Rising Shine in Numbers 2.0(12th April 2020)(Very Late by Laziness Special Deluxe Edition Remastered)
Content Count: 3.087 Posts made, that counted.(+24)
Day's Won: 7 Days having the most brohoofed content.(--)
Last day having most brohoofed content: 30th December 2014
Ammount of Brohoofs: 33.590 Brohoofs received(+1.136)
Followers: 413 Users following me.(+2)
Forum Rank: Yak(--)
Profile Views: 479.193 times User watched my profile.(+7.665)
Last 6 Visitors:
Ammount of Blogs: 5(+0)
Ammount of Entries in my Blogs: 217 Entries(+2)
Ammount of Comments in my Blogs: 234 Comments(+0)
Ammount of Views in my Blogs: 29.857 Views(+327)
Ammount of Content: 3.250 Pages(+18)
Ammount of Status Updates: 379 Pages(+6)
Ammount of Status Replies: 629 Pages(+5)
Topics Posted by Me: 36 Topics(+0)
Posts in "Count to a million" = 58.426(--)(To be continued!)(But theres no way to check how many posts i have now, so until theres a way, it just keeps like this)
Days Won Counter:
3rd on 6th May 2019 with 35 Brohoofs
3rd on 1st April 2019 with 54 Brohoofs
3rd on 7th November 2015 with 34 Brohoofs
2nd on 21st June 2015 with 85 Brohoofs
2nd on 14th June 2015 with 194 Brohoofs
3rd on 31st May 2015 with 67 Brohoofs
2nd on 27th May 2015 with 106 Brohoofs
2nd on 22nd March 2015 with 154 Brohoofs
3rd on 1st February 2015 with 57 Brohoofs
3rd on 31st January 2015 with 68 Brohoofs
3rd on 26th January 2015 with 71 Brohoofs
1st on 30th December 2014 with 128 Brohoofs
3rd on 13th December 2014 with 37 Brohoofs
3rd on 7th December 2014 with 47 Brohoofs
2nd on 6th December 2014 with 35 Brohoofs
2nd on 23rd November 2014 with 48 Brohoofs
1st on 12th October 2014 with 158 Brohoofs
2nd on 4th October 2014 with 78 Brohoofs
2nd on 1st June 2014 with 76 Brohoofs
3rd on 18th May 2014 with 60 Brohoofs
1st on 26th April 2014 with 152 Brohoofs
3rd on 25th April 2014 with 80 Brohoofs
2nd on 21st April 2014 with 94 Brohoofs
2nd on 15th April 2014 with 118 Brohoofs
2nd on 12th April 2014 with 75 Brohoofs
3rd on 9th April 2014 with 75 Brohoofs
3rd on 8th April 2014 with 131 Brohoofs
2nd on 1st April 2014 with 77 Brohoofs
2nd on 31st March 2014 with 114 Brohoofs
2nd on 30th March 2014 with 90 Brohoofs
1st on 29th March 2014 with 96 Brohoofs
1st on 27th March 2014 with 73 Brohoofs
1st on 26th March 2014 with 78 Brohoofs
2nd on 18th March 2014 with 29 Brohoofs
3rd on 17th March 2014 with 28 Brohoofs
1st on 9th March 2014 with 78 Brohoofs
3rd on 28th February 2014 with 27 Brohoofs
3rd on 24th February 2014 with 25 Brohoofs
Ranking most Brohoofs received: 6th(--)
Ranking most Content: Not included(--)
Ranking most Status Updates: 2nd(--)
Ranking most Articles: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most Characters: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most Answers: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most EQE Characters: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Most Submissions: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Most Banners: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Most Readings: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Most Records: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most Calendar Events: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most Applications: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Ranking most Blog Entries: 7th(--)
