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S4E14: "Filli Vanilli"



So I trench through the bullshit fuckazoid of "Rainbow Falls" and the unusually crap Discord episode of "Three's A Crowd" to be rewarded with "Pinkie Pride" and the ability to skip "Simple Ways"................for this piece of shit.


Luckily, to my recollection, "Filli Vanilli" was the episode that marked a turnaround in season four. Whereas with the first half of the season, every other episode was a steaming pile of horseshit, the second half stayed pretty consistent in quality. Except, that is, for this episode. A bit of trivia, "Simple Ways" was not only my first review on the blog, but also the first instance of me regularly reviewing episodes on this forum. You see, I joined this forum in January of 2013, but didn't start this blog until August of 2014, when I realized I wanted to go into more extensive detail on a scene-to-scene basis of each episode. Before that, I referred to the "Show Discussion" forums. When "Simple Ways" first aired, I posted along with thousands of other regulars in the episode's topic, and from this episode until "Twilight's Kingdom", you can find my original thoughts on each episode of season four as it aired, and maybe compare how my opinion has changed with age moving forward. What's the point of this? Well.........even back when I first saw it, I thought "Filli Vanilli" was a piece of crooked dick. 


This episode was mediocre at best. (...) I thought it was cliché and predictable.

Well, let's see if that opinion holds up, shall we? This is "Filli Vanilli"


This episode opens up with Fluttershy singing, what a shock, about what a great day it is, when all of a sudden she clenches up when she learns that the other five heard her singing.




Sorry....WHAT? H...have you all been deaf the past four seasons? With all the hundreds of shit pop songs you fuckers have forced upon us, many of which have included Fluttershy, you bitchcunts are now just realizing, in SEASON FOUR episode FOURTEEN, that Fluttershy has a great voice?!




Welp, this episode is already bullshit, GG. Not even a new record for the series. Now, before people ragequit in the comments, let me defend my point, because someone has already tried to cover the writers' asses to me before about this. The defense is that previous musical numbers were not part of the canon of the world, but more of a performance to the audience. Which I can buy. What I can't buy about this premise is that it's the focal point of this episode, and it's Fluttershy, because this opens up a can of worms. Which musical numbers were canon and which ones weren't? Because Pinkie Pie references the "Smile Song" quite a few times despite that musical number in particular being way too over the top to be an actual event that happened, and I'm sure there are other examples of this if I bothered listing all of this show's songs. You could've avoided this all by writing this as a Sweetie Belle episode. It was just that fucking easy. Just replace it all with a talent show or something, then this episode would be a less contrived cliché and just a plain boring cliché. Oh, speaking of how Pinkie Pie loves to make her friends smile, she runs her mouth about all the possible things that could go wrong with Fluttershy singing in front of a crowd which brings her to tears.


"'Cause all I really need's that smile, smile, smile, from these happy friends of mine."


Piece of Bullshit #2: Pinkie Pie's incessant twisting of the knife in this episode. I think she only has two scenes of it, but goddamn is it fucking annoying, and clearly way out of character for her. Especially considering in the last episode I reviewed her whole turning point is realizing she's hurt her friends, in this episode she's a completely oblivious.......idiot. Let me guess, Amy Keating Rogers wrote this? Of course she fucking did. Oh, right, sorry, I almost forgot, after the Skip Intro button makes me suck the dick of a statue of Jesus, we see Pinkie Pie twisting the aforementioned dildo, as well as Rarity trying to get Fluttershy to join her........quartet...........that includes herself and Big Macintosh?


....Sorry, WHAT?!




What a terrible, god awful first three minutes. Fluttershy, however, states that she does not want to perform with Rarity's quartet, the Ponytones, in their show for the Pet Fundraiser. Likely because of some skimpy stories she's heard...huehue Rarity's a slut lel. In actuality, it's because Fl-it's stage fright, isn't it? ...Yep, saw that shit coming a mile away. So not only is this setup complete bullshit, but it's true, the plot of this episode is a complete cliché. Later, during construction of the pet fundraiser, we see the Ponytones rehearsing, with Big Mac singing lead. Fuck, this contrived setup just keeps getting juicier.



Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks / B-b-b-bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks


Tragedy soon strikes, however, when Big Mac arrives the next morning with a sore throat, unable to let his pipes be unleashed upon the world. But we can't have a musical number without Big Mac. Does that sentence seem weird as fuck? Good, proves this episode's bullshit. You see, he lost his voice trying to do a turkey call, in which Pinkie Pie beat him at. It's like Pinkie's trying to sabotage this whole thing for no good reason, but she's not. However, Fluttershy comes up with a great idea: take him to Zecora for voodoo medicine. When Zecora relays that the cure won't have him fixed by that night, she suggests that they have Fluttershy infect herself with poison joke like she did in "Bridle Gossip" to go all transvestite again. That way, she can lipsync for Big Mac backstage!  This reminds me of that Milli Vanilli scandal back in....................




.................*ahem*...With some reluctance, Fluttershy agrees to this and lipsyncs Big Mac's part for the fundraiser, and it goes off without a hitch. After the show, a filly asks the Ponytones to perform at her Cutecenieraruaroieasriosnigga the next day, which Fluttershy tells Rarity to agree to. It would seem that Fluttershy enjoys singing for the Ponytones after all, albeit backstage conning the public like she is. This leads to a montage of stupid motherfuckers asking the Ponytones to perform for their events last-minute, and them agreeing to them all because Fluttershy's ego is inflating beyond control. It eventually escalates to the point that when Big Mac's voice has healed, and Fluttershy becomes disappointed, that Rarity allows her to sing one last time. Except, this time, Fluttershy's doing all this improvised scatting that Big Mac can't follow along with. It starts to become very obvious that Big Mac is lipsyncing, and even moreso when Fluttershy's stupid dancing knocks down the curtain, revealing the true Scatman Crothers. 



When you get caught masturbating.......................which apparently involves eating your own tail. 


Curiously, instead of the crowd throwing a fit of outrage that the Ponytones...you know...ripped them off...they cheer for Fluttershy. Because that's what happened when people found out Milli Vanilli were a fraud! Their careers didn't crash and burn and lead to one of the members committing suicide! NoooooooooooooooooTHEY WERE FUCKING REVEREDBULL MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING ASSLICKING DONKEYSODOMIZING SHIT. Alas, Fluttershy's friends come to see if she's alright, in which Pinkie Pie does more of her annoying "make Fluttershy want to kill herself" bullshit that sends Fluttershy on the run. The others follow her and try to explain that they enjoyed her.......fake, poison joke voice.....eh, this episode's so full of crap I'm tired of trying. They try to show her that, while she lived her worst nightmare when she was revealed, it wasn't really that bad. Yeah, it wasn't that bad because the audience's reaction made no fucking sense. Who the fuck applauds being duped out of their money? A world full of bullshit "love and tolerance". This is why SJWs, new-wave feminists, and politically correct culture should go fuck an African reindeer in the bleeding rain of the Holocaust. Ultimately, Fluttershy finds the courage to join the Ponytones in a quintet performance, albeit only for her friends and animals. In the end, Fluttershy writes in her journal that you should overcome your fears. It's almost like this was one of those boring, overdone stage fright plots. OH WAIT.



"I will cook you alive."


And so concludes "Filli Vanilli"



Well, that wasn't mediocre.


That was a TERRIBLE episode COMPLETELY ON PAR with "Rainbow Falls", "Daring Don't", "Power Ponies", and "Simple Ways".


