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Computer assembly - parts check



I could use some input. I'm building a spare/replacement computer and I wanna make sure I haven't missed anything or that everything will plug into whatever it needs to. Planning to reuse the mouse, keyboard and spinning rust drives. I'm hoping to have a upper-midrange gaming computer that would last me about five years or so {the current one is about this old, but I'm fearing for its... structural integrity. It had more than one brush with death}.

Edit: With that in mind, can I get away with any lower-end components? How much of a performance drop would I get from a 570 GPU, for example?


The total price is in Canadialand dollars, by the by, which is currently worth about 75% of the US one.


Recommended Comments

Case: check
RAM: check
MB: check
HDD: reuse
PSU: check
Monitor: check
Keyboard: reuse
Mouse: reuse

mmm... I didn't see a CPU in there.
Video card too, unless the motherboard has an onboard one.

Those are the only things I noticed. I did not look for compatibility. Did not check the prices.

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