Ranking most Posts(All): 1st(--)
Ranking most Product Reviews: Not included(Doesn't exist anymore)
Awards received: 62(+2)
Award Ranking: Not included(--)
Fics: 4 completed(+0), 0 uncompleted(-0), 0 Unsubmitted(+0)
PlayStation Trophies: 3.320 Trophies(+64) 26 Platinum(+1) 129 Gold(+3) 525 Silver(+12) 2.640 Bronze(+48)
Games with Trophies:
(PS4)Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered 100% 51 of 51(+100% 51 Trophies)(Platinum)
(PS4)Call of Duty: WWII 40% 36 of 91(+14% 10 Trophies)
(PS4)Death Stranding 56% 39 of 63(+4% 3 Trophies)
(PS4)Red Dead Redemption 2 100% 52 of 52(Platinum)
(PS4)BioShock Infinite 41% 38 of 81
(PS4)Call of Duty Modern Warfare 98% 27 of 28(Platinum)
(PS4)BioShock 2 67% 37 of 54
(PS4)BioShock 59% 48 of 66
(PS4)Wolfenstein Youngblood 7% 5 of 61
(PS4)F1 2019 32% 21 of 51
(PS4)Battlefield V 40% 13 of 22
(PS4)Spyro the Dragon 4% 3 of 37
(PS4)Spyro 2: Rypto's Rage! 0% 0 of 30
(PS4)Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon 0% 0 of 41
(PS4)Metal Gear Survive 11% 8 of 52
(PS4)Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 1% 2 of 103
(PS4)Horizon Zero Dawn 14% 14 of 79
(PS4)Shadow of the Tomb Raider 31% 46 of 100
(PS4)F1 2015 26% 15 of 46
(PS4)F1 2018 13% 7 of 50
(PS4)F1 2017 4% 2 of 51
(PS4)Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition 32% 23 of 61
(PS4)Uncharted: The Lost Legacy 35% 21 of 50
(PS4)Wolffenstein II: The New Colossus GER 33% 29 of 81
(PS4)Wolfenstein: The Old Blood GER 47% 30 of 51
(PS4)Wolfenstein: The New Order GER 67% 36 of 51
(PS4)Grand Theft Auto V 50% 41 of 78
(PS3)F1 2014 60% 34 of 50
(PS4)The Last of Us Remastered 29% 13 of 50
(PS3)Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance 48% 43 of 61
(PS4)Killzone Shadow Fall 53% 28 of 47
(PS4)F1 2016 14% 8 of 50
(PS4)Fallout 4 15% 15 of 85
(PS4)Call of Duty: Black Ops III 38% 35 of 99
(PS4)Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered 56% 39 of 59
(PS4)Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered 62% 39 of 53
(PS4)Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered 58% 38 of 54
(PS4)Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 45% 40 of 89
(PS4)Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 53% 45 of 91
(PS4)Call of Duty: Ghosts 40% 39 of 92
(PS4)Battlefield 1 64% 32 of 51(Platinum)
(PS4)Rise of the Tomb Raider 40% 54 of 125
(PS4)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered 100% 51 of 51(Platinum)
(PS3)F1 2013 40% 23 of 46
(PS4)Uncharted 4: A Thief's End 84% 56 of 68(Platinum)
(PS4)Table Top Racing: World Tour 33% 16 of 37
(PS4)Bully 100% 38 of 38(Platinum)
(PS4)Battlefield Hardline 62% 41 of 63(Platinum)
(PS4)Battlefield 4 67% 43 of 68(Platinum)
(PS4)Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition 55% 30 of 51
(PS4)Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 100% 43 of 43(Platinum)