First of all, the fact that this is the "first time" anyone's heard Fluttershy sing opens up a whole slew of debate on which songs in the series are and aren't "canon", which all could've been avoided if this episode was given to Sweetie Belle instead. The fact that this a central plotpoint is awkward for the viewer considering we've heard her sing before, so we aren't discovering anything new. It makes the whole thing feel weird in and of itself. Secondly, Pinkie Pie is UNBEARABLE in this episode. She could've been completely written out, but Amy Keating Rogers thought it was a good idea to make Pinkie Pie a bonafide retard. As a result, every scene she's in, she spouts out dumb shit clearly written to make Fluttershy feel bad about herself, and then try to cop it all out by defending that Pinkie Pie doesn't realize what she says. That's how Rogers actually tried to defend her shitty writing on Twitter, showing that for all the times she's dealt with Pinkie Pie as a character, she has no idea who Pinkie Pie is as a character. Pinkie Pie....IS NOT A DUMBASS. Refer to ANY Pinkie Pie-centric episode and you will SEE that. Hell, GO BACK TWO EPISODES to "Pinkie Pride" where she REGRETS making Rainbow Dash feel like shit, and you instantly realize how out of character she is. Thirdly, why are Rarity and Big Mac in a singing group? When did they become a singing group? How did Big Mac and Rarity discover that they'd be good as a singing group? What happened to their singing group after this episode? Wanna know the answers to those? TOO BAD. This episode doesn't explain WHERE the fuck this group came from, and guess what, THEY NEVER APPEAR AS SUCH AGAIN. So what was the point of introducing the Ponytones to the series? Cock shit, because they discard them immediately as if it never happened. Fourthly, the reaction of the fans of the Ponytones once Fluttershy was revealed as having lipsynced for the group was unrealistic given the fact that they all cheered for her. See the actual story of Milli Vanilli for how that shit's supposed to go down. Fifthly (is that even a word?), this stage-fright plot is in every Disney Channel thing ever, see Camp Rock or Austin & Ally among others, so this story is so overdone that even if it was written right, and with Sweetie Belle, it'd still score rather low for being downright bland. Finally, in the end, Fluttershy's character development is marginal at best because, like I said, the Ponytones never show up again, so she never sings with them again, and therefore the fact that she found the courage to just sing for her friends is completely moot considering it has no lasting impact on the character or the series.


Was there any point to this fucking episode? No. It's a useless steaming pile of Amy Keating Roger's bullshit just like "Bridle Gossip", "The Last Roundup", "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", and "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". I'm surprised she was able to remotely write anything as amazingly competent as "A Friend in Deed", for a character she so clearly has no idea how to portray. I can't really find anything remotely redeemable about this episode, so guess what season four gets to add to its collection? Another 1/10.



I don't believe in gravity.


Recommended Comments

2 hours ago, chaton said:

You're entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong

What can I say, gravity is just one of those things where I'm like, "nah, can't possibly exist." Wanna buy some tin foil hats from my eBay store? They're on sale.

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Pinkie's flanderization hurts this episode so much :okiedokieloki: but still i think it still a decent episode :ooh: 

  • Brohoof 1
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this episode was genuinely the show's only saving grace after season 3

yes pinkie was annoying, but besides that it's actually one of the few episodes after season 1 ended that i enjoyed 

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7 hours ago, chaton said:

this episode was genuinely the show's only saving grace after season 3

yes pinkie was annoying, but besides that it's actually one of the few episodes after season 1 ended that i enjoyed 

Jeez. That's pretty harsh toward season two, given it was a lot better than the first season. Still, different strokes for different PornHub browsers. I wouldn't have been able to get into this episode at all. Way too contrived given we're four seasons into the show and Rarity and Big Mac have never been established as musicians, not even remotely, yet all of a sudden just for this one episode they are, the infamous pitfall that Pinkie Pie is flanderized beyond belief, the stage fright concept is something straight out of a Disney Channel film, and the fact that this episode ended up having no impact on any prior nor future episodes of the show as far as story and character development makes it ultimately useless. Thankfully, the latter is something the episode wins over "Rainbow Falls", 'cause you can actually skip this episode and not miss anything.

