A brony has done something wrong!!!
Note: I am not referencing any specific event, and this entire blog should be taken lightly.
Man 1: The horror! How dare a man have transgressions whilst being a part of our fandom?! Surely our good name will now be ruined, and the brony colony will be ridiculed and despised for all time! Oh, why can't everyone act the same way?!
Man 2: Bullshit! He didn't do anything wrong at all! You're completely ignoring the other side of the issue: that bronies are awesome and incapable of wrong-doing. If you think a brony could ever act like a jackass, then you're a filthy troll and I hope you rot in hell. Love and tolerate. <3
Man 3: Yuck. This is why I cannot respect anyone who would apply the term “brony” to themselves. A true fan of MLP does not associate with degenerate “bronies”, and only enjoys their ponies in moderate doses. Anything other that is disgusting and should be shunned.
Uh... you guys? Don't you think you're overreacting?
Men 1-3: NO.
Okay, I'm sensing some drama brewing. Let me just try and see if I can defuse this situation before it blows up the whole fandom... again. Man 1, are you almost done crying?
Man 1: I think I may have one or two sobs left in me.
Okay, just keep it quiet so you can hear me.
No matter what, you'll always have people ridiculing the brony community for various reasons, most of which aren't even worth mentioning. While it's cool to be a part of a community you enjoy, you shouldn't associate yourself so much with a label that you become personally offended by every little remark someone makes. You are more than just a label, and anyone who would try to tear you down for having a harmless hobby probably isn't someone you should bother acknowledging.
It's impossible to expect everyone to act with love and tolerance, and that includes people within the brony fandom as well. Which brings me to you, Man 2.
Man 2: Don't you dare argue with my infallible logic, or I'll cut off your head and shit down your neck! <3
Sending some mixed messages my way. Let's see if I can squeeze between these bars you've set up between you and the rest of the world.
I appreciate that you are trying to see both sides of an issue. It's true that we shouldn't blindly accept as fact everything that we hear. But your opinion is completely inadequate in all discussions of right and wrong when it comes to a matter which you yourself are not a part of. Do you know the party who was wronged, or the person who did the wronging? No? Then there is approximately 0 reason for you to involve yourself. Save your breath, for your sake and for the rest of us as well.
Man 3: Well said. Show that basement dwelling brony his place.
Don't think you're out of the clear yet, boyo. You're just as out of line as the others.
“Brony” isn't a dirty word. It means nothing more than “an older fan of My Little Pony”. You cannot pick and choose which aspects of the fandom fit a label which, by its very nature, is extremely inclusive. By trying to change that definition to something offense or distasteful, you are committing the same sin that other brony haters are committing: judging people by how they choose to define themselves.
No one is going to force the brony label on you just because you enjoy the show. You should feel free to exercise your individuality, and live your life however you want. But don't scorn the people who don't have a problem with the brony label; they just want to feel like a part of a group. And don't we all feel that way sometimes?
Men 1-2: Hear hear!
Okay! Now, what have we learned?
Man 1: That it is our divine duty to crusade against those like Man 3, who would try to give all of bronydom a bad name!
Man 2: Yeah, show those Mitt Romney supporting bastards that this fandom has horns! <3
Man 3: I've learned that I hate these two even more than I did at the start of the day.
Ugh... hold on, let me just get some aspirin. Be right back...
Man 1: So did any of you gentlemen see the season 3 premier yesterday? Was it not the best possible thing?
Man 2: Yeah, it was okay. But I really had fun bucking with the trolls in the live-stream chatroom. <3
Man 3: I'll watch it whenever I get around to it. Unlike you two, I have a life.
Okay, I'm back. Hope a triple dose will be enough to get me through this conversation.
Now, I brought up this point earlier, but it seems my words have fallen on deaf ears. What do each of you expect to do by voicing your opinions so loudly over the internet? Do you truly think you can change anyone's opinions?
Men 1-3: YES.
Well, maybe if what you had to say made sense, and if you stated it more eloquently and kindly, then people would be more responsive to your words. But honestly, judging from what I've heard you say so far, I doubt any one you would be qualified to try changing people's opinions. You're far too harsh and emotional to be taken seriously.
Man 1: Are you qualified, then?
Not particularly, but a guy can hope, right? And I wouldn't even try speaking with someone who was steadfastly opposed to the pony fandom. That would be like walking onto a firing range with a target on my chest. You have to be very brave, or very stupid, to try a stunt like that.
Man 2: Hah! I fit both those descriptions! <3
Probably shouldn't go bragging about that.
Man 3: I suppose I see your point. If nothing else, you don't act like the “bronies” I've been complaining about.
Just goes to show you that everyone is different. And that's the key thing to take away from this lesson. Everyone will do good things, everyone will do bad things, and everyone will do stupid things. Take it in stride, and deal with it maturely. There's no need to get upset over matters that, in the end, have very little to do with you personally. Wouldn't you rather do something fun with your time, like watch My Little Pony?
Man 1: Sounds delightful! How about “Lesson Zero”, or perhaps “Over a Barrel”?
Man 2: Without being in a live-stream room? I guess I could try it.
Man 3: Heh... it's actually been months since I saw an episode... might be fun...
Awesome. I'll go get the popcor-
Man 2: Holy Celestia, he's dead!
Man 3: No, just passed out. Must have been all that aspirin.
Man 1: … So, are we watching Pony or not?
Man 2: Yeah man, stick that DVD in! <3
Note: Okay, I had a bit more fun writing this than I planned. Just to let you know, I'm not insulting anyone in particular. Men 1-3 on not based on actual persons. They are just highly exaggerated amalgamations of harmful/detrimental mindsets I've seen pop up all over the brony community. If you think one of those fake persons resembles you in any way, then it might do you a little good to take into consideration the words you've read here today.
Then again, I'm just some dude with an opinion, same as everyone else. Take what I have to say in stride, say whatever you are gonna say (free speech, after all), and live your life however you're gonna live it. No one should be able to change your mind for you. That decision is, and always will be, up to you.
Also, you may be wondering why I've even bothered making this article if I don't think it will change anyone's mind. Uhm... good question! I sort of wish you'd ask me before I was three pages deep into writing it... honestly, I just needed to get all the thoughts out of my head, and I thought I might as well do it in an entertaining/semi-instructional way.
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