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Wanted a holiday and this time my brother booked and planned them all. Wanted this since I never been to any since before lockdown, really miss holidays and days out, really. It interested it with my brother, stop look for work since end of June after my brother, he been booking hotels, concert and coach returning home (book another bus to London other day) and also he planning where to go. There places we be unable to go and do which is sad. Main reason, is Babymetal Concert. Also got two phones, my brother got me a phone on my birthday, to use for in case we got apart from each other as in London things happen.

I love London and go hype when I was there. Love the some surronding and landmarks but there be some negative of it, rush houe, crowded, packed up tudes and most people.

November 26:

We set off at about 1am, in the morning, it scary as it still dark and bother about people about, as it Sunday morning. We had to walk there to near Bus Station about less than an hour. Finally at bus stop near bus station. Bus arrived finally after few minutes. It going to be 4 hours to get to London, sadly one passager got kick out cos having two large laggages, problem is you some weight and size and height of laggages, me and my brother had backpage and side pack. I was little upset I forgot to bring two of my favourite necklaces. And also won’t bring my laptop and Hatsune Miku plush with me. I prefer train but problem is the cost. Arriving at London, Victora Coach Station do need some changes, also there homeless sleeping on our way out. Also we were freezing thought our inter clothes be keeping us warm like in Leeds but somehow didn’t work much. Alos we were wearing vest coat and hoodle. Try to get breakfast at Victora train station, try get something at Burger King but self checks seem not to be working so try Mcdonald and when had Mcdonald then self checks at Burger King start working, I had chill bites there.

Went to see Little Ben before we drop our bags at laggauge storages. Then went to Buckingham Palace, and walk around some areas in London, Problem is most stores open at 11/12 should 9am, as it’s London, and would be better for us. Then we went for our bags, upload our Oster Cards and then to hotel. Took whille cos it now there self check-in. Then settle in, my body was knoackerd, then off to Abba Arena, problem is it too far and get sttuggle finding a tude to get there and plus crowded area and packed up tude, my body still knoacked and stuggle to go places. Arriving at Abba Arena, mistake I did when having secuity check, I took stuffs out my pockets and put it back then when it my turn and got scum got beep then I try turn around to get my back scan secuity stop me realise I took my stuffs out my pockets after got scum. I got frusrated and angry that I had on my brother, cos everything happen, and had it on my brother, won’t mind if we not able to go to, cos my body knackered and I was stress but on stage room it was okay. Had kfc at hotel. Not sure I regret my little anger but it was frusrated. Even on holiday don’t always go to plan.


November 27:

Had breakfast at hotel, went to King Cross then off to do some stores, Hemsley Toy Store, Disney Store, HMV, Forbidden Planet, Lego Store and M&M Store, do bought alot of stuffs include Captain Carter’s shield and Mickey Mouse Royal Guard plush. Also annoyed there no Lester Statue (London Lego mascot) and no sight of hier merchs, like luggage tag, annoyed with that. Then off to Camden Street and Market, few shops include Bandai Namco Vending Machine store, also see a Lara Croft Statue. Try find a store and also there another Japanese anime store, but we had to get back to hotel and leave out stuffs there and set off to Babymetal Concert, I got frusrated cos I wanted to see some stores. Plus I bought some Genshin Impact stuffs, hardly any Genshin Impact stuffs in UK.

After leaving hotel to the concert and at a Underground station my brother had to go to hotel as he left something and I wait for him at next Underground station, Babymetal Concert is at Roundhouse, we join the queue but we should be at VIP and lucky a guard come to check if there VIP, we got VIP stuffs and bought two hoodles, two T-Shirts and a poster, was happy but when scan out digtal ticket somehow my phone was offline, it took away to get online I got p***ed and went back online woman check ticket was no where I was annoyed, feel like walking out then woman arrived then went to get ticket scanner. Finally at our seat, had some problem like my bag fell and thought I lost something and had little argument cos we might not get kebab dinner from Takeaway Restaurant Marathon kebab cos we don’t know when concert finish. But concert finish at 10 and restaurant finish at 12 so we got time and great to see Babymetal again and got merchiances. Got our Kebabs walk to hotel in a cold and had two sodas on our way to hotel. Again thing got frustated at times but during and after concert was better, it just annoyed there be worst times, and my brother rang our mom and then he say to her not to say to me but somehow she did, I was annoyed.