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2 hours ago, PrymeStriker said:

Jeez. That's pretty harsh toward season two, given it was a lot better than the first season. Still, different strokes for different PornHub browsers. I wouldn't have been able to get into this episode at all. Way too contrived given we're four seasons into the show and Rarity and Big Mac have never been established as musicians, not even remotely, yet all of a sudden just for this one episode they are, the infamous pitfall that Pinkie Pie is flanderized beyond belief, the stage fright concept is something straight out of a Disney Channel film, and the fact that this episode ended up having no impact on any prior nor future episodes of the show as far as story and character development makes it ultimately useless. Thankfully, the latter is something the episode wins over "Rainbow Falls", 'cause you can actually skip this episode and not miss anything.

Yeah except during seasons 2 and 3, the writers really tried making the show something it isn't. MLP isn't exactly something I watch for continuity. If I wanted a show with a plot that spanned the entire season or multiple seasons, I'd watch SVTFOE or Gravity Falls since the writers of those shows do it WAY BETTER. Each new season seems to give way to obnoxious nods to the adult fanbase and tryhard writing to boot. Filli Vanilli actually follows the season 1 formula very well and it's way more palatable than the rest of the post-season 1 episodes because of it.

And really, the only thing Big Mac is really known for as a character is his bass voice and occasional one liners, is it REALLY out of the question that he does singing as a hobby? Hell, you're wrong saying RARITY has no musical background since most episodes since the show's conception have involved the main 6 singing, there's no need for deep analysis here or anything like that, you're really just grasping and nitpicking.

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And to address your point of the plot being weak, since when did a show about colorful talking horses need to make a political statement to have good writing? It really spoke to me as someone suffering from anxiety herself, it's not like you can't write about an issue that's already been touched on by a bunch of other people and not bring anything new to the table or entertain new people.

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6 hours ago, chaton said:

And to address your point of the plot being weak, since when did a show about colorful talking horses need to make a political statement to have good writing?

I expect good writing out of any show, I don't care what the premise is. Most critics have this attitude, and it's a perfectly justified one.

Edit: I misread this sentence, sorry. It doesn't need to make a political statement, but if it's not going to attempt to write a story that's remotely original (which plenty of season two episodes were), it needs to do something different with that story (see below) and it needs to apply to the character at hand. Like I said in the review, this would've been a much better Sweetie Belle episode because at least you could work it into the existing storyline, and avoid all the continuity errors, plot contrivances, and character flanderization that happens in "Filli Vanilli". 


It really spoke to me as someone suffering from anxiety herself, it's not like you can't write about an issue that's already been touched on by a bunch of other people and not bring anything new to the table or entertain new people.

But they didn't. This plot was approached and executed in an extremely typical manner, in no way bringing anything new to the table aside from a slew of contrivances and poor character presentation on Pinkie Pie's part. Arguably, the only thing it did differently was instead of having Fluttershy make a complete turnaround by the end of the episode, they had her take "baby steps". Well, aren't you glad they followed up those baby steps in future episodes so that she could grow into a full-blown performer? Oh wait, they didn't. Whatever Amy Keating Rogers was trying to get going in this episode, the other writers on the show clearly did not give one flying fuck about, and for good reason.

Also, you know what other episode involves Fluttershy's anxiety, but is written a hundred times better? "Hurricane Fluttershy". Glad I just remembered that, 'cause it makes this episode not only poorly written and cliché, but also redundant. 


Yeah except during seasons 2 and 3, the writers really tried making the show something it isn't.


They tried making the show into something it isn't? So...you're saying this show isn't any good. Because the second season way more than the third gave this show great episodes with objectively well-written stories, morals, and character development that made this show worth while. It's still, as of right now, the only season of the show with the most consistent quality. Season one was mediocre, and had a batshit ton of terrible episodes like "Boast Busters", "Bridle Gossip", "The Show Stoppers", and "Over a Barrel", practically all of them just being awful stories in and of themselves that wouldn't work in any show. Hell, I've seen analysts around here bash the pilot of all things.


Filli Vanilli actually follows the season 1 formula very well

 In that it's a clumsy piece of storytelling. Case in point, thank you.


