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So I was sitting on the couch tulpaforcing, nothing special, when I began to lose concentration (something which unfortunately happens all too often). I thought: "Great, I'm already losing concentration..." Then I heard: "And whose fault would that be?" My eyes shot open at once.


Now, I do tend to talk to myself a lot. I'm rather like Gollum in that respect... anyway, despite the fact that I frequently have conversations with myself, even while tulpaforcing, this time I knew it was different. I knew it was Twi who had spoken to me.



  • Brohoof 4


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I know that we have spoken about tulpa, HW.

But what is it? Can you tell me in one sentence?

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I get excited about it, and then I try it and just go: "This is too much work," and just give up.

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I get excited about it, and then I try it and just go: "This is too much work," and just give up.


So the simple act of thinking is too strenuous for you, eh?


Only kidding, but seriously, you should really find a way to focus and get yourself motivated. 

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You can eventually dispel it, but it's even harder than making the tulpa. So getting rid of a tulpa should really only a last resort. (Protip: If you're just starting out making a tulpa, it's best not to already be thinking of how to get rid of it. The tulpa won't appreciate that. After all, how would you like it if you knew your creator had created you and immediately intended to kill you?)


So basically, you would just be stuck with having a tulpa around all the time?

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So basically, you would just be stuck with having a tulpa around all the time?


Pretty much, which is why I hope I never lose interest in MLP, because if I stopped liking ponies, having one around 24/7 would be... awkward.

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You can always come back to FiM...just make sure you have about 5 copies of all the seasons on DVDs, in case the internet dies.

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Hearing your Tulpa speak for the first time is pretty mind blowing. My Tulpa's first words were "Thank you..." after I thought to myself "I'm going to give my Tulpa a lot of freedom over who it wants to be."

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I swear I've heard my tulpa say something while forcing. I was sitting upright when I audibly heard a female voice say "Are you tired?"  Even earlier while lying down to sleep, I heard a soft voice say my name. Much later, while reading with my tulpa, I stopped reading in my thought-voice and continued to follow the text with my eyes, and I could hear a faint static-y female voice reading the text I was looking at. While I haven't completely associated the two former voices with my tulpa, I have heard her say a few words while in our wonderland. 


Unfortunately, I stopped forcing for about two or three weeks, so I may have lost some progress. I haven't spent time to purely focus either because of a lack of motivation, so her form has become extremely vague and nearly forgotten, but I think our connection was quickly reestablished. I look forward to the day where I can hear more of what she's saying.


Here's hoping for a bright future between you and Twi. :)

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Pretty much, which is why I hope I never lose interest in MLP, because if I stopped liking ponies, having one around 24/7 would be... awkward.

This is why I would never make a tulpa.Having one around forever and possibly able to psychologically damage you is too big of a risk methinks.Plus,I hear it could get...messy,when you want to banish it.Too much work just for a figment of your imagination IMO.


Anyhow,on a much more happier note,it's cool that your tulpa spoke.Hope it goes over well mate. ;)

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I have lucid dreams so many times now...

The best part is that I mostly dream about PONIES!


Ponies, ponies!

Ponies. Ponies, ponies... PONIES!



Edit: This comment is mostly unrelated to the topic.



I once woke up to Octavia tulpa/manifestation of God/whatever yelling at me.

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did you actually hear her audibly or did you hear her mindvoice?


It was just a mindvoice. Still, it was abundantly clear that it was her who spoke, and not just me parroting, as I so often do on accident.

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