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Dubwave Nightshadow


Once again a long period without a word to say. Time to change that. A lot has happened. I don't even know if this post will have any direction. I'll just let it flow to wherever it goes, and hope that you may take something from it in whatever way you wish. What's going with you today, tomorrow, or what happened the day before on behind that one? What do you see in yourself or of yourself? Are you happy? Yes, no, unsure? Quite frankly I hope you are doing well, but let's face it. Life tends to mostly be skewed in the direction or form that we find disdain in. This seems to become more true with every passing year. In all honesty when I look out the world I begin to wonder why humanity seems as if it is pointless in all respects and why I should bother respecting it myself. I just realized something by the way. What I'm writing seems to fake to me. I think I am filtering out too much of what I'm really thinking in order to try and make sure I don't cross some imaginary line or something, like maybe offending someone or breaking the rules. Okay, I'll make sure I don't break the rules, and i don't like offending people either as I try to be a pretty courteous person myself to others, but answer me this. Should I feel bad about offending someone when what I speak or type breathes truth and silences ignorance? Should you? I really don't think so, yet that human nature in you at the same time just keeps you from saying what you really want to say to someone, like someone upsetting you or basically being such an annoyance that you'd like to knock them a good one on the skull. Please don't be like me for the majority of your life, letting people say and do things to you for the sake of wanting to be that, so called around good guy that everyone just loves, while at the same time screaming inside and sacrificing your sanity and own self image to your own demise. Get real, and be yourself. Not the yourself that everyone likes. We already have too much of that going on and quite frankly, it's BS and part of the reason why things that should get done, do not get done, or conversations that need to be had, are never spoken. I'm not saying to be a complete jerk, but realize that you sometimes, you have to hurt feelings in order to get progress. It's something that no one wants to do, but unless you speak your mind, then you will only continue to suffer, and others will be oblivious to their own short comings and issues that they cause. You say you don't like fake people? Then don't, and or stop being one yourself, and say your words. Not the words of your well liked but not true self. I think I'll close out with that. Stay frosty, and through life, keep burning through.  


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