And really, the only thing Big Mac is really known for as a character is his bass voice and occasional one liners, is it REALLY out of the question that he does singing as a hobby?

Yes, because they never hinted at this before....ever. You should never pull anything out of left field for the sake of a single story, or else you turn it into a convoluted mess. Also, Big Mac's more than a background character, he's part of the supporting cast and has played pivotal roles in the show's stories before and after this episode. If he had any interest in singing, we would've known about it long before we were four seasons and eighty episodes into the show.


Hell, you're wrong saying RARITY has no musical background since most episodes since the show's conception have involved the main 6 singing

Yes, you're right. Many musical numbers have the main six singing. Including Fluttershy. And if that's the case, then the other five have heard Fluttershy sing before. Beautifully, I might add, in the many musical numbers they've engaged in. However, to serve this episode's plot, the other characters have the worst case of selective amnesia in that they are surprised to hear Fluttershy carrying any kind of tune. So to cover the writer's ass, the only thing left to assume is that those over-the-top musical numbers didn't actually happen in the "canon" or "real-world" of the series. And if that's the case, then no, Rarity should have no background in music whatsoever, because she's never sung a note outside of those over-the-top numbers that are supposedly not canon.


Wow, it's almost like this episode wasn't thought out at all, imagine that!


there's no need for deep analysis here or anything like that

Then, with all due respect, what on Earth are you reading a review for? What did you expect of an entry that's very definition is to delve into critical analysis? I admit that my reviews lean way more toward comedic and entertainment purposes than most other analysts' rather serious, scene-by-scene breakdowns, but at the end of it all I do give an honest analysis summarized from all the information touched upon prior. I still review the episode by the end of it all. So, what exactly do you want from a review if not for deep analysis? 


you're really just grasping and nitpicking.

You think I spent any amount of time on this godforsaken show looking for reasons to not like this episode? Please. This episode aired when I was 14, and even back then I didn't like it. Even as a kid I could see that this episode wasn't anything special. Revisiting it today confirmed everything I didn't like about it before and allowed me to find new problems with it, like Pinkie Pie's flanderization (which I later discovered was such a widespread criticism of this episode that it prompted people to actually tweet to the writer about how much they fucked up) and the fact that this episode had no impact on the series afterward. In short, I'm sorry I don't turn off my brain to your liking amidst my efforts to find engaging entertainment, which this series has proved on several occasions that it's more than capable of doing. 


Edited by PrymeStriker
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18 hours ago, chaton said:

this episode was genuinely the show's only saving grace after season 3

yes pinkie was annoying, but besides that it's actually one of the few episodes after season 1 ended that i enjoyed 

Wait what, few episodes after season 1 ended?! You mean there are very few episode you can enjoy in total 5 seasons with over 100 episodes !? 

Season 1 is the season that made me stay away from this franchise in my first viewing... 

  • Brohoof 1
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13 hours ago, PrymeStriker said:

blah blah blah

A lot of this really just ties in to "I don't watch MLP for continuity", so to cut this short, you ARE nitpicking by cutting down the episode for inconsistencies that aren't really that glaring or aren't even there. You're allowed to not like the episode and I'm allowed to think your reasoning is bad. I've noticed something critics say way too often is that something is unoriginal, you included, and I hate to burst your bubble, but ALL art is derivative of something. Even if this episode was written from a common trope, I don't see how you can say it doesn't put a unique and interesting twist on it. 

I mean, I don't expect you to agree with anything I say if you think Over a Barrel is a bad episode.


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10 hours ago, Lambdadelta said:

Wait what, few episodes after season 1 ended?! You mean there are very few episode you can enjoy in total 5 seasons with over 100 episodes !? 

Season 1 is the season that made me stay away from this franchise in my first viewing... 

Well you probably haven't been watching the show since before season 2

Season 2 had a few really good episodes I admit, but season 3 had practically no entertainment value to save its awfully written episodes. I kinda gave up after season 3, but I plan on finishing up season 4/5/6/7 at some point.

