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S4E12: "Pinkie Pride"



Once upon a time, there was this prick named PrymeStriker.



He hated an episode called "Rainbow Falls".



He's dead now.



The End.



Well, I see we've redecorated around here. I don't like it. It means I have to reformat my series accordingly. And when every space is a double space, and I use a lot of spaces, this is an immeasurable travesty. Let's jump right into the boiling stew, shall we? Another Friday, another shit episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is "Pinkie Pride".


This episode opens up with a party in what appears to be Appleloosa as we see all the Buffalo and all the ponies dancing around in a celebration of...whatever. The camera pans out to sh-




............................................Mkay, so, let me rephrase my statement. Another friday, another SUPER EPIC AMAZING HOLY FUCKBALLS EPISODE OF MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGICIT'S WEIRD FUCKING AL YANKOVIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You guys don't understand. Weird Al Yankovic makes everything he's in ten times better. When he starred as Wreck-Gar in Transformers Animated, the episodes became ten times better. And have you seen his fake interviews with celebrities? A motherfucking genius, that guy. Yet, here he is, playing a pony in Friendship is Magic. A bit of a downgrade, I'd say, but nevertheless entertaining. Fun times are abound. Once Yankovic's character, Cheese Sandwich, receives some kind of spastic signal, he realizes that the next party to be thrown is in Ponyville. After the "Skip Intro" button makes me shit egg yolks, we show up in Ponyville where Pinkie Pie is doing another grand musical number about how she's planning a party for Rainbow Dash. Once the song is over, we learn that today is Rainbow Dash's birthday! Hooray, I get to regret the day this fucking character was born! What a grand old time. Curiously, she also says that today is not only her birthday, but the anniversary of when she moved to Ponyville. Err, what? Who decides, on their birthday, to just move to a completely new town? Who the hell throws a party for the anniversary of them moving to said town? And why the fuck is this part of the setup? It would've been fine as just Dash's birthday, but they had to throw a monkey wrench into the burning asshole of this episode. Speaking of monkey wrenches, that's when Cheese Sandwich shows up to show Pinkie Pie up with the "Super Duper Party Pony" song.

Let the jizzing commence!


So while Cheese Sandwich strokes Rainbow Dash's insufferable ego, Pinkie Pie falls into another crippling depression. There's even this scene right after the song where when Rainbow Dash tells Pinkie that she means "no offense", she licks her own tears and pulls out a fake smile. Damn, nigga, that's pretty fucked up, if I do say so myself, Mr. Hangs-People-By-Their-Dicks-And-Watches-Them-Swing-Into-Pits-Of-Molten-Lava. Later, while Cheese Sandwich is planning Rainbow Dash's execution, Twilight stops by Pinkie Pie's place to see if she's alright. 'Cause we all know what happened last time Pinkie felt excluded. She made friends with rocks and shit. But nay, Pinkie Pie expresses a "perfect" attitude, even though she soon laments that since Cheese Sandwich is the best party planner in the world, maybe she's not. Speaking of laments, there's another song about Pinkie Pie's nosedive into dispair. See, this is how you pace a musical episode. Why the fuck can't any other episode get this shit right? It's about time we got a decent one, too, and the fact that it's a Pinkie Pie centric episode guest starring Weird Al, just adds 9,000 more gallons of creamy sperm. In the number, when Pinkie Pie looks at pictures from parties past such as the Royal Wedding, and Twilight's "Welcome to Ponyville" shindig, she realizes "fuck this shit" and decides to get back out there and show her stuff. How, you might ask? By challenging Cheese Sandwich to a goof off.




Yeah, so if you haven't guessed it, the comedy in this episode supersedes any previous Pinkie Pie episode. There's this excellent setup that nobody aside from Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich know what a "goof-off" is, yet in the next scene Twilight has a rule book for it. The goof-off commences through another song, and yes, if you need a refresher, I recommend you watch all the songs I've linked all the way through. However, once the goof-off goes a-rye and Pinkie Pie sees Rainbow Dash in distress, her eyes gl-




*ahem*.............her eyes glow as she realizes that she should just forfeit and relinquish planning of Dash's party to Cheese Sandwich. Subsequently, she proceeds to....move out of Ponyville??......but not before all her friends come to apologize for being overtly indulgent in Cheese Sandwich's bullshit. However, Pinkie Pie admits that she let her pride get in the way of Rainbow Dash's happiness. Suddenly, Cheese Sandwich shows up to say that he was just trying to impress Pinkie Pie, because the pony who got him interested in party planning way back in the days when the earth was flat and God was real, was Pinkie Pie herself.


The feels are reals. Must spend rest of day regaining testicles.


So they indeed join forces and put together the biggest, glorious, most seizure-inducing, vomit-promoting, ultra druggy, super buzzed-out, makes-you-wanna-have-sex-with-a-goat, drunk-as-fuck, ultramegazord sen kai bonanza since the previous biggest, glorious, most seizure-inducing, vomit-promoting, ultra druggy, super buzzed-out, makes-you-wanna-have-sex-with-a-goat, drunk-as-fuck, ultramegazord sen kai bonanza. As we see Pinkie Pie writing in her journal, Cheese interrupts her to give her Boneless. And the fanfics and endless dick jokes were sent spiraling out of control! Finally, Cheese walks into the sunset with Boneless 2, looking forward to "another town, another party". Pinkie Pie comments that she never did get that pony's name, which would've been a great joke if left there, but the others had to yell "Cheese Sandwich!" and force Pinkie Pie to say "Oh yeah". I also hear that's a reference to something, but I don't give ten fucks and a dangling green shit.


There he goes. The messiah, the legend, Debbie Harry.


And so concludes "Pinkie Pride".



This.....is the best episode of season four so far. I mean, what else can be said that hasn't been said about the best episodes of the series? Pinkie Pie's character development here is probably the best example of such since "Party of One". The songs are all entertaining and don't clutter the pacing whatsoever, and the comedy reaches the highest levels of hilarity thanks to Weird Al's gift to the world, which was the day he was born. There are a few blips here and there in this episode, like the fact that they merged Rainbow Dash's anniversary of moving to Ponyville with her birthday just to make this bash seem "more important", and the half a second that Pinkie Pie was going to move away from Ponyville, but all of those are minuscule in the epic saga that is "Pinkie Pride". So does it come at any surprise what numeric rating this episode is about to receive? You guessed it, a 10/10.


.....Wait a minute....


......Nope, that's right.




Well, what a great episode that was. Shame it's surrounded by shit episodes, but I'm certainly over "Rainbow Falls" now. I wonder what follows this up.



.......................................OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUOh, wait, I already reviewed this. Right, I still hate "Simple Ways", and even though it's been upgraded to a 2/10 ala my "Revoking Opinion on Simple Ways" editorial, and my original "Simple Ways" review is a bit cluttered due to it being the first review I've ever done, it's still royal piece of shit. Great, I get to skip an episode for the first time in two years. This day just gets better and better. So what episode comes after "Simple Ways"?






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