(PS4)Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes 100% 15 of 15
(PS4)The Order: 1886 42% 9 of 22
(PS3)F1 2012 56% 34 of 50
(PS3)F1 2010 55% 36 of 50
(PS3)F1 2011 68% 29 of 39
(PS3)Dead Space 67% 41 of 49
(PS3)Dead Space 3 39% 24 of 59
(PS3)Dead Space 2 GER 49% 27 of 51
(PS3)Beyond: Two Souls 36% 21 of 46
(PS3)BioShock Infinite 31% 31 of 81
(PS3)BioShock 2 44% 33 of 69
(PS3)BioShock 56% 46 of 66
(PSVita)Killzone: Mercenary 60% 36 of 53
(PS3)Metro: Last Light 28% 19 of 71
(PS3)Red Dead Redemption 48% 39 of 91
(PS3)Grand Theft Auto IV 68% 43 of 66
(PS3)Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes 100% 15 of 15
(PS3)Call of Duty: Black Ops II 45% 40 of 91
(PS3)Battlefield 1943 100% 12 of 12
(PSVita)Welcome Park 100% 13 of 13
(PS3)The Saboteur 100% 46 of 46(Platinum)
(PS3)Grand Theft Auto V 56% 37 of 59
(PSVita)Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 91% 44 of 46
(PS3)Battlefield 3 61% 40 of 64
(PSVita)Uncharted: Golden Abyss 100% 56 of 56(Platinum)
(PSVita)PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale 97% 55 of 56(Platinum)
(PS3)Batman: Arkham City 31% 23 of 71
(PS3)Batman: Arkham Asylum 57% 31 of 48
(PSVita)Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 100% 46 of 46(Platinum)
(PS3)Need for Speed: Most Wanted 70% 42 of 61
(PS3)WipEout HD 24% 19 of 51
(PS3)LittleBigPlanet 27% 23 of 70
(PS3)Battlefield: Bad Company 2 71% 51 of 73(Platinum)
(PS3)Killzone 100% 59 of 59(Platinum)
(PS3)Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception 51% 55 of 105(Platinum)
(PS3)Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 73% 48 of 71(Platinum)
(PS3)Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 100% 48 of 48(Platinum)
(PS3)Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 100% 34 of 34(Platinum)
(PS3)Battlefield: Bad Company 67% 38 of 51
(PS3)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 61% 49 of 77
(PS3)Killzone 2 66% 52 of 84(Platinum)
(PS3)Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker 100% 50 of 50(Platinum)
(PS3)Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 100% 46 of 46(Platinum)
(PS3)Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 100% 46 of 46(Platinum)
(PS3)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 88% 48 of 51
(PS3)Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 51% 41 of 73
(PS3)Killzone 3 64% 52 of 79(Platinum)
(PS3)Call of Duty: World at War 71% 45 of 65(Platinum)
(PS3)Call of Duty: Black Ops 68% 46 of 71
- = Got more rare += Got less rare
Rarest Platinum: Legend of the West(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 1.99%(+0.03%)
Unrarest Platinum: Is That All You Got?(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered)(NEW) 30.48%(-0.00%)
Top 15 Rarest Trophys(Platinum):
1.Legend of the West(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 1.99%(+0.03%)
2.War Hero(Killzone 2)(--) 2.17%(-0.00%)
3.The Legendary Hero(Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots)(--) 4.41%(-0.00%)
4.Extremely Solid(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PS3)(--) 5.02%(-0.00%)
