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Episode 32 - Drink Machine Sputtering




Y'know what really grinds my grears?  When fountain drink machines sputter and spew out a bunch of foam.  One of my first entries was about digital drink machines.  Now I return to complain about drink machines again.  I frickin' hate it when you're filling your soda, and part-way through, the machine coughs and sputters and vomits out some foam or clear liquid with no syrup.  You can't just shrug it off and keep filling.  It ruins the whole mixture.  The entire soda will taste bitter.  Now you have to dump the whole thing and start over, and keep hoping that you can get one cup before it sputters again.  And then it keep sputtering, so you know it's running low on syrup, so you just don't know if you should keep trying and see if you get lucky, or bail.  One of the most important things a restaurant can do is keep the drink machine in tip-top shape.  Oh, man, it really burns me when drink machines misbehave.

There's another soda-related thing that really grinds my gears.  I could make it a separate entry, but what the hell--I'll just tack it on here.  Y'know what really grinds my gears?  When a restaurant says they have Cherry Pepsi or Coke, but it's not actually Cherry Pepsi or Coke, it's just Pepsi or Coke with some grenadine poured in it and a maraschino cherry or two thrown in.  The digital Coke machines always do this crap.  Anytime a digital machine says it has Cherry Coke, it's bald-faced f*ckin' lie.  It's just Coke with some red f*ckin' Kool Aid or something poured in.  Do they think we don't know the difference?!  Do they think we're stupid?!  It's as bad as when an ice cream or froyo place says they have Oreos, but they're really Hydrox.  F*ck that.  Y'know, one time I actually ordered a Cherry Pepsi at a place that I knew had real, brand name Wild Cherry Pepsi (as I'd had it tons of times), but they were out of it, and the waitress had the audacity to pour some grenadine and a couple of maraschino cherries in some regular Pepsi, thinking I wouldn't notice.  I know I sound like a total douche, but I hate grenadine and maraschino cherries.  I'm not out of line to expect to get what I ordered and paid for: a brand name Cherry Pepsi, as listed on the menu with the brand name Wild Cherry Pepsi logo.  I actually called her out on it and told her politely but assertively that if they're out of Cherry Pepsi, don't try to put one over on me, but please just tell me and then bring me a regular Pepsi.  My friends thought it was hilarious and love to retell the story, and every time they tell it, they exaggerate it and I become more and more of a monster.  The last time my friend told the story, I apparently yelled at the waitress, called her names, and told her to get this sh*t outta my sight.  Eh, I laugh it off.  But I really do hate when restaurants do that.

Okay, blokes, you got a two-for-one deal today.  You're very lucky.


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Or perhaps you did throw your toys out the cot over not getting your soda... And if the soda machine starts fritzing, hey, maybe accept that life cannot conform 100% at all times to your unrealistic expectations, or maybe ask the manager to have a look at it or maybe have any reaction that is not 100% FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS over not getting your soda right here, right now when you friggin' want it. Maybe it did run out of soda syrup... which happens, no need to be a pussy about it.


Forgive me for maybe not getting the joke, but grow a pair.

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On 6/19/2019 at 9:29 AM, Sunny Fox said:

Forgive me for maybe not getting the joke, but grow a pair.

To be honest, I think maybe you're taking my post just a wee bit too seriously.  This blog is meant to be largely in jest.  I think it's fun to pick at all of the dumb, little annoying things.  I'm sorry if I come off as an entitled brat.  That's not my intention.  In all seriousness, I could make a commitment to viewing every annoyance and problem in life with the most charitable perspective and the utmost compassion and sympathy for others.  When something doesn't work right, or when an employee makes a mistake, I could step back and think about how hard that person works, about how difficult it must be when customers are unhappy, about how much stress or sorrows they have in their life, about how they might be struggling to pay their bills, about how they might be going home after work to care for their sick child, or visit their mother in the hospital, or cry at the grave of their spouse.  We have no idea of the hopes, dreams, fears, and sorrows of others.  We know only that if we could know them, we would instantly recognize that they are impressively similar to our own.  Perhaps the world would be a much better place if everyone behaved this way.  And the fact is that I do think about these things, even though I make blog posts like this one.

I'd like to make it overwhelmingly, abundantly clear that I only pick at annoyances like this privately, or as a generic joke such as this blog post.  I have never, and would never, get impatient or angry with an employee.  I mean, the closest I ever came was that Cherry Pepsi story, but as I said, I was polite about it.  I never complain.  I never say anything.  I know how hard they work.  I know that things can't always work right.  I would never chew someone out.  And I know full well how disgustingly lucky I am to have such luxurious, cushy first world problems.  I thank my lucky stars every day for how much I have.  Truthfully, my life is objectively, demonstrably better than 99.99% of all humans who have ever existed in the history of our species.  My life is certainly better than those who lived before antibiotics or food preservation or things of that nature were invented.  People in the middle ages, and many, many millions living today, would kill to have access to the medical and dental care I have.  I have access to more knowledge, and information at my fingertips than the most learned scholars of the ancient world could have ever comprehended.  I have access to more entertainment at my fingertips than people in the 1950's could have ever imagined.  Hell, I have access to more entertainment than we would have imagined in the 1990s.  I live in an average, suburban house, but I have more luxury than the richest, most powerful kings just a few hundred years ago.  Sure, they had a lot bigger houses, and land, and servants, and lots of gold, but there's no doubt in my mind that they would have traded every single bit of it for a crappy little window air conditioner.  Trust me, I have no illusions about how lucky I am, and I take none of it for granted.

However, at the end of the day, the bottom line is that I think we should be able to joke about the little stuff, as I do in this blog.  I don't think that being perfectly patient and grateful every second of our lives is absolutely ideal.  That's not to say we should give crap to employees because a drink machine doesn't work right.  But it does mean we should be able to make jokes about first world problems in certain contexts.  There's a time and place, and a balance.  I wouldn't particularly want to live in a world where we can't poke fun at stupid, annoying, everyday life problems and say, "Dude, what the f*ck is up with that?!"  I like living in a world where things like the Angry Video Game Nerd, or You Know What's Bullshit exist.  I think it adds color to life.  I think that griping about the little, stupid things can sometimes be very funny and relatable, and serve the purpose of taking our minds off much worse problems.  I'm sorry if some of my posts bother you.  Yes, these things do annoy me, but it's only in jest.

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