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Why I Shouldn't Be In The Checkstands



If you have read my last entry you know I got written up at work for screwing up a few too many times in the checkstand, I am trying to of course get out of there and have many many good reasons for doing so and you will here a slightly more smart assed version of them than I will present to management here on in this blog entry.


1. Being a dairy clerk is enough pressure already: Yes like I explained in my last entry most dairy clerks in the company I work for also function as backup checkers, but in my own humble opinion it is completely stupid. Produce Clerks also function as backup checkers but they are called up so rarely that it dosen't even matter and plus as a former backup produce clerk I can tell you unequivocally that produce is a lot easier than dairy.Basic common sense dictates that it should be the other way around but they operate on logic that wouldn't even makes sense to Discord.


2. I hate being up there: I loathe and despise it so much that no matter how much I may try to hide it if it is not some smartass remark or frustrated grumblings under my breath or body language than something else inevitably gives it away. I don't even bother trying to smile because when I attempt that it usually looks something like this.




Or this




I could imagine a commercial now "we at *insert company name here* in addition to selling groceries now offer baby sitting services and we promise we won't molest your kids and those bones in the backroom are just chickenbones there is no need to call the police." It sure puts a whole new meaning to the term "service with a smile" dosen't it ladies and gents? It is oddly appropriate considering how myself and my fellow employees are getting "serviced" by our company every day, and how many of said employees pass their days by lying back and thinking of England.


3. I am a horrible multi tasker: There is such a ridiculous amount of stuff to keep track of up there that it makes me more cross eyed than Derpy at a muffin factory. Because of this I have to concentrate so hard that it feels like the blood vessels in my head are going to burst open and since there is so much pressure to go as fast as Rainbow Dash on a 12 pack of red bull it makes an already tenuous situation that much worse.


4. I panic too much: Remember the MLP episode Lesson Zero where Twilight kept freaking out because she was "tardy" with a friendship letter to Celestia? That is pretty much in a nutshell exactly how I am up there except not as bad, at least not yet. I can think of at least 8 different occasions where I freaked out so much that I was not able to function on even the simplest task up there. In large because there are so many mistakes that can get you written up or even fired the prospect of making said mistake brings out my inner perfectionist at its most extreme. The irony of course being that this fear makes me screw up even more.


5. My temper is way too volatile: I haven't lost my temper with a customer yet thank God but some of my checkstand freakouts have resulted in me losing my temper not at any person in particular but yelling and struggling not to spew profanity that would embarrass even a drunken sailor has a certain knack for scaring customers and even your fellow employees.


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Worked retail at this gas station for four years. I know the feel bro... i know the feel...
Things i can say for absolute certainty:

People really do get crazier during full moons.

People really are sleep walking.
Theft is alot more common then you think. Including people that belive it or not really should know better.
People don't respect washrooms or the people that have to clean them. My worst time was when a woman asked to used the washroom and I handed her the key. She unlocked the door to go in and imediately came right back and just said that it need attention real bad. Well, I went in there and it looked like a murder scene with no body. I'm not going to describe it to you more but i'll never get the image out of my head.
People put to much fanatical faith in the lottery.
Alot of people actually don't know how to follow instructions or pay attention to what their doing.


Read my blog post on The Technique and you can keep your cool alot easier. Been doing it over six years so i know it works.

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Worked retail at this gas station for four years. I know the feel bro... i know the feel...

Things i can say for absolute certainty:

People really do get crazier during full moons.

People really are sleep walking.

Theft is alot more common then you think. Including people that belive it or not really should know better.

People don't respect washrooms or the people that have to clean them. My worst time was when a woman asked to used the washroom and I handed her the key. She unlocked the door to go in and imediately came right back and just said that it need attention real bad. Well, I went in there and it looked like a murder scene with no body. I'm not going to describe it to you more but i'll never get the image out of my head.

People put to much fanatical faith in the lottery.

Alot of people actually don't know how to follow instructions or pay attention to what their doing.



Read my blog post on The Technique and you can keep your cool alot easier. Been doing it over six years so i know it works.

Yep I have witnessed all of that and more in my five years of employment in the grocery industry, you are absolutely right on. There have been customers that have flushed plastic wrap down the toilet, serious plastic wrap WTF? And there was this one time where I found a half opened moldy pack of pork chops right on the shelf in the soda aisle, it took quite a bit of doing to get that off there as it was stuck pretty good.


Thanks for the advice, I will keep that in mind as the last thing I need is to lose my temper as an incident which I am not at liberty to discuss made me quite a few enemies in the company chain of command so I think they will throw me out the door for the first excuse they can find that will stick. I have a mild form of Autism so my union rep says I may be able to get an exemption with a doctors note, I hate that it has to come to that but I think that no matter what I do I will never be able to be a successful checker.

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