5.Legend(Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain PS4)(--) 5.49%(-0.03%)
6.Platinum Trophy(Battlefield Hardline PS4)(--) 5.70%(-0.03%)
7.Vic Boss(Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD)(--) 6.61%(-0.02%)
8.Platinum(Call of Duty World at War)(--) 6.64%(-0.01%)
9.Bad Company Elite(Battlefield Bad Company 2)(--) 6.94%(-0.02%)
10.Snake Eaten(Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater HD PSVITA)(--) 7.31%(+0.00%)
11.Platinum Trophy(Battlefield 4 PS4)(--) 7.31%(-0.04%)
12.Platinum(Killzone 3)(--) 7.74%(-0.03%)
13.World War One Hero(Battlefield 1)(--) 8.01%(-0.06%)
14.Just another day at the office(Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered)(--) 10.06%(-0.02%)
15.Platinum(Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception)(--) 10.89%(-0.04%)
Top 15 Unrarest Trophys(Platinum):
1.Is That All You Got?(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered)(NEW) 30.48%(-0.00%)
2.Valedictorian(Bully)(-1) 23.95%(+0.05%)
3.Platinum(Uncharted Drake's Fortune)(--) 18.70%(-0.04%)
4.Tier 1(Call of Duty Modern Warfare)(-2) 18.06%(-4.69%)
5.Platinum(Uncharted 2 Among Thieves)(-1) 16.54%(-0.06%)
6.Platinum(Killzone HD)(-1) 15.58%(-0.03%)
7.Complete all other trophies(The Saboteur)(-1) 14.70%(-0.05%)
8.All-Star Legend - You've Only Done Everything(PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale PSVITA)(-1) 14.54%(-0.07%)
9.Platinum(Uncharted Golden Abyss)(-1) 13.29%(-0.03%)
10.Snake Eaten(Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater HD PS3)(-1) 13.07%(-0.01%)
11.One Last Time(Uncharted 4 A Thief's End)(-1) 11.26%(-0.07%)
12.Platinum(Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception)(-1) 10.89%(-0.04%)
13.Just another day at the office(Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Remastered)(-1) 10.06%(-0.02%)
14.World War One Hero(Battlefield 1)(-1) 8.01%(-0.06%)
15.Platinum(Killzone 3)(--) 7.74%(-0.03%)
Rarest Gold: Key To The City(Grand Theft Auto IV)(--) 2.57%(-0.00%)
Unrarest Gold: Collateral Damage(The Order 1886)(--) 80.35%(-0.02%)
Top 15 Rarest Trophys(Gold):
1.Key To The City(Grand Theft Auto IV)(--) 2.57%(-0.00%)
2.Great Dane(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(--) 2.74%(+0.00%)
3.Solid Gold, Baby!(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(--) 2.78%(-0.00%)
4.Career Criminal(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(--) 3.17%(-0.01%)
5.Heroic Survivor(Killzone 2)(+1) 3.79%(-0.01%)
6.Best in the West(Red Dead Redemption 2)(-1) 3.80%(+0.01%)
7.Valor Grand Cross(Killzone 2)(--) 3.95%(-0.02%)
8.Amateur Radio Operator(Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)(--) 4.00%(-0.02%)
9.Career Criminal(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS3)(--) 4.49%(-0.01%)
10.Sounds of the Battlefield(Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots)(--) 4.52%(-0.00%)
11.Multiplayer Elite(Killzone Shadow Fall)(+1) 5.16%(-0.03%)
12.Notorious(Red Dead Redemption 2)(-1) 4.95%(+0.19%)
13.The Longest Day(Call of Duty Infinite Warfare)(--) 5.23%(-0.04%)
14.Virtually Impossible(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PS3)(--) 5.43%(+0.01%)
