know where that is going. Well I'm observing the rest of Equestria.

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If you are this emotionally  distraught over a carttoon, maybe see a phychiatrist......


You know it's not something I'm proud of, I mean taking my passion THIS seriously, which is why I want to put an end to this once for all. But I can't until the Movie, some I really want an high note, before I quit. While I've like.... less than zero worries for the Movie itself, I'm really really really worried for the S7 instead. The S6 really caused a lot of problems to me, and altered me psychologically talking, I can't take the risk of things getting even worse and eventually becoming crazy like the Joker.... ah you know what? I'll just check the Synopsises of the episodes, and if they convinced me then I'll watch them. Otherwise I'll just skip them. Whatever will happen, the Movie will be my end to everything and afterward I'll be ready to start a new life. Oh yeah another thing: as the MOVIE will be my series finale, I'm gonna skip even the S7 finale. Alright? Alright.

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