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7 hours ago, chaton said:

"I don't watch MLP for continuity" (...) You're allowed to not like the episode and I'm allowed to think your reasoning is bad.

Sure, but if you're going to criticize me for it, you should have some way better defenses than "I'm lackadaisical about what I watch so you should be too." Because the fact that "you don't watch MLP for continuity" doesn't mean jack shit when you're trying to debate someone. That's fine that you don't care about the problems I brought up in this episode, but for someone so arguably adamant that my opinion is wrong, you haven't legitimately refuted a single one. 


Chaton, continuity is part of writing 101. A story that has no continuity is a bad story. There can't be a story at all without continuity.


you ARE nitpicking by cutting down the episode for inconsistencies that aren't really that glaring or aren't even there.

Given your reaction to my last comment, you've probably stopped reading by now. Thanks, by the way, for disrespectfully amounting my defenses to "blah, blah, blah".


Now, I hate to burst your bubble, but the problems are pretty glaring. Just to take an opinion that isn't mine, I read this review to a friend of mine who managed to miss this episode somehow, and when he got to the part about Rarity having a quartet, he stopped dead in his tracks and explicitly asked in the most disappointed monotone delivery: "right, since when was Rarity established as a musician?" Again, there's contrivances, and then there's actions that no reasonable person would make. You can see the real story of Milli Vanilli for how a fanbase reacts to their singers ripping them off. Their careers crash and burn because normal people don't like to be fucked in the ass. The crowds in this episode, apparently, do, which is bullshit for any episode to pull off when they're trying to parody a real life situation. The fact that I noticed them as both a child and an adult stands for something. It's not nitpicking, it's legitimate criticism. 


I've noticed something critics say way too often is that something is unoriginal, you included, and I hate to burst your bubble, but ALL art is derivative of something.

When I say something's unoriginal, I'm saying it's a carbon copy of the trope it's trying to pull off, in that there's no differences whatsoever. I'm not an idiot, Chaton, and I've certainly been analyzing art for a long enough time to know that all art is derivative of something. A good piece of art knows how to trick the audience and its critics well enough to take them on a journey they've never been on before, by bringing an abundance of new material to the table. This show is very capable of doing that, see "Party of One", "A Friend in Deed", "Luna Eclipsed", "Sisterhooves Social", "Hurricane Fluttershy", "Pinkie Pride", "The Return of Harmony", and so many others for the show's top notch material. "Filli Vanilli", in comparison to all of that, is at best a cliche mess, and at worst, a contrived and contorted train wreck with a slew of writing issues. 


Even if this episode was written from a common trope, I don't see how you can say it doesn't put a unique and interesting twist on it. 

I literally just said that "Filli Vanilli" has the same anxiety storyline as "Hurricane Fluttershy" but now with singing and bad writing. The character arc isn't even original within the series you're trying to defend.


I mean, I don't expect you to agree with anything I say if you think Over a Barrel is a bad episode.

A lot of people think "Over a Barrel" is a bad episode. It makes quite a few lists of the worst episodes of the show. I'm actually pretty lenient on the episode in comparison. I thought the ending was rushed, Pinkie Pie was a bit off the edge, and it was subjectively a bit boring. Others are a bit harder on it. Nuke87654 criticized it for "AJ's antagonistic behavior and Pinkie Pie's idiocy to help spurn the conflict up, and how forced and insulting the resolution to their conflict happened". Dark Qiviut gave it a D+, though I wish I could find his review on it.


Well you probably haven't been watching the show since before season 2

I've been watching the show since "Stare Master", a season one episode, and I still consider the first season mediocre at best. It doesn't matter when Lambdadelta, or anyone, started watching the show, Chaton. That's an extremely elitist point of view and a really shitty defense. Writing, both good and bad, doesn't have an expiration date or a prerequisite for noticing it.

(Edited because I misspelled Lambdadelta's username)

Edited by PrymeStriker
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