15.Complete Stealth(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(--) 5.57%(+0.00%)
Top 15 Unrarest Trophys(Gold):
1.Collateral Damage(The Order 1886)(--) 80.35%(-0.02%)
2.Modern Marvels(The Order 1886)(--) 76.90%(-0.02%)
3.A Knight No More(The Order 1886)(--) 69.66%(-0.02%)
4.Bought a Slot(BioShock 2 PS4)(--) 68.74%(-0.15%)
5.Three for One(PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale PSVITA)(--) 64.65%(-0.04%)
6.The Pacific Campaign(Battlefield 1943)(--) 62.53%(-0.03%)
7.Charted! - Normal(Uncharted 2 Among Thieves)(--) 57.66%(-0.04%)
8.Escape(BioShock 2 PS4)(+1) 57.25%(+0.12%)
9.Liberation(Wolfenstein The New Order GER)(-1) 57.13%(-0.07%)
10.Let's Go Home - Destroy Stahl's Cruiser(Killzone 3)(--) 55.98%(-0.06%)
11.The Fugitive(Dead Space 2 GER)(--) 53.24%(-0.02%)
12.Like a Boss(Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater HD PS3)(--) 51.82%(-0.04%)
13.The Price of War(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered)(NEW) 51.12%(-0.00%)
14.Charted! - Normal(Uncharted Drake's Fortune)(-1) 49.88%(-0.05%)
15.A Cut Above(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PS3)(-1) 48.39%(-0.02%)
Rarest Silver: Gold Rush(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 2.64%(+0.02%)
Unrarest Silver: Bare-knuckle Slugger(Uncharted 2 Among Thieves)(--) 84.97%(-0.02%)
Top 15 Rarest Trophys(Silver):
1.Gold Rush(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 2.64%(+0.02%)
2.Curator(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(--) 2.76%(-0.02%)
3.No One Will Believe You(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(--) 2.90%(-0.03%)
4.Shadows Cannot Be Killed(Killzone Shadow Fall)(+1) 3.02%(-0.02%)
5.Mission Complete(Call of Duty Black Ops 2)(-1) 3.04%(+0.01%)
6.Endangered Species(Grand Theft Auto 4)(--) 3.18%(-0.01%)
7.The Knowledge(Killzone Shadow Fall)(--) 3.65%(-0.01%)
8.Fully Equipped(Call of Duty Infinite Warfare)(--) 3.67%(-0.04%)
9.Dare Devil(Grand Theft Auto 4)(--) 3.83%(-0.00%)
10.Gun Nut(Call of Duty Infinite Warfare)(--) 3.85%(-0.03%)
11.Tell Me a Tale(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(--) 4.00%(+0.02%)
12.Outgunned(Killzone Shadow Fall)(--) 4.71%(-0.02%)
13.In It to Win It(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(--) 4.83%(+0.01%)
14.Decorated(Killzone Shadow Fall)(--) 5.60%(-0.04%)
15.Executed(Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain PS4)(--) 5.74%(-0.04%)
Top 15 Unrarest Trophys(Silver):
1.Bare-knuckle Slugger(Uncharted 2 Among Thieves)(--) 84.97%(-0.02%)
2.Out of the Frying Pan(The Saboteur)(--) 84.46%(-0.00%)
3.Into the Fire(The Saboteur)(--) 83.48%(-0.01%)
4.Stepping up(Formula 1 2018)(--) 82.92%(-0.19%)
5.Killer on the loose(Battlefield Bad Company)(--) 81.65%(-0.00%)
6.Two for One(PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale PSVITA)(--) 81.22%(-0.01%)
7.Grim Reaper(Battlefield 5)(--) 79.41%(-0.40%)
8.Top 3(Formula 1 2016)(--) 78.71%(-0.20%)
9.Baneful Payback(Batman Arkham Asylum PS3)(--) 78.53%(-0.04%)
10.Headshot Expert(Uncharted Drake's Fortune Remastered)(--) 78.16%(-0.18%)
