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Don't mind me, I just felt like parodying Cupcakes AND bad fanfiction in general. Basically going against everything that was posted in the Fanfiction Writing Guide posted by Dawn Rider.




cupcaeks v2

by tailsisnotalone

omg hello fluttershy said pinkie pie. she was jumping up and down alot while flutter shy just looked at her to shy to say anything. um h-hi p-pinkie p-pie if thats ok she finally said shuffling a hoof nervosly on the floor. oh thats totally alright flutters you can always say hello to me, i love it when other ponies say hello! said pinkie. And especially when they let me lure them down into the basement and lock the door behind them that is just my favorite thing because then we can play the BEST games. you locked the door? asked fluttershy. now now dont be a shypie said pinkie cuz this is going to be fun! out of nowhere she pulled out a huge butchr knife. sorry said fluttershy i know your secret your not rly pinkie pie your sgt sprinkles who wrote the first cupcakes story. and your projecting your sick fantasys into a cartoon character when you rly shood be getting mental help. dawwwwwr ur no fun! said pinkie/sgt. ok enough now bgone evil fanfic writer spirit shouted fluttershy giving her the stare. pinkie fell over frothing at the mouth then got up and blinked. wow she said, what happened? an example of a rly bad fanfic said flutters shy, plus tailsisnotalone felt like makeing fun of cupcakes. thats rite i did said tails from out of no where. plus i have my own fantasy to deal with. you sure do said rainbow dash get over here. and she kissed him

the end

  • Brohoof 6


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You need to edit out that last part where you kiss Rainbow Dash. It is pointless and adds nothing to the story beyond ruining the dramatic flow that you had carefully built up. Besides, you know that Dashie can only be shipped with me or Pinkie Pie ;). You can have your minty green background ponies :)


Other than that I think it's flawless. Just change the ending a little, lengthen it and slap it on FiMFiction. Instant fandom classic.

  • Brohoof 3
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That....Was so...Beautiful...*A ter sliedz down mi fac* So, bootiful.

The character development 'were fantastik' and I really felt the deep conexun between the chars. Go on, copy paste it onto 4chan, they need to see this masterpiece...They may understand it, even better than we did.

  • Brohoof 1
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You need to edit out that last part where you kiss Rainbow Dash.

Hey, she kissed ME.


I can't help it if she has good taste.

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Hey, she kissed ME.


I can't help it if she has good taste.

She would never do such a thing, especially after the whole tournament fiasco. I know that keeping everypony in character is hard, but it is esential if you want to immerse your readers in the plot. I can help you with this if you look over the fics I'm writing for grammar and spelling ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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