Also if shops open at 9am on Sunday, I would of bought something, and may have more time in Camden Markets and even check Roundhouse. This is what annoyed me when things don’t go to plan.

Also we had problem with our cards, when use conactless my brother card beem stop by bank so he rang mum to phone bank open. As for me had to use pin as contactless stop working or must be not work when pay over £40. That annoyed, annoyed that contactless stop and bank stop your card as they feel they see something strange.


November 28:

Looking forward to Big Ben tour, we would of having in the morning but changing to evening.

After Breakfast, We went to Narutal History Muesum, to see Dinosaurs specially Tianosaur and also seen T-Rex in Christmas Jumper. Then Science Muesum, after look around the area, we hangout in Power Up Event, room full of gaming consoles and PCs.

Then went to British Fish & Chips restaurant, Fish and Chips and Sundae, my brother has another desert. Then walk about see London Eye and Milleumm Bridge, the off to Big Ben tour. Then went to secuirty we been ask about our vest coats, then we put out vest coats, bags and belt on the tray and ask to check our t-shirt and through scum computer then secuirty tell us to leave our vest coat in vistor secruity room and then sent to room for double check, it was upsetting, scary and frusrated, according to my brother we been stared and a woman who just sit with a computer on the higher level, told security to have us check. Then we wait for security to sign a note and we got in way of a secrutiy and she shout to wait outsude, but we wait for our note. There rule not to bring flag and banters which is not sure about, I brong a British tote bag and Uk Countryball plush (as it cover in British flag) but that seem fine. Then wait for Big Ben tour to begin, sure there might someone had it worse and there people who have to have their items in sceurity area. That experince upset and angry me but won’t let ruin my love for Big Ben and great tour exerperince. Had great time with Big Ben tour but unable to get some stuffs as gift shop close there another House of Parlinament shop outside parlinament but they haven’t got much there some. We got out vest and a secrity escort us out and had good chat. It’s okay. My brother even ask why been not allow vest coat he repsond it narture, somehow. And try move on that high scerity upset and anger me. There alot of beeping cos of celebraition of Albianian independent day, it crazy. Maybe reason for High Security.

Went to Oxford Street, to see Christmas lights. Then went to McDonald to get Happy Meal along with Big Mac, Big Mac Chicken and Milkshake.


November 29:

After breakfast, we went to Rail Mail and Postal Museum, then went to tour in Baker Street Underground then to Disney 100 Exibition in ExCel London, then Earls Court to see Filipino stores, then left our in storage then to Hype Park WInter Wonderland, went Ice Castle, Sky Big Wheel and Crispy Chip and hot choclate, went wrong to street to get our bags as Hype Park is big, that use the tube. Was knackered. When we got our bags, also got a new bag. Then back to hotel and pack my bag then shower and bed.


November 30:

My brother was starting packing, I pack the rest of the things. Sad holiday end, but good things come to the end. We meant to go to Abbey Road (Road famous for Beatles Record album), which is sad but reaslisable, maybe and hopefully next time. After our bag packed, we had breakfast then in our room. Then set off and say bye to the room.

Left our bags in Luggage storage, then went to London Transports Museum, then off to Battersea Power Stationn and ride on the Life 109. I bought things from the shop there model I wanted to buy but stuggle to find it but my brother saw it but didn’t told me., Told me when we out the shop and about to get back to the shop and get it but my brother, say it time to go to coach station, I was frusrated and annoyed. After we got our bags then went to vending machine to get toys (one for me and one for my brother), then go on a coach and back home to Leeds. Still walk home in cold and dark anf knackered, also been little snow.

Miss London, hope to come back. Hope to meet Babymetal members one day also.



There be ups and downs going on holiday. Going on holiday with my brother is different, would we do it again like going on holiday together well not sure, would go London again, would do. I do holiday different when arriving I don'y go too far, on arriving day I settle, relax and rest/heal my body and walk about. And day leaving just leave, being with my brother is different, and I get annoyed. Now try get a job, get another holiday. We both get £200, on holiday, I say it should of been better, things do not go to plan somethings and never always get what you want.