11.Master of your domain(Battlefield 1943)(+1) 76.03%(-0.01%)
12.Dress for Success(BioShock Infinite PS4)(-1) 75.40%(-0.91%)
13.On the podium(Formula 1 2017)(+1) 74.97%(-0.71%)
14.Arkham City Sirens(Batman Arkham City PS3 DLC)(+1) 74.85%(-0.02%)
15.Carlson's Raiders(Call of Duty World at War)(NEW) 74.27%(-0.00%)
Rarest Bronze: High IQ(Call of Duty Black Ops 2)(--) 2.73%(+0.00%)
Unrarest Bronze: Delivering Is What I Do(Death Stranding)(--) 98.55%(-0.02%)
Top 15 Rarest Trophys(Bronze):
1.High IQ(Call of Duty Black Ops 2)(--) 2.73%(+0.00%)
2.Close Shave(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(--) 3.14%(-0.00%)
3.Rolling Heavy(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(--) 3.27%(-0.02%)
4.St. Bernard(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(--) 3.36%(+0.01%)
5.Scout(Killzone Shadow Fall)(--) 3.43%(-0.02%)
6.Zoologist(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 3.67%(-0.01%)
7.Skin Deep(Red Dead Redemption 2)(--) 3.73%(-0.01%)
8.Gasoline Cowboy(Call of Duty WWII)(NEW) 3.88%(-0.00%)
9.Horses for Courses(Red Dead Redemption 2)(-1) 3.90%(+0.11%)
10.Grin and Bear it(Red Dead Redemption 2)(-1) 3.90%(-0.01%)
11.Close Shave(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS3)(-1) 4.02%(-0.01%)
12.Veteran Ribbon(Killzone 2)(-1) 4.14%(-0.02%)
13.Expert Ribbon(Killzone 2)(-1) 4.18%(-0.01%)
14.Shiba Inu(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(-1) 4.29%(+0.02%)
15.Outmaneuvered(Killzone Shadow Fall)(-1) 4.40%(-0.02%)
Top 15 Unrarest Trophys(Bronze):
1.Delivering Is What I Do(Death Stranding)(--) 98.55%(-0.02%)
2.A Rite Of Passage(Table Top Racing World Tour)(--) 98.49%(-0.00%)
3.Good Samaritan(Death Stranding)(--) 98.21%(-0.06%)
4.Undercover(Wolfenstein The Old Blood GER)(--) 97.63%(+0.04%)
5.Freeflow Combo 5(Batman Arkham Asylum PS3)(--) 97.08%(-0.01%)
6.Followed Rost's teachings(Horizon Zero Dawn)(--) 96.93%(-0.04%)
7.2X Multiplier!(LittleBigPlanet)(--) 96.87%(-0.01%)
8.War Never Changes(Fallout 4)(--) 96.78%(-0.06%)
9.Path of the Stars(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)(--) 96.46%(-0.24%)
10.I'm Batman(Batman Arkham City PS3)(+1) 96.01%(-0.00%)
11.Artist(LittleBigPlanet)(+1) 95.91%(-0.01%)
12.Deja-vu(Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus GER)(-2) 95.84%(-0.22%)
13.Shocking Rescue(Batman Arkham Asylum PS3)(--) 95.74%(-0.02%)
14.Fix Me Up(Need for Speed Most Wanted PS3)(--) 95.71%(+0.01%)
15.Somebody Else?(Beyond Two Souls PS3)(--) 95.68%(-0.00%)
Top 15 Rarest Trophys(ALL):
1.Legend of the West(Red Dead Redemption 2)(Platinum)(--) 1.99%(+0.03%)
2.War Hero(Killzone 2)(Platinum)(--) 2.17%%(-0.00%)
3.Key To The City(Grand Theft Auto 4)(Gold)(--) 2.57%(-0.00%)
4.Gold Rush(Red Dead Redemption 2)(Silver)(--) 2.64%(+0.02%)
5.High IQ(Call of Duty Black Ops 2)(Bronze)(--) 2.73%(+0.00%)
6.Great Dane(Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty HD PSVITA)(Gold)(--) 2.74%(+0.00%)
7.Curator(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(Silver)(--) 2.76%(-0.02%)
8.Solid Gold, Baby!(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(Gold)(--) 2.78%(-0.00%)
