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Sometimes, Men Really Piss Me Off...

Chantilly Angel


Dear Diary,


Why are men such idiotic douche bags who have no life other than to get on the computer and make stupid retarded pervert comments? Confused? Let me explain:


As a lot of the people on this site, we spend a lot of time on Youtube, we browse videos and connect with other people (well the intelligent ones). And I've seen a LOT of videos in my day, but I can stand it when I watch a video that an attractive girl on it. Why? Because those drooling bafoons we are forced to call men have to start talking with their...their...cocks *blushes*. And I'm not just talking about the when a guy tells a girl that they are hot. (Which is a little annoying, but that just a personal pet peeve of mine.) They'll say dumb things like, "Nice tits" or "I'd hit it" Or even worse case scenario, they'll say really nasty things that are very pornographic that they want to do to the girl that I'm not allowed to say on here!!!!. You can't go anywhere without seeing some sort of comment like that, when it deals with girls. It's just extremely annoying and also a little disturbing. Even more annoying than ...memes!!! *thunder*


The problem I have with this is that everyone always starts saying the right thing for other ignorant comments I've read over the years, BUT NO EVER ACKNOWLEDGES THE STUPID PERVY ONES!!! AND THOSE ARE THE ONES I WANT PEOPLE TO FLAME THE MOST!!! Oh, and get this diary, on some occasions, those comments, even make the top comments!!! ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME!?!?! Who in their right mind would even like a scummy, lowlife comment like that...oh that's right, the internet is filled with perverts! F*ck!!!


*covers mouth, blushing* Oh my...sorry about that..I'm not used to speaking this kind of language...It's just that I'm so mad that I...


*clears throat* Another thing that pisses me off about it is just that, THERE ARE NO F*CKING RANTS ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!! And what is there are very VERY view of them. I hate that I'm the only person who hate scumbag comments like these, and everyone who feels the same are always sorta flamed for this.


Why do I have a burning hatred for this? First of all it's completely off topic, but then again, when is any comment on Youtube on topic. and second of all, Whenever I see one of those comments I can't help thinking, "Dude, can't you get your mind out of the friggin gutter for one second? My God!!" There's more to life than T&A, and if those a-holes who just stop fapping (God, I hate that word) for a second, they would realize that! No matter if it's a innocent video of whatever, somebody has to get their jollies somehow, Gah!!


They say that the internet is for porn. Bullsh*t!!!! *covers mouth again* Oops, sorry. I've never been this angry before! It's just that men like that just make me want to really hurt them! I just wish they would just die already!


Sincerely Yours,

Chantilly Angel


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As a fellow creature who's species is the same of this strange "men" species that you ranted about, all I have to say is that my face is all like ;_;

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Not all men have their heads in the gutter 24/7 like I do. XD


I happen to find sex jokes funny, but sometimes it annoys even me when top comment of a Youtube video about a video game is "She's hot!"


You see there are things called Internet Trolls and men who only think about one thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, as a male, I can say with absolute certainty that not all males post comments like that. Believe it or not, there are men who aren't completely consumed with trying to prove themselves straight (which is what a lot of the people posting those comments are trying to do, actually) who actually like to talk about things relevant to the topic at hand, who enjoy logical, rational, intelligent conversation. Basically my point is that while there are idiots who feel the need to impose their sexual fantasies on everything, one shouldn't generalize that all men are like that.


As a side note, I personally don't generally talk about such comments because I don't see them as meriting any sort of response. It's like a person who is so entirely idiotic that they can't be reasoned with; I don't even bother trying, choosing instead to ignore them and allow them to wallow in their own stupidity.


I'd also like to point out that how bad memes are or aren't is entirely a matter of personal opinion; I personally like a lot of memes, at times using them during online interactions, although there are a few I dislike.

  • Brohoof 3
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Nilkad took the words out of my mouth. Don't make preconceived notions about males, or really anyone else because some of your experiences were less then ideal.

  • Brohoof 1
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They are usually jokes. Who cares? Everyone knows that Youtube comments are as bad as 4chan. Why even read them.

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Ranting about those people is like ranting about Howard Stern. It does nothing to make them stop.

And as I man who respects women, I am saddened that you would think us all monsters.

And most of those people are probably 14 year old boys who just discovered puberty, anyways.

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They are usually jokes. Who cares? Everyone knows that Youtube comments are as bad as 4chan. Why even read them.


I wish they had that option where you can take them off when you looking at other videos, but they got rid of it.


Ranting about those people is like ranting about Howard Stern. It does nothing to make them stop.

And as I man who respects women, I am saddened that you would think us all monsters.

And most of those people are probably 14 year old boys who just discovered puberty, anyways.


This was something I knew would happen. I meant to say that I know all men aren't like this, but it's the ones that are that way are the ones that piss me off. But I was so upset, I forgot to put it in.


Like I said, I know that all men aren't like this. and I was just venting. If hurt anyones feelings by it, then I'm sorry.

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