Also there places we meant to and things we meant to sadly we got too many.


Edited by BritishBrony2012

  • Brohoof 2


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Interesting pics for sure. Thanks for sharing.

I've not been out of the US myself but have been to a few different states over my life.

Id be interested to see how it is with a different country, customs etc.

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1 hour ago, Earth Prince StarHeart said:

Interesting pics for sure. Thanks for sharing.

I've not been out of the US myself but have been to a few different states over my life.

Id be interested to see how it is with a different country, customs etc.

It’s definitely worth it. As we speak I am packing to go back home. Looking forward to getting the ball rolling back into my normal routine though :3

if you’re ever in Europe or New York, let us know! 

  • Brohoof 1
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8 minutes ago, Planeswalker Silky said:

It’s definitely worth it. As we speak I am packing to go back home. Looking forward to getting the ball rolling back into my normal routine though :3

if you’re ever in Europe or New York, let us know! 

Haven't been to either one apologies.

Been to Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, California, Kansas city, and I did visit Florida once 

  • Brohoof 2
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My cousins have gone to both London and Rome.

Funny story my cousins for a prank swapped out my uncle's London cash for fake toy money while he was doing some shopping there.

So not realizing he went to pay annnnnnnd.


Clerk: :pip-err:  :mellow:  "sir we cannot accept money from the bank of... toy land."


  • Brohoof 1
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  • Administrator
10 minutes ago, Earth Prince StarHeart said:

My cousins have gone to both London and Rome.

Funny story my cousins for a prank swapped out my uncle's London cash for fake toy money while he was doing some shopping there.

So not realizing he went to pay annnnnnnd.


Clerk: :pip-err:  :mellow:  "sir we cannot accept money from the bank of... toy land."


Ahaha ok that is FUNNY. I do love how colorful the money tends to be from other countries and I always jokingly called them Monopoly money but that is funny! :mlp_laugh:

  • Brohoof 1
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@Earth Prince StarHeart @Planeswalker Silky

Never been to Tennessee,

Wanted to to go to USA and Japan (maybe my love for Superheroes and Anime & Hatsune Miku, but maybe more than that), also Singapore (to see Merlion) and Australia (to see Koalas). Thinking when I ever be going to these countries, with money and worried never going to go there and may go there being old and sturggling.

I can go around my country uk by myself but aboard is different, feel wanted to be with a friend, famliy memeber or someone, cos I may struugle being aboard. Only out of Uk I been to is Paris and Philippines with my parents and brother. Philippines is my mum's country, not sure I wanted to go there one day, mix feeling about, not much into it, only it's my relatives and my mum fro there and I like Jeepneys (Filipino public transport).

Edited by BritishBrony2012
  • Excited 1
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36 minutes ago, BritishBrony2012 said:

@Earth Prince StarHeart @Planeswalker Silky

Never been to Tennessee,

Wanted to to go to USA and Japan (maybe my love for Superheroes and Anime & Hatsune Miku, but maybe more than that), also Singapore (to see Merlion) and Australia (to see Koalas). Thinking when I ever be going to these countries, with money and worried never going to go there and may go there being old and sturggling.

I can go around my country uk by myself but aboard is different, feel wanted to be with a friend, famliy memeber or someone, cos I may struugle being aboard. Only out of Uk I been to is Paris and Philippines with my parents and brother. Philippines is my mum's country, not sure I wanted to go there one day, mix feeling about, not much into it, only it's my relatives and my mum fro there and I like Jeepneys (Filipino public transport).

I don't know how accurate this is but I think one difference between I have heard between the US and UK food wise is that the UK is far stricter on food related additives, GMOs etc etc.

The result of this is within the UK you'll tend to end up with more real and natural ingredients for packaged foods than you would for the US.

For example take a company's straw berry pudding.

The UK version might be whipped strawberry, cane sugar, milk etc.

The US version might be something more like: red dye #40 natural and artificial and natural strawberry flavoring, high fructose corn syrup etc. 

Of course without visiting each others country or showing pic of the same company's version for either the UK or US this really can't be verified.

So again can't say if true or not just a rumor I have heard.



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