9.No One Will Believe You(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(Silver)(--) 2.90%(-0.03%)
10.Shadows Cannot Be Killed(Killzone Shadow Fall)(Silver)(+1) 3.02%(-0.02%)
11.Mission Complete(Call of Duty Black Ops 2)(Silver)(-1) 3.04%(+0.01%)
12.Close Shave(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(Bronze)(--) 3.14%(-0.00%)
13.Career Criminal(Grand Theft Auto 5 PS4)(Gold)(--) 3.17%(-0.01%)
14.Endangered Species(Grand Theft Auto 4)(Silver)(--) 3.18%(-0.01%)
15.Rolling Heavy(Call of Duty Black Ops 3 PS4)(Bronze)(--) 3.27%(-0.02%)
Top 15 Unrarest Trophys(ALL):
1.Delivering Is What I Do(Death Stranding)(Bronze)(--) 98.55%(-0.02%)
2.A Rite Of Passage(Table Top Racing World Tour)(Bronze)(--) 98.49%(-0.00%)
3.Good Samaritan(Death Stranding)(Bronze)(--) 98.21%(-0.06%)
4.Undercover(Wolfenstein The Old Blood GER)(Bronze)(--) 97.63%(+0.04%)
5.Freeflow Combo 5(Batman Arkham Asylum PS3)(Bronze)(--) 97.08%(-0.01%)
6.Followed Rost's teachings(Horizon Zero Dawn)(Bronze)(--) 96.93%(-0.04%)
7.2X Multiplier!(LittleBigPlanet)(Bronze)(--) 96.87%(-0.01%)
8.War Never Changes(Fallout 4)(Bronze)(--) 96.78%(-0.06%)
9.Path of the Stars(Shadow of the Tomb Raider)(Bronze)(--) 96.46%(-0.24%)
10.I'm Batman(Batman Arkham City PS3)(Bronze)(+1) 96.01%(-0.00%)
11.Artist(LittleBigPlanet)(Bronze)(+1) 95.91%(-0.01%)
12.Deja-vu(Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus GER)(Bronze)(-2) 95.84%(-0.22%)
13.Shocking Rescue(Batman Arkham Asylum PS3)(Bronze)(--) 95.74%(-0.02%)
14.Fix Me Up(Need for Speed Most Wanted PS3)(Bronze)(--) 95.71%(+0.01%)
15.Somebody Else?(Beyond Two Souls PS3)(Bronze)(--) 95.68%(-0.00%)
Games Played: 100 Games(+1)
Completed Games(100% Trophies): 18 Games(+1)
Completion: 54.75%(+0.64%)
Unearned Trophies: 2.477 Trophies(-13)
Trophies per Day: 0.90(+0.01%)
-=Losed positions +=Earned positions
World Rank: 174.405(+2.238)
Country Rank(Germany): 13.961(+247)
MLP App Game Stats
Friendship Code: 24c4d30
Name: RisingShine94
Characters: 446(+13) from 868(+16)
Collections: 37(+2) from 157(-0)
Costumes: 104(+1) from 105(+1)
Shops: 122(+3) from 202(+2)
Current Laughter Pieces: 418(-508)
Current Generosity Pieces: 296(-619)
Current Honesty Pieces: 400(-464)
Current Kindness Pieces: 475(-514)
Current Loyalty Pieces: 437(-550)
Current Magic Pieces: 291(-703)
Current Stars: 2230(+65)
Current Friendships: 38(+0)
Current Achievements: 10(--) from 25(--)
-=Losed positions +=Earned positions
Minelore Rank and record: 11.422(-326) with 77.673 Points(--)
Title Melody Rank and record: 7.865(-510) with 3.723 Points(--)
This Strange New World Rank and record: 38.145(-3.139) with 6.020 Points(--)
Time To Come Together Rank and record: 2.070(-106) with 20.113 Points(--)
EG-Groove Rank and record: 2.557(-146) with 19.092 Points(--)
Cafeteria-Song Rank and record: 59.007(-5.117) with 10.813 Points(--)
Rank: 131(+1)
VIP Rank: 0(Nicht mehr vorhanden)
Current Bits: 30.396.053(+3.832.439)
Current Gems: 134(-69)
Areas Unlocked: 7 of 7(--)
Hope you enjoyed those useless stats, see ya next month n.n
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