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Learn to write.

Brony Number 42


There should be a law: You can't post on the internet unless you know basic grammar. You should know the difference between the following:

you're and your

its and it's

their, there, and they're

There is a difference between a typo and being stupid. It's not all of you, but it does seem to be a lot of you. How do you not know how to put a coherent thought together? You can't tell me what you typed makes sense to you. Try using punctuation. Put only one thought in a sentence. Separate concepts into paragraphs. Try reading a book to understand how educated people communicate.

  • Brohoof 3


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Honestly, I am always finding myself confused over which form of "its" to use. I always seem to forget which rules apply.

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You must take into effect the fact that many people who make these mistakes are probably those who grew up speaking a different language.

  • Brohoof 2
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Does it really matter that much if people know their grammar or not ? English is not everybody's native language...

  • Brohoof 2
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What does it say for the future of society if people can't even understand how to communicate properly? If a person doesn't even care about speaking properly then how can they care about doing something more complex and important? We will be reduced to grunting and pointing, unable to convey complex concepts. We will fall into a dystopian world where people can't fix the machines left by their ancestors. It is the dumbing down of society.

  • Brohoof 1
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Umm, you obviously don't know much about societal changes over long periods of time. Language changes. Take a look at the differences between old, middle, and current English. It has evolved with time along with the people who speak it.and the dumming down of language does not mean that the entire human race will lose its intelligence.

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I grew up in Japan, 'kay? If you think we're going to magically learn English over night, you need help. Of course, I've been in America for 5 years now, but I'm saying not everypony can be perfect at English. Yeah, Americans aren't the only ones online.

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What does it say for the future of society if people can't even understand how to communicate properly? If a person doesn't even care about speaking properly then how can they care about doing something more complex and important? We will be reduced to grunting and pointing, unable to convey complex concepts. We will fall into a dystopian world where people can't fix the machines left by their ancestors. It is the dumbing down of society.

Shut up and think about people who aren't American. Just shut up. Lets see you speak perfect language over night.

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There is a difference between a language changing due to usage change, and people simply not caring enough to learn the language. Society has become dumbed down. Or at least a large part of it has. Kids graduate high school and they can barely read. They have to take remedial courses in college. They can't write a simple paper. This is not simply an evolution of language.

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There is a difference between a language changing due to usage change, and people simply not caring enough to learn the language. Society has become dumbed down. Or at lease a large part of it has. Kids graduate high school and they can barely read. They have to take remedial courses in college. They can't write a simple paper. This is not simply an evolution of language.

You know what? I'm not even going to talk to you. You're not worth it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, I think people know the language perfectly fine. It's just because people are too lazy to put the symbols, and type out the words correctly on the internet, because... well... it's the internet !



There is a difference between a language changing due to usage change, and people simply not caring enough to learn the language. Society has become dumbed down. Or at lease a large part of it has. Kids graduate high school and they can barely read. They have to take remedial courses in college. They can't write a simple paper. This is not simply an evolution of language.

Oh, and I found a mistake. It's "least" not "lease"

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How very mature of you. However, my complaint is with people who grew up in America and can't speak their own language. I'm not criticizing someone who is learning English as a second language. Though your manners and ability to have a discussion leave much to be desired.

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Rainy Night, your insightful input will be missed. RKA, I stand corrected, thank you. Spelling errors bother me. I had no idea anyone would care so much about a simple post I made. I should have taken the time to have written more. In any case, mistaking "your" and "you're" is not merely people being lazy. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that in most cases people really don't know the difference. It is no more work to use the correct word. That is just an example of the larger problem. I have seen posts that are totally unreadable due to bad grammar. Is it because they aren't native English speakers? I don't know, maybe. But I have known plenty of people in my own country who can't read or write. My friend teaches high school and he has told me stories of the poor state of our educational system.

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How very mature of you. However, my complaint is with people who grew up in America and can't speak their own language. I'm not criticizing someone who is learning English as a second language. Though your manners and ability to have a discussion leave much to be desired.

There are people who are good at writing.

There are people who are good at maths.

There are people who are good at making art... and so on.

Not everybody is good at writing. That's a fact, and you should just learn to accept it and move on.

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I have not even read your entry because i think i would die of cancer.


But why do you give a fuck on how people write and how they type?

The internet is clearly not the place for you.

  • Brohoof 2
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The fact is, people are getting stupider. I can't believe how many people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"


I mean it's basic English grammar. I understand if you are not a native English speaker, but you if are, then you have no excuse.

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The fact is, people are getting stupider. I can't believe how many people don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"


I mean it's basic English grammar. I understand if you are not a native English speaker, but you if are, then you have no excuse.

Honestly, it's just laziness. It's easier to write "your" than "you're" and people also write "u" instead of "you", etc, etc.

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Honestly, it's just laziness. It's easier to write "your" than "you're" and people also write "u" instead of "you", etc, etc.


Yeah, but there is legitimately people that cannot write English properly. Especially in America. 

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Yeah, but there is legitimately people that cannot write English properly. Especially in America. 

As I said in a previous post, some are good at writing, some are good at maths, etc. ^^

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As I said in a previous post, some are good at writing, some are good at maths, etc. ^^


You don't have to be good at writing, but if you can't write basic English, there's a problem.

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